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May 24th, 2015

[info]commander_shep in [info]compass_comm

Open CB

Everybody if you're not tucked away somewhere safe, get there now! Get underground, if you can! If you're closer to the Door, go through it!


[info]cfbarton in [info]compass_comm

Open Broadcast

Anyone with small children, let us know if you need assistance. The faster we get them safe, the better.

[info]isabellane in [info]compass_comm

Open Broadcast

Anyone that can't move quickly, I can help out with that. I can teleport up to four people at one time, as long as all are touching me.

[info]weapon_x_23 in [info]compass_comm

Open CB

Anyone that can get to Xavier's you are all authorized to get onto the grounds. Anything following you will be shot down. There is subbasements down below, and paths will light up to the fast transport tunnels that will take you to straight to them, there are places for everyone.

[info]rachelsully in [info]compass_comm

Text to Sullys

You have (6) new messages )

[info]threecenturyman in [info]compass_comm

Texts to Micha and Kytana R

You have (1) new message )

[info]proud_miserable in [info]compass_comm

Open CB

Why the hell won't the damn door work?

[info]genepunk in [info]compass_comm

Text to Temple Residents

Get to the sub basement, there's a shelter there that should protect you if the temple shields fail.

[info]notaskxawng in [info]compass_comm

Text to Tommy and Sarah

We are heading over to the Rogers. Are you two okay?

[info]nothing_to_lose in [info]compass_comm

Open CB

So what's the plans? Other than hidin', I mean, coz not everyone's up for fightin', I get that. But we's not for lettin' these... What the fuck are these things, again? We's not lettin' them take over, right? Who's doin' what?

[info]hamrammr in [info]compass_comm

Text to Clint (comics)

Hey Hawkeye, wanna get a lift? Guess someone like you could do a lot of damage airborne.

[info]rare_fabulosity in [info]compass_comm

Open CB

[Trying not to sound totally panicked.]

I need help. They haven't gotten to us yet but I cann--aaah!

[Something has crashed outside!!]

Please hurry!

[info]daddyissues_ in [info]compass_comm

[Text to Hem, Jay and Abi]

Pack your stuff. You get a taxi to the cottage.

[Text to Thor & Sif]

I'm at the cottage. You all right? What's your plan?

[info]woodcuttersson in [info]compass_comm

Text to Sophia

Are you safe?

[info]proud_miserable in [info]compass_comm

Text to Kytana and House

I need a safe place. Can I stay with you?

[info]nothing_to_lose in [info]compass_comm

Private: Roxy

Sent via their glasses, so it's off the main network )
Tags: ,

[info]seanrogers in [info]compass_comm

Text to Kytana R

You have (1) new message )

[info]genepunk in [info]compass_comm

Text to Isabel

Isabel, we'd like to relocate everyone at the temple to the mansion. Would you be able to teleport them there?

[info]maryellenw in [info]compass_comm

Identical Texts Sent to Stevie, Dean, Hope, and Rory (Sun. morning)

You're gonna fight aren't you?