September 24th, 2020

[info]mountzenith in [info]mountzenithrp


Day 54.

Weather: It's another clear day, in the high 70s.

Events: Well, bananas aren't pouring out of random places today, so that's probably a plus. All the bananas that popped out are still around, though, so do with those as you will. It is, once again, a quiet day, with everyone waking up to their doors and windows locked once again, and a prompt to answer publicly on the network.

What do you feel the house needs most? If we were to reward the group as a whole and it were up to you how we did that, what would you choose?

Those with a keen eye and an extended stay in Mount Zenith might recognize this prompt. It was given almost 100 days ago. Does anyone remember if TPTB took the pointers then and did anything with them?