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Dec. 5th, 2019




Yeah I can't do this. Not with Russians. Not again.



[Ben Solo]

Your mom says hi.



So that we can all communicate, I would like to offer Russian lessons. I had just moved to St. Petersburg to live with my fiance before the haunted house happened. Being here without him feels strange, and I wonder if he might exist in this place.

Anyway! I had been learning Russian before I moved, so if anyone wants to learn at least conversational Russian, I can help!



Did we lose anyone this time?

I know I’ve spoken to some of you already but, those I haven’t, let me know you’re here and that you’re alright?

[Kylo Ren]
Can you feel it?

(*OOC: Feel free to assume based on previous conversations.)



001. Leia Organa

Being kidnapped and taken to a place that reminds me of Hoth is not something that was on my schedule today.

I'm looking for someone called Hermione Granger, who appears do be the other occupant of my living space.



Yellow keys, Green keys -- What do your rations look like? I think Yellow keys got less.



...Seriously? Again?!

Well, home was nice while it lasted. Please just tell me this place isn't haunted, I don't wanna handle invisible ghosts again.

(Invisible ghosts as opposed to the non-invisible, normal ghosts that I can usually see, for the record.)




i got a yellow key



I didn't think anything would be a downgrade after the haunted house, but it seems our gracious host has outdone themself this time. Very Soviet chic, my Yelp review will not be kind.

[Q and Hazel]

Please tell me you're both still here. Especially you, Curly Q, you do not get to leave me again.




Ronan said you were looking for a psychic?




Hargreeves roll call. Everybody who was here, still here?



Time for some fucking Marco Polo I guess. Parrish? You better not have left me to deal with this communist garbage without you. Where is everybody? Any of you assholes read Russian or Bulgarian or whatever the fuck these cans are in? This shit reminds me of K
[*OOC: If they've had friendly (for Ronan) interactions, you're probably good to go here, but feel free to ping me if you're not confident.]



Oh, this is going to be fun.

I've already sketched the outside of my room.



The room keys. Mine is green. Are these teams again? What colour is everyone? I'm not sure I understand it.

[OOC: For easy reference]

Dec. 4th, 2019



For the Glory of Kolechia and Arstotzka. Welcome.

I expect to see you all at factory tomorrow for your work assignments. But if you have question, now would be good time to ask it.



Day 1: Loki


The universe broke again.

Can you reset it? It doesn't work when I do it.



There's no place like home.



Room Three: Day One

DAY ONE will run from DECEMBER 5th until THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th

DAY TWO begins when a post like this goes up
