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Jun. 2nd, 2013


Who: Beth Greene and Duncan McAlister
What: Beth is exploring, on her own, for the first time.
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Around the Lake
Rating/Warnings: None likely
Status: In progress

She'd gone back and forth about taking the gun, literally setting the thing down and picking it up again no less than four times. )

Mar. 6th, 2013


Who: Glenn & Duncan!
What: THE END OF THE BROMANCE. Just kidding. They are having a bit of a fight though.
When: After they find about Gwen, before he gets to meet up with Darcy.
Where: The sitting room of their.. room. What is English?
Warnings/Ratings:Violence, talk about Gwen's death, cursing, boys being angry/upset boys, general plot warnings
Status: Closed/Incompletely

what's your explanation? )

Feb. 20th, 2013


Who: Duncan and Faith
What: Meeting for the first time. Breaking shit.
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Faith’s Châteaux de Merde
Rating/Warnings: umm, swearing, we’ll update as things progress.
Status: In progress/Closed

Enclosed spaces were precisely where one shouldn’t light fireworks )

Jan. 28th, 2013


Who: Darcy Lewis, Duncan, Glenn Rhee
What: Puppy spoiling
When: January 28, 2013 - evening
Where: Duncan & Glenn's rooms
Rating/Warnings: Low; will update if necessary
Status: In progress/Closed

His fuzzy-faced, adorable, dog that was in absolutely no way bad... )

Nov. 29th, 2012


Who: Duncan, Gwen, and Darcy, a goose and possibly some chickens. In other words, life at the castle (Posting order perhaps?)
What: Duncan has turned his pillow into a mad goose, Darcy and Gwen graciously offer to help him get it out of his room. They all have a super power, shenanigans ensue.
When: Wednesday morning
Where: Duncan’s rooms
Rating/Warnings: Duncan swears, the goose will be yelling. There may be threats on the goose’s life. There will be rhinestones and laughing.
Status: In progress/Closed

Duncan was not easily scared – Celine Dion music store stand-ees aside  )

Nov. 1st, 2012


Who: Duncan and Aphrodite (aka H.G. affected by the Costume Plot)
What: Duncan is ‘charming’ Aphrodite is vindictive
When: Wednesday Evening after 8 pm
Where: Castle Corridors
Rating/Warnings: Umm… lowish to medium. He gets his mind messed about with by the Goddess of love, and then he pines for someone
Status: In progress/Closed

Explosives could wait for a moment  )

Oct. 30th, 2012


Who: Duncan and Darcy
What: Duncan is making a mess in the kitchen because he’s hungry and Darcy interrupts him
When: Monday, late, late night
Where: The Kitchens
Rating/Warnings: Maybe swearing, will update if necessary
Status: In progress/Closed

Plus, he got to play with knives )