Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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The First Victim... [Sep. 10th, 2008|07:00 pm]
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Who: Clark and Dahak
What: Misery plays with himself (in front of everyone! *gasp*)
When: Late night, day 14
Where: In the woods
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Shrouded in a world of dreams, Clark Kent's family was burning. )
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Day 14 [Sep. 9th, 2008|09:44 pm]
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Who: Mal and OTA
Where: Approaching the resort
When: Late afternoon/ into evening
What: Arrival
Rating? TBD
Status? Incomplete

"What the...." Malcolm sat up and looked around groggy and lazy eyed. " Zoe?" He looked around trying to figure out just where he was and how he got there. After a pause and no answer from his first mate he stood and rubbed his face in his hands and looked about again as if his situation would have changed, but things remained the same.. no crew, no friends... no ship. "Where the rutten hell is my goram ship!" he exclaimed. As the seconds passed away Mal was finding himself more and more agitated and worried. He tried to rethink what had transpired through the last few days that might have led him here, but all he could come up with was that he had finished a shipping job with the crew and was enroute to their next setup. He had climbed down into his bunk for a few hours of sleep, and now... here he was.

He looked around again, but still nothing discernible could be seen. It was all just, empty land with no landmarks or any notable terrain. Heat mirage shimmered on the horizon but even it screamed of nothingness. Mal stroked his chin in thought, weighing his situation. No ship, no crew, no supplies, he reached down and felt at his side.... no weapon. His holster was empty. Now he was really unnerved... to have no weapon meant it was taken from him. So who took it... same person that dumped him here no doubt. What had they done with his crew and his ship. He snarled at the thought and whipped around again, hoping to see something, anything but it remained the same dismal lack all around him. At least he wasn't locked up or being tortured again.... yet at least.

He was dumped here for a reason, and having been left with nothing but his clothes Mal could only assume it wasn't to flourish. As he stood there and evaluated his situation the shimmering horizon parted before him and slowly revealed a..... a resort? He looked about again and back to the image but it remained. He immediately checked himself... no lump on the head; sweating, so he wasn't dehydrated yet, didn't feel drugged, pulse and breathe seemed normal enough so he wouldn't guess to be so bad off as to hallucinate yet. But watching a resort materialize before him where there had been an empty expanse previously seemed to suggest otherwise. A confused grunt was all he could manage. Seemed a most inviting place, then again they always did right? Games that your mind, or others played on you. Never heard about people be lured into a trap with sparkling images of a prison. Still, what had he to lose? Where he stood there was nothing, nor was there in any other direction. Part of him screamed to go the exact other direction... but who said that was the right choice either. What if he really needed to be heading off some other random direction? No, there was one choice shown to him for some reason... and he was damn sure going to find out why that was and where his ship and crew were.

So he started hiking towards the image of paradise. He looked up to the sky and groaned. The sun was starting to drop and he had a long ways to go. At least it would start cooling off... but Mal worried about just how cool it would drop. He picked up his pace since the falling sun didn't slacken it's downward arc, as it set the heat mirage faded and confirmed that Mal had chosen well. He could see nothing save the resort in any direction. "What the hell is going on here?" He muttered to himself.
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Day Fourteen [Sep. 9th, 2008|10:28 am]
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Who: Armand and Lestat
Where: Their room
When: Close to midnight
What: Armand finds his brand new room, and gets a surprise
Rating? It went NC-17 for rememberances of sexual activity (Lestat and Faith). Glad I didn't check this at work!
Status? Complete

If he thought about it much more, he might slam the walls with his fists... )
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Day Fourteen [Sep. 9th, 2008|07:42 am]
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Who: Armand and Toph
Where: Along the beach, to start.
When: After dark
What: Armand arrives
Rating? This could be a PG-13 for descriptions of burning alive.
Status? Complete

Where had his sacrifice taken him? )
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[Sep. 8th, 2008|12:54 am]
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Who? The Doctor & Rose Tyler
Where? Their room, and then the dolphin cove.
When? Day 14, morning.
What? Swimming with dolphins and other sealife.
Rating? TBD. No more than PG-13, I'd say.
Status? Complete.

Under the sea, under the sea! Darling it's better, down where it's wetter, take it from meeee! )
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[Sep. 7th, 2008|10:48 am]
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Who: Marcus and Tonks
What: Flying
When: After breakfast
Where: A grassy field
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Marcus was feeling good today. )
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Day 14!!! [Sep. 6th, 2008|03:50 pm]
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Who: Riddick and Vaako
What: Riddick goes in search of Vaako
When: Afternoon
Where: Library for starters
Rating: PG-13 for language, angst, and Riddick being Riddick?
Status: complete

Well your faith was strong, but you needed proof.you saw her bathing on the roof her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you. she tied you to her kitchen chair. she broke your throne and she cut your hair. and from your lips she drew the hallelujah )
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Day 14 [Sep. 6th, 2008|12:28 am]

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Who: Cassie and the Weasley twins
When: Afternoon
What: Escape to Hogwarts, er....
Where: Art Gallery
Rating: Wicked PG
Status: Complete

Stand on your head and nod... )
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Misfire... [Sep. 5th, 2008|09:35 pm]
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Who: Vincent and Katara
What: Fun with Firearms
When: Mid Morning
Where: Out in the Woods
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

There beside Vincent, half covered in nothing but furs, Katara slept peacefully, gripping the tops of them with her left hand which boldly displayed a golden wedding ring. )
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Day Fourteen [Sep. 5th, 2008|06:20 pm]
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Who: Legolas and Susan
What: Friendly archery contest
When: Day 14, after lunch with Haruka and Michiru
Where: Somewhere outside? With, um, an archery range? The Planet can make that happen, right?
Rating: I doubt this would go above a PG, if that.
Status: Complete

He would use his own bow, and there were all sorts of things to shoot at. Everything from bullseyes to tin cans to shoot down, and even dummies... )
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Day 14 Duel [Sep. 5th, 2008|08:26 pm]

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Who: Xena and Kadaj
When: Day 14 morning
What: A challenge of swords
Where: Outside between resort and river
Rating: pg
Status: Finished

Show yourself, Mirage! )
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[Sep. 5th, 2008|08:26 pm]
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Who: Haruka, Michiru and Legolas
What: Lunch
When: Day 14, lunch time
Where: The restaurant
Rating: PG-13 at the most
Status: Complete

Three way Lunching )
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[Sep. 5th, 2008|07:23 pm]
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Who: Kibeth and Temperance Brennan
What: Arrival!
When: Day 14, morning
Where: The beach, near the dolphin cove
Rating: PG I hope...
Status: Complete

The opposable thumbs were indeed quite interesting )
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[Sep. 5th, 2008|11:40 am]

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Who: Violet Baudelaire and Whoever Plays Greeter
What: Getting Dumped onto the Planet
When: Day 14
Where: Somewhere on the Beach
Rating: PG-13 for Olaf Being Spoken of
Status: Complete

Violet Baudelaire and her family had been on the run from Olaf when the nightmare finally ended. Little did she know this would be another in A Series of Unfortunate Events. The planet with a sense of humor decides to dump Violet onto the beach and into the surf. So a now very drenched with surf Violet was coming around after a not so smooth landing and realized this was not where she was supposed to be. "Klaus? Sunny?" she called hopefully of her family being around. But out of habit since part of her still felt like Olaf was around (and could be behind this) she grabbed a couple of sticks and jury rigged a makeshift weapon for herself (thankfully her gear kit had washed up alongside her on the shore). "Well whoever decided to pull this had better not be Olaf!" she hissed as she grabbed several fallen parts and spotted what she hoped was a loaded dumpster. So Violet being the curious sort headed for the dumpster but not before being soaked by another freak wave.

Things were not looking too bright and well what would help Violet was a friend and maybe some dry clothes. But anyone could see one thing within young Violet: a massive sense of fear and feeling more alone than words could express. She did realize,"At least my photo was not ruined" as she plucked the photo of her,Klaus and Sunny from the ground. But she was dazed, a bit confused and to be truthful Violet did not look very well. But being on the run for so long was to blame.
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Day Fourteen [Sep. 5th, 2008|09:52 am]
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Who: Vaako and Aragorn
What: Wandering...
When: Early morning
Where: Just wandering about outside, not in his room or the library for once, shock!
Rating: PG at most
Status: Complete

All he could hope, as he rose and dressed himself in the predawn light, was that the Planet would keep him alive... )
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Day 14 [Sep. 5th, 2008|09:03 am]
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Who: Ayla & John
What: Go-Carting!
When: Morning
Where: Cafe- then Go-Carts
Rating: PG, if that
Status: Incomplete

She recognized the broad, dark-haired man... )
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Enter the Wolverine... [Sep. 5th, 2008|08:50 am]
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Who: Wolverine and Faith
What: Wolverine's arrival
When: Day 14, noonish
Where: On the beach
Rating: R
Status Complete

The metal of the cage was cool against his back, and for the first time that night the sticky humid air of the bar didn't bother him. )
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