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February 20th, 2012



third ✝

i'll be the one to lead us all )

[filter; iseult]
No matter what, sister, stay as far away from the palace as possible. And do not speak to Mordred.

[ ooc: all set sometime after this! ]



the ninth ♥

[It had come so suddenly. One moment Hebe's hand had been hovered over the journal, ready to write in an entry to Raven regarding the beautiful letter he'd written her (her own tears had stained the paper), and then next diving beneath the bed with her hands clasped over her mouth. Multiple hands slammed on the door, desperate to break in, and within moments, someone dragged her from beneath.

Only pain and cold had registered after.

Raven's letter sat bloodied on her bed.

my fault

i love you




[Filter: Private]

What is going ON in Ilium? Oh Gods, none of that is good. At all. It does not spell good things for the rest of us if that is how they handle their problems over there.

And I thought Svarga was the unstable one.

[Filter: Public]


Ok. No. This is a bad idea. It's not like any of us can think of anything else right now except...yes. That.

[ooc: revolt is not over, not yet, but presumably news is hitting other regions of it. so chat away, make posts, etc.]



fourth flap~

[If only he could fly...

That was the first through that ran through Raven's mind when he saw what could only be Hebe's blood spilled, and the message he was certain she meant for him alone to see. He had been sloppy in his response to her but he didn't care -- she was hurt, and he would get to her come Hell or high water. Hitching the horses to the cart, he didn't even bother to give his parents any sort of an explanation as he gathered up his meager earnings and got on his way.

He knew Ilium was far from Mictlan, but he would ride all day and night if it would get him closer to making sure his Hebe was alright.]




a warning to the people, the good and the evil: this is war~ )

the fourth ✽

I've heard of the fires in Glastheim. Is it true? Have they been extinguished? They already lost their last king




[All of her life, Echo had wanted to do something extraordinary. Thanks to Tristan, and Percival, she had found herself as a quiet but willing participant in the revolution, and while she was not as much of a fighter of her brother and their friends, she was still more than willing to do what she had to in order to take this as far as it would go.

She had first gotten an inkling that things were going wrong when she started her daily walk into the town and Wuffles kept stopping and trying to get her to go back home. She had continued on, practically pulling him with her, until she heard the sounds of fighting. Finding a place to hide, she managed to catch a glimpse of some townspeople tussling with some soldiers, and realized that she needed to get someplace safe.

With Wuffles leading the way, she stopped back at the house she shared with Percival long enough to grab a weapon, and then made her way to one of the paths she knew people would be taking to get to safety.]




a kiss and I will surrender, the sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead... )

[Filter; Thanatos]
Brother, are you safe? I ran into Percival. He kissed me. He seemed unhurt, but asked that I keep an eye out for his sister. If you see her before I do then do me a favor and make sure she gets out safely. I hope to see you soon.

[Filter; Percival]
If you don't make it out of this in one piece... no, nevermind. We will see each other again.



four. ♘

so instead of thinking i just act before i have the chance to contemplate the consequence of action )




Ho hum... I'm bored. Why does it seem like all the interesting things happen everywhere but here in Svarga?