Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Oct. 14th, 2008|11:39 pm]
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Who: Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
What: Jack and Ianto meeting after Ianto’s kidnapping.
When: Day 17. Evening.
Where: The hallway outside Ianto’s room.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )
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[Oct. 9th, 2008|10:40 pm]
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WHO: Marcus, Anakin, Alex Drake; Hatter and victims once we all arrive at the ballroom.
WHAT: Rescuing Tonks, Emma, and Sidney
WHEN: Day 17
WHERE: Eventually in the ballroom
STATUS: Complete

Marcus gripped his Minbari fighting pike tightly as he strode hurriedly through the resort. )
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Rescue Thread! [Oct. 9th, 2008|07:19 pm]
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Who: Haruka, Faith; then Michiru, Ianto, and Snape when we reach the roof
What: It's rescuin' time!
When: mid-afternoon
Where: on the grounds of the resort, then on the roof where Michiru, Ianto, and Snape are being held captive
Rating: um...PG-13?
Status: Complete

Were Michiru here, she'd say that the sea was troubled )
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[Oct. 9th, 2008|10:50 am]
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Who: Legolas, Giselle, Katara, Aragorn (Posting order too?)
What: Reuniting with friends
When: Late night, after Legolas and Katara defeat Wolverine
Where: The alter where Giselle and Aragorn are being held
Rating: PG-13 or so. Mostly just for sappiness.
Status: Complete

A happy, carefree elven song was on his lips... )
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[Oct. 5th, 2008|06:11 pm]
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Who: Wolverine, Katara, Legolas (posting order? And victims if they want to chime in, or we can start a new thread for the post defeat rescue)
What: Wolvy goes hunting
When: Night time
Where: Close to the altar where Aragorn and Giselle are being held
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Active

In the quiet darkness, Wolverine sat alone, knees bent in meditation. )
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[Oct. 2nd, 2008|07:19 pm]

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Who: Kadaj, Xena and Toph
When: Day 17
What: Kadaj isn't sure about what he overheard the day before...
Where: Outside the main building
Rating: P
Status: Complete

Yesterday and Today )
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[Oct. 1st, 2008|07:19 am]
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Who: Michiru, Ianto, Snape (posting order?)
Where: Maintenance Room, on the roof
When: Early Morning
What: Kidnapees are not happy here.
Rating: PG-13ish?
Status: Complete

Michiru woke up with her entire body aching )
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[Sep. 28th, 2008|03:55 pm]
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Who: Vaako, Yvaine, Lestat, Edward, Riddick (Posting order?)
Where: Art Gallery
When: Afternoon
What: Come on and rescue me! /Aretha Franklin
Rating: R to NC-17 for sexuality and violence
Status: Complete

Really, it was all he could do to hold on to the semi-consciousness state he was in.... )
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[Sep. 26th, 2008|07:42 pm]
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Who: Armand, Max, Violet, Doctor, Kibeth (Posting order, if that's cool?)
Where: The spa
When: Early evening
What: Rescue time!
Rating: R, cause of it being Armand and all
Status: Complete

He had his victims, and he was ready to do what he was supposed to do... )
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[Sep. 26th, 2008|08:51 pm]

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Who: Blair and OTA
Where: Amongst the vines
When: Early Afternoon
What: Having a walk and thinking
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete.

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