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November 14th, 2019

[info]yellow_zu in [info]compass_comm

Text to Steve (shortly after his conversation with Loki)

Uncle said you had mjolnir. I can come and pick it up.

[info]abra_stone in [info]compass_comm

zip-zips to Bill, backdated to after her zip-zips with Dan


(i'm so sorry about Thor.)

(i know the timing sucks but i need to ask you something. it's important.)

[info]mybestmaterial in [info]compass_comm

[CB radio]

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Joe O'Hara and you are listening to Compass Radio, the first of hopefully many more live broadcasts which will follow in the near future.

As I am sure most of you already know, the station has been struck by tragedy. And for those of you who don't know, well I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I am truly sorry if you have to hear this from me first and foremost. I've worked as a broadcast journalist for a large portion of my life and still, giving bad news doesn't get much easier.

Recently the residents of this station were faced with an unspeakable, monstrous foe. A terrifying killer clown who spent seemingly hundreds if not thousands of years tormenting the small town of Derry, Maine. In all my years of broadcast journalism, I had never seen nor heard of something as horrific. Not during the war. Not even in London. I was there when the bombs started to fall in the grand city of London. I saw the rubble and debris, I saw the broken bodies in the streets, and even that paled in comparison to what I learned about this small town. The people on this station showed both bravery and heroism, choosing to band together to fight, even with the odds stacked against them. And in the end, they prevailed. And they won. But there were losses. Not just on the station. Over countless years, the people of Derry disappeared without question. And worst of all, those victims were primarily children.

I would like to begin by dedicating this show first and foremost to those who lost their lives recently. Those on the station, and all of those innocent lives lost over the years. To the friends and families of those who lost someone dear, you have my condolences.

There was a saying in London. They had it printed on posters, placed all over the city when the threat of an air raid loomed over everyone's heads. The posters all read "Keep calm and carry on". I'm not asking anyone to just up and move on. Those who were lost will be remembered, and those who survived will carry their memories with them. The point of the posters wasn't to get people to just get on with things. It was to show bravery in the face of evil, and this station and the people on board are some of the most brave and fearless bunch I've ever met.

I'm going to play a few songs and cut this first broadcast short. I'll be back again sometime soon. Just keep an ear out. I'll be here.

The remainder of the broadcast consists of old jazz records he found while he was in Derry. Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall, followed by Swing Doors, followed by Something's Gotta Give and lastly, I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire.

[info]worksbestalone_ in [info]compass_comm

[Text message to Bryn]

For what it's worth, I'm sorry...

[Text message to Bill]

You doing all right, mate? How are you holding up?

[Text message to Abra]

If you need any more donations, give us a shout. How are you doing?

[Text to Gen]

Thought I'd check up on you, see how you're doing.