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Sep. 2nd, 2013


Who: Ickle Reg and OTA who have lunch hour with him
What: First day back to school and he has thoughts about school lunches he wants to share
When: Noon-ish
Where: Castle Hill Senior High
Rating/Warnings: Probably low
Status: In progress/OTA who have the same lunch hour

I should run for class president )

Aug. 27th, 2013


Who: Beth Greene and Hansel
What: On her way to the city to do some school shopping, Beth has some trouble. Hansel plays the foul-mouthed good Samaritan.
When: Tuesday morning
Where: On the trolley, downtown
Rating/Warnings: Low/Medium for some NPC douchebaggery and Hansel's language
Status: Closed/In process

Cut tag ahoy. )

Jul. 8th, 2013


Who: Michonne and Beth
What: Michonne opts to go shopping with Beth and bring up a few things from the BBQ
When: Monday Afternoon
Where: Stores downtown
Rating/Warnings: Gish; will update
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Read more )

Jun. 22nd, 2013


Who: Harry and open to anyone
What: Harry's moping. Remus and Lily are here!
When: Today, Saturday, probably about dinner time
Where: The Castle, near the roof in one of the towers
Warnings/Summaries: Harry's moping, so...angst ahead, but please feel free to bug him!

What did he do? How did he react to them? )

Jun. 13th, 2013


Who: Ickle Reg and Beth
What: Meeting for the first time – Beth learns Ickle Reg can do magic
When: Backdated to Tuesday noonish
Where: A darkened corridor
Rating/Warnings: Probs pretty low
Status: In progress/Closed

Only puppets of light  )

Jun. 7th, 2013


Who: Beth, Gale, some Creandi NPC's, then later Daryl and Glenn
What: Criminal Chaos in New Creandi (or How Beth and Gale First Met)
When: Starting around 7pm, Friday
Where: Downtown
Rating/Warnings: R for violence and language
Status: In progress

And the day had started out so awesome... )

Jun. 6th, 2013


Who: Beth, Ickle Daryl, and Ickle Rick
What: Late night run for Ice Cream
When: Wednesday night
Where: East wing, then the kitchen
Rating/Warnings: None
Status: In progress

The sudden banging on her door invoked memories that didn't do well with getting out of the shower. )

Jun. 4th, 2013


Who: Katniss and Beth
What: Pizza and Denial
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: The Castle Kitchen
Rating/Warnings: Pretty low.
Status: In progress

Looking for pizza ingredients was a much better idea than looking for evidence that you shouldn't exist. )

Jun. 3rd, 2013


Who: Daryl and Beth
What: Taking Beth job-hunting around the farmlands.
When: Monday, June 3. Mid-afternoon.
Where: Farmlands.
Rating/Warnings: Daryl's mouth gets an R-rating.
Status: COMPLETE/Closed.

He figured he would just let Rick be the over domineering protective force in Beth’s life while she was here – hopefully longer than she was here before – and he would just quietly support him from the sidelines. )

Jun. 2nd, 2013


Who: Beth Greene and Duncan McAlister
What: Beth is exploring, on her own, for the first time.
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Around the Lake
Rating/Warnings: None likely
Status: In progress

She'd gone back and forth about taking the gun, literally setting the thing down and picking it up again no less than four times. )