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June 4th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Aztecs]

ac tehoatl ac timomati?



[No Subject]

[Filter: Aztecs]

ac iyana?



[No Subject]

[Filter: Aztecs]

Acitlaic tinentlamati?



[No Subject]

[Filter: Aztecs]

niAcicamati mazoiui cococ teopouhqui nicnottitia ... anell



[No Subject]

[Filter: Aztecs]

acan ninotlalia



[No Subject]

[Filter: Aztecs]

matlauia. nite :)



[No Subject]

I've done nothing for days and I'm exhausted I think they're letting me go home soon. I'm trying to see if that means tomorrow...but they might be stubborn but then I've also been stubborn.

[ filter: Horus ]
I hope you haven't been wallowing or anything. Uh...I have a favor to ask. Could you take me home when they let me out? I thought you might like to feel useful to see me.

[ filter: Egyptians ]
Visitors allowed. I meant to write earlier appears I've been a little out of it. Uh. Not all at once, please?




I keep reading about people being in the hospital, or hurting. It makes me wonder if there's anything I can do for any of them. Nobody likes being hurt, or sick, and being in the hospital just makes it worse from what I remember.

I guess, if anyone needs anything, I can try and bring them something.

[No Subject]

Moving a business is a clusterfuck of paperwork and a pain in my ass. It's finally done though so thank the fuck for that. Abernathy Securities is open for business here in the great city of New York. Anyway, anyone looking for work, I could use an assistant.

I'm Henry, used to be called Ares. You see a tiny grumpy seven year old running around, that's Alice. Yes, she's always like that. No, it doesn't bother me.



[No Subject]

Okay. I just turned on the Science channel and WHO DO I SEE TALKING TO ME ABOUT SPACE? DR. GRANT! THAT'S WHO! What is he looking in space for? SPACE DINOSAURS? I am pretty sure those are not real. I mean, I'm all for believing in the impossible and dashing off on adventures, but let's get real, Dr. Grant. There are NO dinosaurs in space.

Why can't people stick to what they're good at? Why can't they just...OBSERVE DINOSAURS and ONLY dinosaurs? There's nothing out there for you in space, Dr. Grant!

In case you're lost because you've tragically never seen Jurassic Park (and it's tragic. Really. What have you been DOING all your life? A rock is not a good place to live under unless you're Patrick Star...and even then!): Dr. Grant is the paleontologist in Jurassic Park.

[Filter: Private]
At least this might make them worry less...Right?