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May. 20th, 2011


Who: All the Kings’ Regs and All the Kings’ Sirii’s
What: The smalls have struck out into the world, the bigs go to save the world, er, the smalls
When: Backdated a number of Thursday's ago
Where: Starts in the castle, then goes to the woods and then back at the castle
Rating/Warnings: Swearing for sure, angst, woe and drama - oh and self realizations
Status: Complete

Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream )

May. 9th, 2011


Who: Thomas Raith, Rajani Bhatti, and their Ickles
What: getting the empaths out of the castle!
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: the town near the castle
Rating/Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed / Incomplete

An empath, an incubus, and their ickles walk into a park... )

May. 7th, 2011


Who: Rhys Mulciber, ickle Regulus Black, ickle Sirius Black
What: Mulciber wants another target (and so it continues!)
When: Mid-morning Saturday
Where: Courtyard
Rating/Warnings: PG / cursed objects involved
Status: Incomplete / closed

Read more... )


Who: The Lilys, adult and younger
What: Ickle Lily gets cursed
When: This morning
Where: Lily's rooms
Rating/Warnings: Ickle Lily is harmed by cursed hair ties

Rainbow hair ties for the little girl... )


Who: Big Eames, ickle Daniel
What: Discovering that Daniel's been hexed
When: Saturday morning
Where: West wing, third floor, room 4b. Chez Eames.
Rating/Warnings: SAD ICKLE ;_;

Daniel? Have you fallen into the toilet and drowned or something? )

May. 6th, 2011


Who: Rhys Mulciber, ickle Daniel Eames
What: Mulciber wants yet another target (and so it continues!)
When: Friday after lunch
Where: On the roof
Rating/Warnings: PG / cursed object involved
Status: Complete / closed

Tygra was his favourite, so he drew him the most )


Who: Rhys Mulciber, ickle Lily Evans (Potter)
What: Mulciber wants another target (and so it continues!)
When: Late Friday morning
Where: Courtyard
Rating/Warnings: PG / cursed object involved
Status: Incomplete / closed

Read more... )


Who: Rhys Mulciber, ickle Luna Lovegood
What: Mulciber wants another target (and so it continues!)
When: Mid-Friday morning
Where: Courtyard
Rating/Warnings: PG / cursed object involved
Status: Incomplete / closed

Read more... )


Who: Hermione, Remus with their probably silent (they're reading after all) ickles
What: Babysitting of sorts
When: Yesterday, after he invites her
Where: Library
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Incomplete / closed

She wanted to get to know him more )


Who: Rhys Mulciber, ickle Jayne Cobb
What: Mulciber finds Jayne's slingshot and curses it (and so it continues!)
When: Early Friday morning
Where: Courtyard
Rating/Warnings: PG / cursed object involved
Status: Complete / closed

Read more... )

May. 5th, 2011


Who: Benjy Fenwick, ickle Benjy Fenwick, Frank Longbottom
What: Random pairing
When: Mid-day Friday
Where: Library
Rating/Warnings: None
Status: Incomplete

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Who: Rhys Mulciber, ickle Nymphadora Tonks
What: Mulciber gives ickle Tonks a cursed object (and so it begins!)
When: Early Thursday morning
Where: Courtyard
Rating/Warnings: PG / cursed object involved
Status: Complete / closed

Read more... )

Apr. 30th, 2011


Who: Padawan Harry & Rookie Murph (& probably the grownup ones too)
What: Harry is showing off for a pretty blond
When: Friday afternoon (backdated to follow this post)
Where: Outside the dining hall
Warnings: Kaboom!


Who: Ickle Johanna (possibly adult Johanna) and open to someone finding her
What: Ickle Johanna arrives, is she as loud as her adult version?
When: This morning
Where: Starts in Johanna and Eames' rooms and then from there, who knows?
Rating/Warnings: low for now
Status: In progress, open

Ickle Johanna is here... )

Apr. 29th, 2011


Who: ickle Kellin (and Sima), ickle Tracey Davis
What: Ickles being... ickle.
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Courtyard near the fountain
Rating/Warnings: None
Status: Closed / Incomplete

Read more... )

Apr. 28th, 2011


Who: Ickles Sev Snape & Lily Evans
What: Hanging out
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Sev's secret study
Warnings: tba


WHO: Clarisse, her ickle & OPEN.
WHAT: Clarisse is attempting to keep her ickle occupied.
WHERE: Out on the castle grounds.
WHEN: Early afternoon.

Yeah, there was no doubt in her mind that this ickle was hers.... )

Apr. 27th, 2011


Who: Adult Sirius and Ickle Reg and ickle Sirius too
What: Ickle Reg has a plan but he needs information first and he goes to find it, unfortunately this is what adults call ‘running off’.
When: Monday evening
Where: The library
Rating/Warnings: Low to medium, child tantrums
Status: complete

Finding Neverland )

Apr. 26th, 2011


Who: Older Tabby and lil' Tabby as well as OPEN
What: The Tabs decide to go to the library, mostly because someone little Tabby spoke to put the reading fever into the little one out of no where.
Where: Castle library
When: Monday before dinner

Read a book, read a book a read a mother f- )

Apr. 25th, 2011


Who: Ickle!Hermione and Ickle!Lily
What: Ickle!meeting
When: Monday afternoon
Where: The steps to the castle

Ickles Meeting Now In Session )

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