Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Oct. 21st, 2008|02:21 am]

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Who: Ginny Weasley - open for Sam & Susan (and anyone else who wants to join)
When: day 19 late morning
What: Ginny takes a look around
Where: outside, near building A
Rating: probably PG-13
Status: incomplete

checking out this place )
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[Oct. 16th, 2008|09:50 pm]

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Who: Ginny Weasley, Tonks, Fred & George and anyone else who wants to join
When: day 18 afternoon
What: Ginny arrives
Where: Indoor Pool
Rating: probably PG-13
Status: incomplete

arriving )
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Hurricane Party! [Aug. 8th, 2008|09:28 pm]
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Who: Ginny and the other residents of the resort
What: Hurricane Party!
When: Day 10, around 7 PM.
Where: The White Sands Resort Bar and Club
Rating: PG? I don't know what crazy shenanigans are going to occur.
Status: In progress.

Ginny hated being stuck indoors.

She almost literally been trying to climb the walls in her frustration when she'd decided to throw a hurricane party. She hadn't met many of the residents, and figured if there was anyone else as irritated at being stuck inside then they'd appreciate the change of scenery. It'd also give people a chance to mingle and meet. She wondered if there were others from her world here besides Tonks.

The planet had been most accomodating to her ideas. The club was currently themed for a luau, and small lanterns shed a soft glow over numerous smaller groupings of tables as well as over the dance floor and bar. She hadn't been sure what the other residents might eat, so she'd asked for a large selection of snacks. The bar was well-stocked as well. She didn't recognize all of the things stocked, but she did notice a bottle of Firewhiskey and what appeared to be butterbeer.

Now all this party needed was people. Maybe she'd get to see Max again.
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Day Seven [Jul. 14th, 2008|10:19 pm]
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Who: Ginny and Max
Where: The Hot Springs
When: Day Seven, Mid-morning
What: Love Potion No. 9, aka "Pheremone Shenanigans".
Why: Apparently Gin sniffed the flowers. :)
Rating: PG-13 for now.
Status: Unfinished

The flowers had smelled particularly delightful that morning. )
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Day Five [Jun. 28th, 2008|07:55 pm]
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Who: Ginny and Tonks
When: Day Five, around 11 AM
Where: Outside the Resort
What: Ginny arrives!
Rating: PG-13, because Ms. Weasley is not a happy camper.
Status: Complete

These things just didn't happen to her. )
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