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Feb. 21st, 2016


Text to Tom Sr

(ooc: I'm assuming that everyone has been told about the door to Thailand, Jake hasn't posted anything yet)

What do you say to a vacation for a day or two? We could ask the kids to watch Vi and Lily while we get a day of fun in the sun. I'm not going to be up for it when it's warm enough on the island and I'm huge already, this is probably our last chance for another year.

Jan. 31st, 2016


Text to Bohannon

You got mud on my house.


Text to Sookie

Sleep well last night Sook?

Nov. 19th, 2015


Text to Izzy

I was wondering if I could borrow the dining room so everybody can meet Drew.

Oct. 24th, 2015


CB open

I can't find him! I can't find him anywhere!

Oct. 18th, 2015


Text to Bruce Banner

Bruce, could I get an appointment with you sometime soon? I'm expecting again and I thought I'd come in and get checked out.

Oct. 4th, 2015


Open CB

[The device clicks on as Thor clears his throat. He sounds very happy as he speaks, if not pausing slightly be someone is being a distraction.]

Good evening, friends. This is, ah, Thor. I speak to you tonight with joyful news. Lady Sif has agreed to become my queen! We have decided upon the winter's equinox as our celebratory date and you are all invited to attend. That date is, ah...December twenty-second! Tha-- Si--

[There's a soft clatter as the device is dropped onto a plush surface, face down. Proceed smooching sounds and sheet ruffles deafened by the microphone in the fabric. The phone picks up a minute or two of laughter and sweet nothings before there's an awful crack and cut off. The phone has broken.]


Text to Sookie Stackhouse

Jinx. Now I know why I've felt like crap the last two weeks.

Aug. 29th, 2015


Text to Izzy

Izz? You round? I need some advice.

Aug. 10th, 2015


Text to Sookie Stackhouse

So... You wouldn't know who I could find on this island to be Maid of Honor at my wedding would you? :)

Aug. 1st, 2015


Text to Tom Sully

You know I don't think we've had a night to ourselves through the door since the girls were born. Want to go to Vegas sometime this month?

Jul. 31st, 2015


Text to Mom

Did you see Sarah's post? She's having the baby now!

Jul. 13th, 2015


Mass text to Peggy/Sookie/Rarity/Isabel

Tom's mom wants to meet me. Is it wrong to be a little scared?

ooc: set during this just before she goes in to see Rachel.

Jun. 29th, 2015


Text to Tom Sully

So when am I meeting your mom?

Jun. 21st, 2015


Text to family

I declare today "Second pie day of the year!". Thank you for being such an awesome family. Wanna come and meet me for tea and pie? Your mum will make me run a marathon if I eat all of this on my own. Love, Dad

Jun. 18th, 2015


Filtered to Sully siblings and Mom

What are we doing for Dad on Sunday?

May. 25th, 2015


Group Text to Nigel, Adele and all the adult Sullys

Sookie is with me and Papa. She was injured and he treated her. She is recovering and will be okay.

May. 24th, 2015


Text to Sullys

You have (6) new messages )

May. 14th, 2015


Text to Izzy

So, how early will I be able to tell whether or not they inherited the magic? Do you know?

May. 11th, 2015


Oops CB

Soft hyperventilating breath can be heard over the CB. Along with a whimpered sniffle. And the chirp of various gadgets.

Ohgodohgodohgod. He looks so much like Harry in images.

FRIDAY's voice comes through clear.

Mrs Dresden, you need to calm down. Your distress is causing your fetus distress. Protocols are still in place that will shut everything down...

Sarah cuts the VI off

I know! I know. I can't... oh god.

The transmission suddenly ends.

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