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Oct. 2nd, 2013


Who: Tom and Claudia
What: Tom wants nachos, and likely to do some teasing
When: Sunday night, Backdated
Where: Mexican Restaurant
Rating/Warnings: TBD but likely light
Status: In Progress/Closed

He's Just Dying of Curiosity to See a Cartoon in Real Life )

Sep. 15th, 2013


Who: Claudia Donovan and Tom Sawyer
What: Meeting up again, showing Tom a modern car with an electric engine, chatting, etc
When: Saturday, Sept 14, 2013
Where: Stables, Claudia's car, TBA past that
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for language; Will update as appropriate
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Read more... )

Aug. 20th, 2013


Who: Tom and Claudia
Where: Path by the Lake
When: Tuesday Evening
Warnings: Should be none
Status: Complete/Closed

Using Some of the Facilities Around Here )

Jul. 3rd, 2013


What: The TWD crew is hosting a 4th of July celebration. Food, alcohol, fireworks -- come one, come all.
When: Thursday, July 4. All evening.
Where: Down by and around the lake.
Rating/Warnings: Just off the top of my head I'm going to guess language, juvenile delinquents, and possibly some public drunkenness. It is the 4th, after all.
Status: OPEN.


Jun. 7th, 2013


Who: Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer
What: The two campers are, as a whole, rather unaffected by the power outage. But it still requires discussion, as does lying about and playing with phones and - oops, finishing a canon puncture.
When: Friday, June 7, 2013 - 7:00 area (since rain starts at 8, which requires going into tents)
Where: Their camp
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for inevitable swearing, etc.
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Read more... )

May. 29th, 2013


Who: Tom and Huck
Where: The little camp that they've made for themselves
When: Afternoon
What: Discussing concerns
Status: Closed; Incomplete

It's hard to think that I'm so well known )

May. 26th, 2013


Who: Corvo and Tom Sawyer
What: A new arrival to the Land of Make Believe, and Corvo is extremely confused.
When: Saturday evening (sliiightly backdated)
Where: Near the main entrance of the Castle
Warnings: Possible swearing, anything else is TBA

Can you feel the new day rising? / Climbing up the East horizon / They can't hold us / We'll fight through / Each and everyone will start new )

May. 9th, 2013


Who: Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer
What: Huck ran from the castle as soon as he arrived and hasn't been back since. Tom is out on the town and Huck sees a vaguely familiar looking person. Impulsive hijinks ensue.
When: Thursday afternoon/night
Where: City
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for swearing, mention of death/dying, etc.
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Hello yourself and see how you like it. )