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Nov. 18th, 2013


Who: Rachel, Finn (Ghost), and OPEN
Where: The Castle Dining Hall
When: Monday Evening
What: Rachel is eating dinner when the ghost of Finn gets violent with her.....things will get thrown and Rachel will be in the crossfire breaking her arm.
Status/Rating: Incomplete...OPEN/R
Warnings: Violence and some language.

This was not happening.....not to her...was he angry with her? And about what? )

Oct. 31st, 2013


What: The Halloween Ball at the Castle Make Believe
When: Oct 31, starts at 6pm
Where: All over the castle
Rating/Warnings: Players - put warnings in the subject line of your subthreads if required
Status: In progress/Open To Everyong
Notes: Put who is part of the subtread in the subject line of your comments. If it's open to everyone, put 'OPEN TO EVERYONE'; if you want only a few specific characters, indicate those characters; If you only want one responder, put 'OPEN TO FIRST RESPONSE'. Y'all get the idea?

Something Wicked This Way Comes... )

Oct. 8th, 2013


Who: Genevieve and Ahsoka
What: Talking (or not) while working on a project together
When: Oct. 8th, evening
Where: Ahsoka's room
Warnings: Possibly sad feelings and emotions

Maybe you got too used to having me around. )

Sep. 8th, 2013


Who: Pepper Potts and OPEN
What: Pepper decides to get out of the castle and grab a coffee.
When: Mid-Afternoon
Where: Coffee shop
Warnings: Shouldn't be any. Will update if this changes.
Status: Open|In Progress

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Aug. 28th, 2013


Who: Buffy and Genevieve
What: Sometimes learning about what your future holds is not all it's cracked up to be.
When: This afternoon
Where: Buffy's room
Warnings: ***Spoilers for Book the Fourth of The Parasol Protectorate***, some angst, otherwise not much but will update if needed
Status: Closed | Incomplete

Eva flies away / Dreams the world far away / In this cruel children's game / There's no friend to call her name )

Jul. 31st, 2013


Who: Mia Thermpolis and Genevieve Lefoux
What: Roomies meeting.
When: Wednesday 7/31
Where: Their quarters!
Rating/Warnings: PG probably.
Status: Incomplete/In-progress

The Land of Make Believe took some getting used to. )

Jul. 3rd, 2013


What: The TWD crew is hosting a 4th of July celebration. Food, alcohol, fireworks -- come one, come all.
When: Thursday, July 4. All evening.
Where: Down by and around the lake.
Rating/Warnings: Just off the top of my head I'm going to guess language, juvenile delinquents, and possibly some public drunkenness. It is the 4th, after all.
Status: OPEN.


Jun. 23rd, 2013


Who: Pam and Genevieve
What: Pam is in desperate need of blood. Genevieve happens to in the right place at the wrong time.
When: Sunday night after sunset (so a bit forward-dated)
Where: An alley in the city
Warnings: Trigger warning for some violence, compulsion, blood drinking without consent, also some cursing.
Status: Closed/incomplete

Every single dawn I die again )

Jun. 17th, 2013


who buffy & genevieve
what talks!
where buffy's room
when after their conversation about faith
warnings doubtful!

... )

Apr. 25th, 2013


Who: Buffy and Genevieve
What: Clothes shopping and dinner.
When: This evening
Where: Various places in the city
Warnings: Should be low.
Status: Closed / incomplete

Oh Sinéad / For the first time / Life is gonna turn around / I'm telling you / You will like it, I know )

Apr. 13th, 2013


Who: Mallorie, Ariadne, and Genevieve
What: Mal’s showed up, she’s panicking, Ariadne and Genevieve try to help her
When: Sunday
Where: At Mal and Genevieve’s rooms
Rating/Warnings: Let’s go PG-13-ish to start, Mal’s got a lot of mental trauma to deal with. Thoughts/talk of suicide is bound to come up
Status: In progress/Closed

If life was a dream, then dying must be the moment when you woke up. It was so simple it must be true )

Mar. 7th, 2013


who glenn, darcy & genevieve
what/when after he gets his duncan!shiners, he picks up darcy and they hideout in genevieve's place
where genevieve's room
warnings general angst and swearing, if that changes i will whip out the censor bar

... )

Mar. 4th, 2013


Who: Anakin Sr., Genevieve, Ani Jr., Helena Jr. and Padmé (Myka can jump in if Tara wants her to!) Check inside for a detail of posting order
What: Reavers have come to MB and some characters were not safely behind the castle walls
When: Monday mid-morning
Where: Starts at the University and goes from there
Rating/Warnings: So High, possible mentions of NPC death, torture, rape, Will update as we go along
Status: In progress/Closed

How're we doing? Same as always. That bad, huh? )

Feb. 24th, 2013


Who: Darcy Lewis, Genevieve Lefoux
What: Movie watching
When: Saturday, February 23, 2013 (backdated)
Where: Genevieve's room
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Closed / Complete

Read more... )


who buffy & genevieve!
what celebrating genevieve's job and that she's a lady again!
where golden horse
when friday night
warnings buffy's likely (now) pretend obliviousness of genevieve's flirting, haha

... )

Feb. 3rd, 2013


Who: Buffy and Genevieve
What: In which Buffy walks into one of Genevieve's dreams. And subsequently learns about Genevieve's sexual preference.
When: Late Saturday night/early Sunday morning
Where: In reality, their rooms. In the dream, Genevieve's hat shop in an alternate steampunk Victorian London
Warnings: TBA but there will be rampant flirting at the very least

By the light of new day / I'll fade away / Reality cuts deep / Would you bleed with me, my Selene? )

Jan. 7th, 2013


Who: Genevieve and Regulus
What: Someone has the post-holiday blues and is trying to keep herself otherwise occupied.
When: Evening of January 7th
Where: Around the library, then the roof
Warnings: Should be low, depending on who shows up
Status: Open/incomplete

All that great heart lying still / In silent suffering / Smiling like a clown until the show has come to an end )

Dec. 10th, 2012


Who: Genevieve and Ariadne
What: The French inventor is exploring things.
When: Early evening of the 10th
Where: Main floor of the castle
Warnings: Most likely low, though depends on who shows up

And I might still cry / And I might still bleed / These thorns in my side / This heart on my sleeve / And lightning may strike / This ground at my feet / And I might still crash / But I still believe )

Nov. 28th, 2012


Who: Genevieve and Myka
What: Genevieve's just arrived and clearly she must meet her twin right off the bat.
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Their room
Warnings: Possible cursing in French, otherwise low

I'm not living in an ordinary world / Cause I'm not your ordinary good girl / And I don't believe in playing like I know that game )