April 1st, 2021

[info]mountzenith in [info]mountzenithrp


Day 64.

Weather: Now that the sun's out, it's in the high 70's. That breeze has stuck around, too.

Events: With how long and stressful the previous night was, no one could be blamed for thinking that day wouldn't come. And yet, to everyone's relief, the sun rises after 7am, and day arrives.

Once the sun is up however, no one is actually starting their day. Between 7 and 8am, anyone who isn't already sleeping is going to feel compelled to sleep, thankfully not just falling asleep wherever they are. Anyone who's up a tree or in the river or something, don't worry, you won't just doze off and fall out of that tree or slip under the waves. Everyone will get a chance to get to a place that's comfortable, or at the very least safe, and fall asleep.

Everyone wakes up again after 10am, right where they'd fallen asleep. Anyone who's at the houses or any other structure are going to notice what the sleep break was for first: All the doors and windows across the property have returned in one piece. Did TPTB do that all in two hours, or has everyone been asleep longer than they were led to believe? You'll never know. Either way, no one's going to wake up as well rested as they would have liked, and it's up to them if they'd like to return to their bed to remedy that, or just crash at whatever safe place they've found for themselves.

No matter what they decide, it does at least appear that the monsters have disappeared until darkness falls again. Everyone has the rest of the day to get back to the house or do whatever it is they'd like.

The only people who don't wake up where they were last are, of course, those who were abducted by creatures last night. Oliver, Scotty, Kiley, and Marco all wake up in the barn starting at 10am, and unlike Chase and Ivy before them, they all are in one horse stall together, basically piled on top of each other. Everything else that they experience is about the same: For the first few minutes they're awake, there's a ringing in their ears, and their limbs feel heavy and stiff. The ringing fades, but the body soreness remains for the rest of the day, as does the wearyness and just general lousy feelings.

Each of them also wake up with a bright red mark somewhere on their skin, about eight inches long, and an inch wide. Oliver's is around his ankle, Scotty's is across his right shoulder, Kiley's is across and around her left knee, and Marco's goes across his right forearm. Any other injuries they may have aquired the night before seem to have been treated enough to not be worrying or dangerous, but they all have no memory of that. They may have memories of being trapped within the grasp of the monster and running through the dark, but the memory of what happened after is absent.

Little else is going on today. Along with the windows and doors being returned, the power is back on, as are all lanterns and path lights. Anyone who wasn't able to grab their phone will still be able to find it on the table in the kitchen, and thankfully, anyone who lost their (or anyone else's) phone will find that it has also been returned to the table. None of them have been charged, so most people will still be working with a limited power supply. Anyone who did have their phone will still have it today, including anyone who had a phone on them when they were abducted.

There's no message from TPTB on the network, except for those in ExB, and that won't show up until they're back at one of the three home buildings:

Is there anything we can do to improve your experience with last night's scenario if we choose to do this again in the future?

Felix will also find something in his room when he gets back there: It's a voucher for $100, with a note that says "For babysitting - Just this once."

Edit: Oh, and the GPS on the phones is working again! Everyone's little markers are showing up just fine. Which is good, because those people who got lost and never found the house? They're still lost. Hopefully they can find their way back to the house now that it's daylight, but someone should probably be keeping an eye on that.

[info]silverfox in [info]mountzenithrp

Who: Kiley, Marco, Scotty and Oliver
Where: The barn
When: 10am

I don't think I fell asleep here... )