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Oct. 31st, 2012


Who: Open to Everyone who wants to play at the Feast
What: The Halloween Feast
When: It starts at 7 pm Wednesday (fore-dated in preparation for the plots going on tonight.)
Where: The Dining Hall
Rating/Warnings: TBD – ratings and warnings should be listed/updated in the subject line of the individual sub-threads
Status: Open to Everyone
Special Notes: See below.

On All Hallows Eve lots of fun we can make, apples to bob, and nuts on the hob, and a thimble cake )

**OOC Note: This is an open group thread. Anyone can start a sub-thread (open to others, or specific for certain characters) who wants their character to attend the feast. This way the f-list is not clogged with a bunch of logs all taking place at the exact same location. Simply designate if it is open or for which characters in the subject line.

As the Costume plot contains the potential for high ratings please put the rating in the subject line as well, and if the rating increases for whatever reason put that in the subject line as well. Thank you.

Oct. 30th, 2012


Who: Claudia Donovan, Stiles Stilinski
What: Run-in heading into the library
When: Afternoon, after work/school respectively
Where: Library
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 / Potential for language
Status: Closed / Incomplete

Read more... )

Oct. 29th, 2012


Who: Stiles Stilinski, Eames, & Arthur.
What: Meeting the hotties from Inception furthers his theory that this is all a dream... within a dream? (Haha. See what I did there?)
When: Monday afternoon/evening-ish. After helping Annie to her rooms.
Where: Third floor corridor of West Wing.
Rating/Warnings: Sarcasm abounds. Not sure on rating but its Stiles, Eames, and Arthur so anything is possible.
Status: Incomplete.
Yep. That's it. I'm dreaming. )


Who: Annie Cresta-Odair and Stiles Stilinski
What: General face-based confusion
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Castle entrance hall
Rating/Warnings: Usual Annie warning (mental instability, PTSD, etc.), and lots of confusion.
Status: In Progress/Closed

Oct. 28th, 2012


Who: Stiles & Captain Jack Sparrow
What: Stiles's brain is still awesome. He's gonna help Jack find the Pearl.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Where: Just outside Jo's Roadhouse.
Rating/Warnings: It's Jack. And Stiles. And rum. Sarcasm alert on high. Everything alert on high.
Status: In Progress/Open.
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. )


Who: Stiles & OPEN.
What: Stiles is having a dreamgasm. It's less dirty than it sounds.
When: Saturday evening, shortly after arrival. Sometime shortly after dinner
Where: Hallway on third floor of the West Wing, near the staircase.
Rating/Warnings: PG-PG13. Stiles is here. Sarcasm alert. Speedy, never-ending gusts of wordage. Adorableness.
Status: In Progress/Open.
My brain is awesome. )