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Mar. 20th, 2012


WHO: evil!Kel, OPEN
WHAT: A last hurrah
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: the ruins formerly known as "Brit's Pub"
WARNINGS: to be determined

Instead of a dark lord, you shall have a queen... )

Mar. 11th, 2012


Who: Andromeda and Kurt
What: Andromeda needs to get away and take stroll around the grounds.
When: After this.
Where: Courtyard, then grounds.
Rating/Warnings:TBD. Probably lowish.
Status: In progress/Closed

Mar. 8th, 2012


Who: Uhura, Open
What: Uhura goes to look at the stars
When: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 - Night
Where: Roof
Rating/Warnings: None, will update if necessary
Status: Open, Incomplete

Read more... )

Mar. 7th, 2012


Who: Kurt Wagner and Keleios
What: Kurt explores the castle a bit to try and memorize it again.
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: All around the castle! Starts in the Great Hall.
Rating/Warnings: Low but TBD if that will change.
Status: Incomplete

He remembered coming back from the attack and falling right here. )

Dec. 2nd, 2011


Who: Kurt Wagner and OPEN to someone who can realize he is hurt. [Castiel? But anyone else is fine]
What: Kurt comes back from the mission and something isn't right.
When: Friday Night after the mission
Where: Castle, right by the front entrance
Warnings/Ratings:Character Death: Kurt Wagner, possible mentions of blood and some gore?
Status: Incomplete/Open

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. )

Nov. 27th, 2011


Who: Nightcrawler and Simon
What: A mission to get supplies past the Castle
When: Sunday just after sunset
Where: Starts at the front entrance and goes into the city/suburbs
Warnings/Ratings: Medium but as this is an undercover mission there may not be much, will update if there is more!
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Nov. 25th, 2011


Who: OPEN to everyone who was staying at Andromeda’s, or just fancied popping round for a visit amidst all the chaos.
What: Planning, talking, being forced to eat breakfast in warded rooms.
When: Friday morning.
Where: Andromeda & the boys’ rooms.
Warnings/Ratings: Medium to low. Possible discussions of violence and swearing. Will update if necessary.
Status: In progress/Open

A slightly slapdash version of breakfast was spread across the table. )

***Open to sub-threads***

Oct. 24th, 2011


Who: Neville Longbottom and OPEN to all.
What: Raking leaves. Sort of.
When: Monday after school.
Where: Outside, one the castle grounds.

Oct. 20th, 2011


Who: Kurt Wagner and The Doctor
What: Kurt is moving back to his old room and takes a break to get something to eat when he meets The Doctor.
Where: Starting in the great hall?
When: Thursday around lunch
Warnings: None?

Kurt didn't have much to move but trying to move anything with him while he teleported was always a bit taxing. )

Aug. 19th, 2011


Who: Andromeda Tonks and Kurt Wagner
What: Working outside
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Castle grounds
Rating/Warnings: Probably low.
Status: In progress. Closed.

And in the years that had passed she’d forgotten what her little relatives had been like. )


Aug. 17th, 2011


Who: Kurt Wagner and Lily Potter
What: Kurt tries to teleport home but ends up in the sitting room instead where he meets his new roommate
When: Thursday EARLY morning, 12:00 am
Where: Their shared sitting room
Warnings: None yet

And that was when Kurt realized it had to be true what they were saying. )