Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Oct. 9th, 2008|10:40 pm]
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WHO: Marcus, Anakin, Alex Drake; Hatter and victims once we all arrive at the ballroom.
WHAT: Rescuing Tonks, Emma, and Sidney
WHEN: Day 17
WHERE: Eventually in the ballroom
STATUS: Complete

Marcus gripped his Minbari fighting pike tightly as he strode hurriedly through the resort. )
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Rescue Thread! [Oct. 9th, 2008|07:19 pm]
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Who: Haruka, Faith; then Michiru, Ianto, and Snape when we reach the roof
What: It's rescuin' time!
When: mid-afternoon
Where: on the grounds of the resort, then on the roof where Michiru, Ianto, and Snape are being held captive
Rating: um...PG-13?
Status: Complete

Were Michiru here, she'd say that the sea was troubled )
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[Oct. 9th, 2008|10:50 am]
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Who: Legolas, Giselle, Katara, Aragorn (Posting order too?)
What: Reuniting with friends
When: Late night, after Legolas and Katara defeat Wolverine
Where: The alter where Giselle and Aragorn are being held
Rating: PG-13 or so. Mostly just for sappiness.
Status: Complete

A happy, carefree elven song was on his lips... )
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[Oct. 5th, 2008|06:11 pm]
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Who: Wolverine, Katara, Legolas (posting order? And victims if they want to chime in, or we can start a new thread for the post defeat rescue)
What: Wolvy goes hunting
When: Night time
Where: Close to the altar where Aragorn and Giselle are being held
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Active

In the quiet darkness, Wolverine sat alone, knees bent in meditation. )
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[Oct. 2nd, 2008|07:19 pm]

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Who: Kadaj, Xena and Toph
When: Day 17
What: Kadaj isn't sure about what he overheard the day before...
Where: Outside the main building
Rating: P
Status: Complete

Yesterday and Today )
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[Oct. 1st, 2008|07:19 am]
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Who: Michiru, Ianto, Snape (posting order?)
Where: Maintenance Room, on the roof
When: Early Morning
What: Kidnapees are not happy here.
Rating: PG-13ish?
Status: Complete

Michiru woke up with her entire body aching )
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|09:52 am]
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Who: Felicia.Ianto
Where: his room.eventually the roof.
When: Lets say 10pm
What: Kidnapping
Rating: TBD
Status: complete

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[Sep. 24th, 2008|09:37 am]
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Who: Felicia.Michiru
Where: around.eventually the roof.
When: Sunset
What: Kidnapping
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

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[Sep. 21st, 2008|11:10 pm]
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Who? Cassie & Rippner, and eventually the Weasley twins, Ace and Susan.
Where? The club and then the games room.
When? Evening
What? Kidnapping!
Rating I'd say R!
Status? Incomplete.

You leave me broken, shattered I lie. )
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[Sep. 19th, 2008|08:32 pm]
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WHO :: Hatter.Tonks.Emma
WHAT :: kidnapping
WHEN :: afternoon tea - 4.pm
WHERE :: ballroom
STATUS:: In Progress

Attendance is Required. )
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[Sep. 19th, 2008|09:23 pm]
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Who: Aragorn, Giselle at first then later Wolverine
What: Kidnapping of the King of Men and the beautiful Giselle
When: Morning
Where: Starting at the cafe
Rating: TBA
Status: complete

as he walked in he looked at the array of food and didn't know what it was. He frowned, pursing his lips quite confused. What was a scone? )
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[Sep. 19th, 2008|08:03 pm]
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Who: Gabrielle and Dahak.
What: The Kidnapping- Day 16
When: Mid-morning
Where: The stables, for now.
Rating: PG:13[for now!]
Status: Incomplete

the thoughts and memories only seemed to bring her more pain and depression. )
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[Sep. 19th, 2008|09:12 am]
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Who: Lord Vaako, Riddick, Lestat and Yvaine
What: The abduction of the Necromonger
When: Evening
Where: Starting in Vaako and Riddick's room, and it's Lestat's show after that!
Rating: About an R
Status: Complete

Anyway, the sense of impending doom that he was feeling would have made it impossible to focus on reading.... )
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[Sep. 19th, 2008|08:32 am]
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Who: Armand and Violet
What: And more kidnapping!
When: Mid-morning
Where: I think there's supposed to be a junkyard or something?
Rating: It actually wasn't that bad. Maybe PG-13 at most?
Status: Complete

What was a junkyard doing here? )
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[Sep. 19th, 2008|08:11 am]
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Who: Armand and Max
What: Woot Kidnapping!
When: Morning
Where: Outside, near the restaurant
Rating: I'm gonna give this one a big old R right off the bat for, you know, vampire-y things.
Status: Complete

He kept flinching back as the sky lightened, and he wanted more than anything to just go back to the room he shared with Lestat and climb into safety there. He was all alone. )
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A call to darkness... [Sep. 14th, 2008|11:00 pm]
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Who: Dahak, Wolverine, and other baddies!
What: The general thread for the gathering. It'll be a bit of a cluster but hopefully this will work!
When: Evening, Day 15
Where: In the forest, outside of the resort
Rating: R, just to be safe
Status: Active

All those with darkness in their hearts, who would join his cause or be tempted into it by his promises would feel that pulse, and know where to go, to meet the Lord of Darkness. Those whose hearts were ruled by good, however, would feel a shiver pass over them, or a moment of nausea, as if something that was once right in this place was now truly wrong.  )
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The First Victim... [Sep. 10th, 2008|07:00 pm]
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Who: Clark and Dahak
What: Misery plays with himself (in front of everyone! *gasp*)
When: Late night, day 14
Where: In the woods
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Shrouded in a world of dreams, Clark Kent's family was burning. )
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