March 2014


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Jul. 23rd, 2013


Who: Reg Sr., Sev, and then a bit later Lily
What: Reg tries to comfort Sev, Lily demands Sev drink a potion
When: Monday midday-ish
Where: Reg and Sev’s rooms
Rating/Warnings: This could get ugly
Status: In progress/Closed

You’re stuck in… a woman’s body? )

Jul. 18th, 2013


Who: Lily Evans and Severus Snape
What: First Meetings in the Land of Make Believe
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Pinche and Smidgen Apothecary
Rating/Warnings: Medium maybe – These two have a past, and they both have tempers
Status: In progress/Closed

Name )

Jul. 10th, 2013


Who: Severus Snape & Tracey Davis
What: Severus thinks that it would be prudent to find some employment as he tries to figure out just what he wants to do. Plus, an escape from Reg and Reg Jr. would likely do him some good.
When: Wednesday, July 10, afternoon.
Where: Around town, Magical District somewhere around Pinche & Smidgen (Lily's day off).
Rating/Warnings: G/PG? Depends on language use and if someone shows up that makes Severus feel violent.
Status: Incomplete, open to first responder.

Name )

Jul. 6th, 2013


Who: Severus Snape, Regulus Black & ickle!Regulus Black.
What: Waking up to new surroundings, but familiar faces.
When: July 6th
Where: The Castle, South Wing, Second Floor, Suite 2.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13; Severus is experiencing something very unique without a hangover potion...
Status: Incomplete

Exactly how much had he drank the night before? )

Oct. 5th, 2012


Who: Reg & Sev the elders
What: Important discussions
When: Friday evening
Where: Their sitting room
Warnings: tbd

Sep. 23rd, 2012


WHO: Reg & Sev (the elders)
WHAT: Angst & Real Estate
WHEN: Sunday evening
WHERE: Their rooms
WARNINGS: angst, probably language, will update

Read more... )

Aug. 29th, 2012


Who: Severus Snape Sr. and Tracey Davis
What: Severus is a troll neighborly beauty?!
When: Wednesday afternoonish
Where: Tracey's doorstep
Warnings: See "What."

Aug. 17th, 2012


WHO: Hermione and Severus
WHAT: Spending time in his lab
WHEN: August 17th
WHERE: Severus' Lab
STATUS: In Progress

Can I help you? )

Jul. 26th, 2012


Who: Reg & Severus the elders
What: A quiet evening along
When: Backdated Wednesday night
Where: their place
Warnings: will edit as needed

Jul. 13th, 2012


Who: Regulus and OPEN (See note)
What: He’s shirked constant supervision in an attempt to get some fresh air and smoke
When: Early Friday Morning
Where: The roof
Rating/Warnings: Low for the time being, will update if necessary
Status: In progress/OPEN
Note: Regulus generally doesn’t open up to new people, especially in his current state. Which isn’t to say this is only open to characters he knows, it’s open to all. If he doesn’t know your charrie, IM or email me so we can work out how to get Reg talking to your boy or girl.


May. 27th, 2012


Who: Severus & Regulus the elders
What: Reunion
When: following this
Where: their rooms
Warnings: tbd

May. 3rd, 2012


Who: Regulus and Severus
What: Regulus finally breaks down, Severus is there for him
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Their rooms
Rating/Warnings: Probably mentions of mature things – will update if necessary
Status: In progress/closed

If you want to fly, then I’ll meet you there. If you’re doing fine, then why are you so scared )

Apr. 2nd, 2012


Who: Parrot!Reg and Moose!Tracey (with Not-Koala!Sev at the end)
What: Reg is a parrot - how else would he exploit his new form but use it to bother Tracey, he just doesn’t know she’s currently a moose
When: Sunday morning
Where: Throughout the castle
Rating/Warnings: Inner monologue swearing
Status: In progress/closed

What happens when a Parrot crosses a Moose )

Mar. 30th, 2012


Who: Reg & Sev (adult version)
What: Rude awakenings
When: Friday morning
Where: Sev's bed
Warnings: possible language

Mar. 21st, 2012


Who: Reg and Sev – senior versions
What: Reg comes home after his time in the slammer
When: Tuesday noonish
Where: Sev’s rooms
Rating/Warnings: Maybe some swearing
Status: In progress/Closed

Don’t shoot, I come in peace )

Mar. 11th, 2012


Who: Sevvie & Reggie
What: Discussions of weirdness
When: Sunday, late morning/afternoon
Where: Their sitting room
Warnings: scenes of a sexual nature


Who: Tabby and OPEN [Maybe someone I have yet to thread her against?? But anyone is fine! Possibly Severus??]
What: Tabby hides out for a bit around the Old Defense Tower where she tries to contain her anger but mostly ends up blowing things up.
When: Saturday late night
Where: Old Defense Tower
Rating/Warnings: Swearing so medium
Status: Incomplete/Open

She could at least keep her explosions muted. )

Feb. 28th, 2012


Who: Reg and Sev
What: FREAKING OUT (at least Reg will be) – because their Master is in the house and they’ve been very, very disloyal servants
When: Monday Night – because everyone knows, if Lord Voldemort is going to show up it would totally be on the most dreaded day of the week.
Where: Sev’s rooms
Rating/Warnings: Maybe some swearing, TBD, will update if necessary
Status: In progress, closed

Just ignore the puddle of Reg on the floor )

Feb. 6th, 2012


Who: Severus and Eames Srs.
What: Drinking
When: Monday after work
Where: Pub
Warnings: language?

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Who: Reg and Sev – the elders
What: Reg goes to retrieve his embarrassingly drunk friend from a pub with a lawn bowling gimick
When: Saturday night
Where: Brit’s Pub – the one that has lawn bowling for a gimmick
Rating/Warnings: Swearing, TBD
Status: In progress/Closed

His heart went out to the unhappy drunk, he knew what his friend was going through  )

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