May 28th, 2020

[info]mountzenith in [info]mountzenithrp


Day 47.

Weather: The rain has stopped, leaving an overcast, but comfortable day.

Events: Anything that wasn't moved out of the stalls in the barn yesterday is gone from there today. Hopefully someone thought to move the clothing racks and tents out to more permanent homes. Or at least new temporary homes. The good news is that they're not gone gone, but they're not anywhere convenient. They're still somewhere on the map. There's nothing that hints at that anywhere, though, so as far as anyone knows, what wasn't removed is now gone.

Something else is moving on it's own, or at least in unseen ways today. Remember that Furby that has been irritating people in the kitchen? It's moving through the house. It's easy to tell that it's not multiple Furbies, because the stupid thing's voice can be heard moving under the floorboards, or through the walls, before settling in another locked room. It's not limited to the lodge, either. If it can't be heard in the lodge, the Furby is probably out visiting spaces unseen in the barn or the mill. Any room that has a secret locked door might get a visit from the Furby. Don't expect to ever see the damn thing, though, or who or what is moving it. All those doors are still locked.

There's something new attached to the side of the barn. Outside the barn, on the same wall as the main doors, is an old soda machine. It seems to be from Coca-Cola, as the main display has one of their older logos, but the buttons are not entirely Coke products. And two buttons out of the ten just have question marks. In the place where a coin slot would be, the machine has been fitted with something a little more modern than the machine itself. Instead everyone will find a scanner, as usual meant for scanning subject bracelets. Above the scanner is a screen. When an ID bracelet is scanned, the screen lights up with text: What will you pay? No options pop up after that, so maybe the soda machine is just there to taunt people craving caffeine. Or maybe the machine is waiting for negotiations.

Finally, there are some removals today. Audrey, Kate, and Dylan have all been removed from the various houses. All of their belongings have been removed as well.