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September 13th, 2012




I love the Fall. I love how pumpkin everything is suddenly available, and the crispness of hot apple cider. I love the way my skin prickles with electric energy the closer it gets to Halloween and my birthday.

Also, I love that the Autumnal Equinox is on the horizon. I'll have to do something special to Mark the occasion, perhaps even find some woods to dance around in. Oh, I especially love the smell of burning leaves and fresh ozone in the air.

This is my favourite season.




I love getting into debates with idiots, it's by far one of my favorite things about the whole college experience. This one was rather epic too, if I do say so myself. It started out being about how women claim they want nice guys but go for douchewaffles, then morphed into a discussion about homophobia (I hate the word homophobia; you're not scared, you're just an asshole who can't accept things that make you uncomfortable), gay rights and peoples' perceptions of gay marriage (this letter/op-ed piece should be required reading for everyone), and ended with me explaining to a dipshit classmate that calling me a 'fruit' isn't as insulting as he thinks it is because everyone loves fruit.

Thankfully, I was able to keep things classy, though I think my poor opponent had no idea what he was up against. He seemed to assume I would fall apart over his repeated insults, when the opposite happened. Victory is sweet.




[Filter: Private]

Counted at least five crazies here. And I was invited. In fairness, I think I fit here.

Like hell I'm telling a single one of them that.

[Filter: Public]

Might just be me but I think hiding how to exclude one's self from this...delightful little place is more suspicious than people calling other folks names that belong in history books. Or in the minds of hippies. Seriously, no opt-out option? I guess one could just go about ignoring it but then human nature's stupidly curious.

Would be nice if I could at least get excluded from some of the weird filters here, too. Also, pretty sure 'Loki' is Tom Hiddleston right now and he's not here.

Right. You can call me Raoul and nothing else because there is nothing else.