April 2nd, 2020

[info]mountzenith in [info]mountzenithrp


Day 43 - Part 2.

Events: While the single serving meals still won't be showing up until four, there is something else that will be making a late arrival today.

At exactly 3pm, Owen wakes up on the thick forest floor of K31 on the map. He's thankfully not overly groggy, though his first few minutes of waking up he may feel disoriented and nauseous. It will wear off quickly, and if he throws up, he'll feel better almost instantly after. He's not too far from the lodge, though he wouldn't know that it's there right away. Like those before him who also woke up in the woods, he will find directions on his phone's new GPS app, in the form of a big red arrow directing him to Marker 1 on the map.

Unlike those who came before him, Owen arrives with two bags. The first is a backpack, in which, like Lila, he will find his phone and charger, five full outfits, and a $50 voucher for him to use how he'd like (with obvious exceptions), when he'd like. The second bag he has with him is Cecilia's medical duffel, with all of her medical supplies, and a few extras that she for sure didn't have before.

For anyone who may be watching their phones, a new GPS marker will show up on maps as soon as Owen starts up his GPS app for the first time. Like the others, it's not labeled to show who it is.

There's something strange about Owen's arrival. While Owen wakes up with these two bags, they are about ten feet away from him, closer to the direction that he'll have to go to get to the lodge than where he wakes up. His back is covered in dirt and greenery, and there's very clearly a disturbance on the ground that suggest that Owen was dragged from his original location to the spot he woke up in. Owen won't see anybody who may have dragged him, and if ExB checks in, they won't see any video of anything in that area before 3pm. Maybe it's just TPTB, but it's hard not to acknowledge that this is a sloppier drop than what they've done in the past.

[info]takingaim in [info]mountzenithrp

Who: Owen and Oliver
When: Afternoon, around 3:30pm
Where: In da woods

maybe he was overthinking everything )