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September 30th, 2012



Sunshine and the beach apparently did my knee some good. But I doubt I can get back on my bicycle for a while.

[ filter; syrinx ]
Love, when are you free?

[ filter; private ]
Note to self and Pol -- have words with Mene on sister's behalf. Punch if required.
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thirteen. ♘

[ filter; elaine ]
Hey, what time are you most busy at? I want to swing by your work, but I don't wanna bother you when you're busy.

[ filter; echo ]
How's life going? And the new job?

[ filter; galahad ]
My schedule changed to afternoon shifts, so if you ever want to come by, just let yourself in whenever.



[No Subject]


Also I woke up to children in my bed today because "It's warmer in your bed." I think this is because I have so many blankets. Maybe I need to put more blankets in their room...only it was kind of I'm torn.

[Filter: Samyaza]
Want to come with us? Think of how cute their little costumes will be. I'll wear something suitably awesome.

[Filter: Angels]
I'm pretty sure we could stand to have a totally awesome angel dinner party sometime...soonish. Whenever. I need an excuse to see all of your beautiful faces all at the same time and I'm pretty sure this is the best excuse!




[It was a job that required taking a life and burying the mess but someone had to do and Minos was more than happy to have been chosen (they knew this would be the case). And when the thrashing had been over and the body was being sealed up in cement, he found dissatisfaction settling in.

It has been too easy. The man had already given in to his fate, had quietly come along and shown no apprehension. There had been an irritating peace about him that made Minos' blood boil. He wasn't asking for hysterics or unmanly sobbing but
fear from his targets. Fear said everything, it gave a man power, a sense of being respected in its own way. But there had been nothing here, not even after the brutal mess that had been made of the target.

He left
them a message, straight from his black heart:

don't you dare send me to take care of such men again.

They would understand.

People frustrate me more than they should.

You all should fix this immediately.
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[No Subject]

Last night had been the full and Selene had spent plenty of her time admiring the way the moon looked. All of this time, she was lying in the grass in Central Park. She remembered Helios saying something about how she needed to be careful about all that admiring, but...well, he couldn't stop her. He was over the water and so far away. She would visit him when he got back. First, she would talk to Theseus...but that was for details about where Helios left. Then he couldn't deny her the information. Clearly her brother wanted her to come around and see him and likely invade his privacy.

But she was getting side-tracked.

The morning had crept up on her much earlier than she expected and she started to feel drowsy. It wasn't a few moments (as far as she was concerned) before a police officer had nudged her awake to see if she was okay. It was morning. She blinked up at him sleepily before murmuring something about the sun being bright and being tired. He reached down to help her up and she grabbed onto his hand despite the thoughts of sleepiness sending messages to her whole body.

As luck would have it, a few seconds after touching her hand, the man fell asleep quite on top of her. It wasn't his fault, really. It was hers. Still groggy, she squirmed out from under him, ignoring the strange looks from other people in the park now. It took a while to get her feet unstuck. After a little while, she just gave up and took her shoes off before she managed to get out.

After that, she got a cab home and dropped her keys one too many times before she managed to get inside her home. She didn't even bother getting undressed before falling into bed, only
just remembering to set an alarm for her evening shift that night.




I don't know when it happened, but I'm starting to remember all those domestic things I was really good at back in Zurvan. Case in point, I made an apple pie for Apollo without any help! I'm just hoping it tastes as good as it smells. I feel so accomplished it's stupid.

I need to go shopping to get Reed some Fall and Winter clothes, but I have no idea what to buy for a little boy, so if anyone wants to come with me that'd be awesome. Let's be real, if we trust my tastes he's going to end up looking like a little hipster in sweater vests and suspenders. Also, is there anyone out there in internet-land who might be able to give my little brother some fighting lessons? He came home with a black eye the other day, missing his flute, saying some bigger kids beat him up and took it. We got his flute back, but I think he needs to learn how to defend himself and I can't teach him or afford lessons, so any help would rock socks.



[No Subject]

So my 'pod' self dude was on vacations for aaaaall the time I was in Zurvan. It means I came back having to pretty much camp in the hospital. Which is fun, I always wanted to spend three days in a row making sure people don't kick the bucket.

:( no, I want to go home and cuddle things.



[No Subject]

[ The world was spinning quickly around them. Hemera was living her first life as a human and, in the first years, you don’t notice but after a while, it became obvious. The world spun quickly when you were a human. The idea was becoming more and more obvious with her brother having a child, her other brother finding himself with another and her other other brother finally settling with someone.

It made her feel very very childish. And it wasn’t even because of her height or her looks – though that did help a lot. It was because she was still the college student, the one who still lived alone and who lacked something material to show she was doing something with her life. Sure, she was the youngest but still.

Hemera really missed Aether some days.]



[No Subject]

[ filter; Wilhelmina ]

We must speak, sweetheart.

[ filter; egyptians ]

I am not sure how busy you all are but, if you could spare me an afternoon, I would happy to have you over for lunch.



[No Subject]

[ Gawain was exhausted those days. Zurvan had actually been easy in comparison, quiet and almost relaxing. He was a simple artisan. No family beyond his brothers, no duties beyond making enough to have food on the table. Now that he looked back at those days, it reminded him of his foster parents in that first life, the way they would leave in the early morning for fish and come back later on. Tired, yes, with more tasks than he could account for but simple.

He missed that. One day, the former knight would like to explain to his brothers how his duty was an intrinsic part of himself but that didn’t mean he would have been unhappy with something else. A home, a job and someone to come back to.

Probably why he didn’t mind when his adoptive mother began dropping hints about blind dates. Probably why he was working himself far harder at his job. And definitely why he was keeping himself a little at bay, just until he found his footing in New York again. Then he would reach out again and go back to try and be the person who sat at the Round Table. For now, Gawain wanted to be Lucas. ]



[No Subject]

Whatever happened in that place seems to be done and over with. I am Raphaela, Raphaela, not a little puppet battling an unknown brother. Because unless you are one of the three, boy, you are no brother of mine.

I haven't missed this.
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[No Subject]

[ filter; siblings ]

The guy I was married to in Zurvan? He's here. And he's a neighbor. I might be containing myself not to shoot him every time I leave for practice.

Which is totally normal. And ilegal.



[No Subject]

[ He hadn’t wanted it. It was selfish and cruel of him but Heimdall had truly thought he could keep Aubrey as herself, nothing else. Sigyn was a lovely woman – and he did love her, more than he felt ready to express – and yet, harmed, hurt, pained by loss of husband and children. And there was also all the things they hadn’t been able to talk back then. How he had chosen his duty just as she had chosen his. How he had killed her husband even though he could do nothing else.

Asgard was his home. Asgard was everything he wanted to protect. Not even she was more important.

Now though, he had no clue what to do. It was why he repeated his little routine, the half an hour spent every day wondering if he should call, discuss the subjects which remained like them like open wounds. Every time he tried to reach for the cellphone, he read her words. That Loki and the promise she had made to him came first. And the cellphone was placed down again, the call undone. Fucking damnit. He had done a mess out of this.

He missed the time when he was just Jim and she was just Aubrey. That was a fact. ]



[No Subject]

[She prefers the rise of the moon and the fall of the sun. It always brought back too many memories, but those nights were still happy moments that she clung to. Grains of sand that slipped through her fingers; terrified and lost, that dirt didn't slip through her fingers, it clumped together.

Suffocating clay.

The little information she has on Helios is noted down neatly. Mortal name and job. She sends that to Minos, because he owns her very soul. Even if Helios (holds) held her heart once. There is little expectations and nothing to lose, what? Death would come for her again and again. It wasn't a novelty either way.]



[No Subject]

[Being married and an expecting mother hadn't actually changed Polyxena's perspective much, this might be because she was a psychiatrist, just getting her footing in the professional world. There was so much she wanted to do with her life, and marriage wasn't really on the table for her yet.

It didn't mean she kept thoughts away; not at all, she allowed herself to dream a little and think back fondly of her husband. Whose death had been a crushing blow back in Zurvan. Polyxena doesn't forget, she just mourns and puts the ashes away.]

[Filter: Fenrir]

Are you free?



[No Subject]

[Filter: Apollo]

I've been thinking, and don't you fucking make a joke about that, about how things were back in Zurvan. No, I'm not going to threaten to kill you or your whatever-she-is-now-wife or her kid-turned-brother-something. See, the reason I'm contacting you is because there has to be something more, a reason why our paths keep crossing.

I've killed you and I've loved you, what do you think comes after that?
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