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April 12th, 2012



fifth chase.

[filter; blackwells]
There's no time like the present, yeah? I don't think this is much of a secret, considered I've been outed. This reincarnation business isn't that new to me -- I've been through it twice before.

I'm Greek. Pan, to be precise.

[filter; public]
I'm playing at Birdland tomorrow at 7pm if anyone likes jazz. Full band and all that jazz.

second ♛

[filter; children]
If any of you can see this, I was told three of my children were here. Arthur, my girls. Are Gorlois and Uther here as well?




So after my Easter plans nearly came under threat, I managed. Somehow. Lord above, I don't want to go through that again. At least I had my clothes ready to go.

One of my wee cousins from Daddy's side told me to wait for him. I just died from the adorable. But tell me, what happens to boys between then and adulthood? Don't get me wrong, I know fantastic men but they are in the minority.

Anyway. ...I should plan some advertisements for the shop. Flowers don't go and sell themselves. ...usually.

[Filter: Ed]

Is this place giving you a lot to think about?



the light princess ♀

[filter; mother]

[filter; pheme]
So best friends are supposed to tell each other everything.

[filter; menelaus]
I'm sorry I didn't want to tell you. I'm sorry it's hard for me. You walked out on me before, so what's to stop you from walking out again? The both of you left me behind like I meant nothing. You didn't even visit until after the war was over, and by then I barely recognized either of you. And then you didn't even kill Andromache for me, when that was the one thing you could've done to win me back. But I thought I was going to lose you in this maze, and then I was

Don't hold it against me.
I'm ready for that breakfast. Saturday?

[filter; public]
Have you ever been checked out in the locker room by someone of the same gender? That was me today. I hate gym class.



[No Subject]

In some countries in Southeast Asia the New Year is celebrated tomorrow - Songkran or Pi-Mai Lao. Which include splashing each other with water. It makes me wish someone here hosted something like that, but Morpheus would never go for it.

Pah, Pan and Aubrey would, right guys? Say yes, don't break my heart.



ten ♞

i go off like a gun, like a loaded weapon )

Glad that shit's over.



[No Subject]

[Filter: Pestilence]

Hey. So... my family is crazy, how are you?

[Filter: Heimdall]

You've been quiet.

[Filter: Athena]


[No Subject]

Is it too much to ask for someone sane

[Filter: Katie]

Your father

[Filter: Denver]

I'm so sorry for leaving you alone, honey. Are you okay?

[Filter: Drake]

Let's go for drinks. If you mention anything remotely related to a previous life, I will dump any and all contents over your head.