
Layout By

March 1st, 2020



Who: Jaskier & McKenzie Greene
What: Exploring, meeting new people, you know how it goes.
Where: Conservatory, Green Block
When: Backdated, Day 5
Warnings: Nah.
Status: Closed/Complete

It seemed to be a common thread now, people who understood certain things and didn’t. )



Insomnia's a bitch. More so when you share a room with people and the last thing you want to do is keep them up so you end up watching the sunrise while keeping the fire burning at the fire pit.

Christ, I haven't had it this bad in a while.

OOC: Fulfilling #prompt 21 of the Orange & Teal bingo card



[filtered to Geralt]

As it just so happens, we've received something of a royal summons. Or rather, you have. Which is just so typical, honestly.



What currency am I supposed to use in order to barter with the feline that runs the Bodega? I tried using some of my own coin but it didn't seem all that interested.

I'm quite sure it doesn't like me.