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Apr. 26th, 2013


Who: Anakin and Rick
What: Random conversation/random meeting
When: Thursday late afternoon
Where: Outside the stables
Rating/Warnings: Probably low, we strongly doubt this will dissolve into a duel or something like that
Status: In progress/Closed


Mar. 29th, 2013


who buffy & anakin!
what talking about a rehab plan for faith :)~
where buffy's place
when 3/28, slow kim is slow
warnings nah, will change if necessary tho

... )

Mar. 19th, 2013


Who: Anakin and Tony
What: Meeting for the first – all great friendships must start somewhere
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Anakin’s Workroom
Rating/Warnings: Probs low – but A for Awesome
Status: In progress/Closed

Let’s compare chest plates and suits. )


Who: Padmé Amidala-Skywalker, Anakin Amidala-Skywalker, Leia Organa-Solo, Han Solo
What: Family dinner
When: Monday night
Where: Padmé and Anakin's rooms
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for potential mental language, etc
Status: Closed / Incomplete

Read more... )

Mar. 13th, 2013


Who: Anakin and Leia
What: Talking about that bout of Sithness she went through before the Reavers
When: Monday Evening (backdated)
Where: Down by the lake
Rating/Warnings: TBD – will update if necessary
Status: In progress/Closed

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. )

Mar. 11th, 2013


Who: Padmé Amidala-Skywalker, Anakin Amidala-Skywalker
What: The two being fluffy
When: (backdated) Sunday night
Where: Padmé and Anakin's rooms
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for partially unclothed states, general significant other fluffiness. Will update as necessary.
Status: Closed / Incomplete

And love is all that I need / And I found it there in your heart / It isn't too hard to see / We're in heaven )

Mar. 9th, 2013


Who: Anakin and AU!Padme
What: Talking, discussing futures and how they differ
When: Super backdated to the evening of Feb 27th
Where: Up in front of a cave in the mountains
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

Love is more than a candle, love can ignite the stars )

Mar. 4th, 2013


Who: Anakin Sr., Genevieve, Ani Jr., Helena Jr. and Padmé (Myka can jump in if Tara wants her to!) Check inside for a detail of posting order
What: Reavers have come to MB and some characters were not safely behind the castle walls
When: Monday mid-morning
Where: Starts at the University and goes from there
Rating/Warnings: So High, possible mentions of NPC death, torture, rape, Will update as we go along
Status: In progress/Closed

How're we doing? Same as always. That bad, huh? )

Mar. 3rd, 2013


Who: Darth Verloren (AU!Leia), AU!Padme, Anakin
What: AU!Mother meets AU!Daughter, Father supervises the visit to make sure AU!Daughter doesn't kill anyone.
When: (backdated) February 26 - 'cause Violet's new job sucks
Where: Cave in the mountains
Rating/Warnings: Low most likely. Will update
Status: Closed/Incomplete

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Feb. 23rd, 2013


Thread 1:
Who: Darth Verloren (AU!Sith!Leia) and Han Solo
What: After Leia has already killed a couple of random people, they find each other. Yeah RotS Mustafar but another generation...
When: Friday afternoon (backdated)
Where: New Creandi East Bay Park - Out in the open for all to see
Rating/Warnings: SW 'verse cursing and attempted murder
Status: Incomplete/Closed

Thread 2:
Who: Anakin Skywalker and Darth Verloren (AU!Sith!Leia); and later Harry Potter
What: Anakin saves Han and begins to duel with Darth Verloren and attemps to restrain her
When: Friday immediately after the Han/Darth Verloren thread
Where: Same place, New Creandi East Bay Park
Rating/Warnings: fighting and SW 'verse cursing
Status: Incomplete/Closed

OOC: Two sub-threads in one log so we don't blow up the f-list with Sith Leia's craziness )

Feb. 22nd, 2013


Who: Anakin and AU Padmé
What: Walking up and realizing the world is very, very wrong!
When: Thursday morning
Where: Anakin and Padmé’s bedroom (even if Padmé doesn’t claim that ownership)
Rating/Warnings: Angst and woe, mentions of Siths doing evolnesses
Status: Complete

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars )

Feb. 20th, 2013


Who: Anakin Sr. and Leia
What: Sharing a dream which is thankfully not a Force Vision. Anakin’s dream.
When: Tuesday night
Where: They are each asleep in their own rooms, but in the dream they are on Tatooine.
Rating/Warnings: Probably low
Status: In progress/Closed

I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. )

Feb. 16th, 2013


Who: Padmé Amidala-Skywalker, Anakin Amidala-Skywalker
What: Anakin has a bad nightmare - or is it just a nightmare?
When: (backdated) Thursday, February 14th, 2013 - night
Where: Padmé and Anakin's rooms
Rating/Warnings: Low, but scary force visions of ominous nature
Status: Closed / Complete

It messes with your sanity by twisting all your thoughts around. )

Feb. 9th, 2013


Who: Padmé and Much Older Anakin
What: Spending time together, talking about the future
When: Backdated to Thursday night
Where: Their quarters
Rating/Warnings: Probably low
Status: In progress/Closed


Feb. 8th, 2013


Who: Anakin Sr and Helena Sr
What: Anakin wanted some company, and a talk ensues.
When: Shortly after these texts
Where: Anakin's workroom
Warnings: Uh...Trouble with Tribbles? Other than that TBA.
Status: Closed/incomplete

It's the strangers in your life / That you never thought you'd meet )

Feb. 4th, 2013


Who: Padmé Amidala-Skywalker, an aged up Anakin Skywalker
What: Padmé is young. Anakin is old. They swapped up the age gap in their relationship?
When: Monday morning, February 4, 2013
Where: Padmé and Anakin's rooms
Rating/Warnings: None; will change if applicable
Status: Closed / Incomplete

Read more... )

Jan. 28th, 2013


Who: Leia and Anakin the elder
What: Finally, Leia has the courage to face her biological father
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Anakin's office at the university
Rating/Warnings: Low; will update if necessary
Status: In progress/Closed

Once Leia set her mind to something she couldn't be swayed from it )

Jan. 26th, 2013


Who: Anakin Sr. and Padmé
What: Padmé has some wonderful news, and this time Palpatine ain’t around to eff it up for them.
When: Backdated to Friday, around lunch time
Where: His office at the University
Rating/Warnings: Really low, this is good stuff. Unless you can't read sap, then pass on by.
Status: Complete

This time around, this love of ours, this time around, this time around )

Jan. 23rd, 2013


Who: Anakin Sr. and Helena Sr.
What: They deal with similar issues – primarily, having the need to tell those they care about about a dark and dismal future
When: Tuesday evening
Where: The stables
Rating/Warnings: Probably low, they may talk about darker subjects, will update if necessary
Status: In progress/Closed


Jan. 19th, 2013


Who: Anakin (the elder) and Padmé
What: Talking about sore subjects, talking about happier subjects
When: Backdated to Friday, afternoon
Where: Their bedroom
Rating/Warnings: Fairly low.
Status: Complete

Let us pause in life's pleasures and count its many tears )

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