Cirque Nocturne: Messages

Le Cirque Nocturne

a haven for the dark

The circus arrives without warning.
No announcements precede it.
It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.

February 2018




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Dec. 28th, 2017



Nov 17th, 3PM

I hope everyone enjoyed last night's annual festive fire hazard.

I'm bowing out of tonight's feast. A woman in the market gave me a free copy of this cultural masterpiece, so I'm locking in early with a pizza, beer, and what's sure to be amazingly bad subtitles. My guess is boy meets girl, boy gets into a love triangle with an autopsied corpse. It looks Cirque appropriate. And check out that date. Best guess on plot twists wins a free beer wherever we end up next. Anyone not in the mood for more eel on a stick is welcome to join.

Dec. 27th, 2017



Nov 17th

I have always heard of the Lantern Festival, but never seemed to arrive here until after they had it.
I am glad to have experienced it now.

Those dolls have begun ti disappear, did anyone ever find out how they got to the places they did?



november 17th, early evening

Easy access to a unique shopping experience aside, I don't think Thailand is really on my list of favorite places. The heat just makes me feel sort of... clammy. And the locals give long looks to anyone who isn't openly sweating and getting tan. Funny, but I don't do either of those, and bronzer can only do so much.

Not a terrible place, but I'll be pleased enough to leave.



[No Subject]

Delivery for Mona Kemp; Nov. 15th )

Dec. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hello circus of the strange, I'm Emma and I've consigned myself to joining you for now. I'm nothing so resplendent as our fearless djinn Ringmaster or the vampires and werewolves that walk this place fighting each other like some sort of Underworld rip off?, but I'll do my best with what I've got.

If I come across as rude or standoffish, it might just be a bad day. Or maybe it's you. You could be the sort of person who makes other people rude and standoffish.

Look, I'm not very good at introductions so just let me impart what I've learned related to this lantern festival, which is that in 2016 it created six tonnes or rubbish that had to be cleaned out of Bangkok's waterways the next day. (I have no moral or ecological comment to add to this, it's just a thing I read.)



November 16th, mid-afternoon

I'm rather enjoying the lantern festival. Sending love and positive energy to those who have passed on is right up my street. And this weather agrees with me, as does the local cuisine. Even the spirits seem less riled than usual, which is a nice change of pace.

Dec. 25th, 2017



november 15th, early afternoon

You know, I'm not usually much for peace-and-light festivals, but I have to say that the lanterns are lovely. After the recent nightmares, it's a nice change of pace as far as feelings go.

All that said, I'm interested to see where our next move takes us. Anyone for bets on hot/cold? Bikini weather or Eskimo gear?

Dec. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

I would like to see this 'lantern festival' for myself. Is anyone up for joining me this evening?



Nov 15th - afternoon

I didn't know what to expect from a Circus of supernaturals, but what I have been hearing since I signed on this morning was not it.
Why is everyone obsessed with dolls?




After so long, I didn't think it was possible to be surprised. I now consider myself corrected and won't be making the same mistake again. Just goes to show that anything really is possible, and that the past will always come back to hit you right where it hurts when you're least expecting it. Did it really have to be that hard though?

I'm Ciaran, by the by. Dia dhuit.

Dec. 22nd, 2017



november 14th, mid afternoon

Is dream whiplash a thing? Because there I was, getting berated by my father and then, all of a sudden, I was floating through cotton candy clouds, eating them and getting all sugar high. I have to say, it was a decidedly better experience, especially when placed side by side.

In other 'things that have only happened to me since coming to the Cirque' news, I just traded my last bottle of Laphroaig whiskey to a rather grubby but very excitable girl for what I am told is marijuana. Anyone want to come verify that to make sure I didn't get cheated and maybe show me how to consume said marijuana?

Dec. 21st, 2017



November 13 Very late/Very early

It’s too loud to sleep.

I can hear everything.

Each little sound is familiar and strange and I hate all of it. I don’t like change.

This is nothing like home. If this is a chance to start over I’m not sure if I want it.

I can’t sleep, the nightmares...

I know I have places to be but I want to sit here just a minute longer and try to understand.

The mixture of aromas are enticing - the scent of popcorn and hotdogs, cotton candy...I can’t explain it but there’s something else beneath those happier smells..something darker. I want to find out what it is. It’s there in the darkness. I can feel it.’s too loud to sleep.



november 13, late night/early morning

Hello, Cirque! I'm Winnifred, but you can call me Winny. It's five in the morning, I'm hot off a plane, and about to crash into anything resembling a bed.

But, just as a rundown, I'll be working with the horses, wowing the crowds with my trick riding. Ever seen someone do a handstand on the back of a moving horse? Yup, that'll be me. Come check it out.

I was told I should go to a tent called Flashbulb to get fitted for my costume. I really hope there's no lace, sequins, glitter, or frilly skirts involved. Just give me a black leotard and an elastic for my hair and I'll be fine, seriously.

I don't want to tax the kitchens with my dietary restrictions, so I'll be making a grocery run and cooking tomorrow night, in the local style. If anyone wants yellow curry with chickpeas, feel free to stop by my trailer. And if no one comes by, all the food waste will go in the compost bin, which I'm sure a modern circus such as this totally has!



Nov 13th, late night

I'm covering this once, and only once. I am not a doll whisperer. I can't read their futures. I don't know if they intend to beat you up again tonight. Please stop asking. To start, I'd suggest not hoarding them in your trailer like a pre-teen girl, and not smashing them like an angry pubescent boy. Short of that, let the witches do their work.

As for the anonymous questions left in my dropbox today;

1) You missed the train on bitcoin. I'd recommend looking at investments in VI sex dolls. It'll be a thing, and soon.
2) She's cheating on you with the Goblin. You've been a doormat. She likes someone more assertive.
3) I can't help you with the rash. That's not how this works. Get yourself to the Bandaid Station, stat.

Dec. 20th, 2017



Nov 13th, sundown

Oooooh no. No thank you. I tried burying the two dolls that have been hanging around my tree this afternoon. I even recited local rites to calm uneasy spirits and lit some dried jasmine with neroli to soothe.

They're back.

Covered in dirt. Watching me. So a note to interested parties - burial rites don't help.

[Private Messages]
Did you ever get around to lighting your doll on fire? Results?

So, this isn't exactly how I pictured coming home after over a decade. Have you been out to look around? What do you think?

I want to go visit the banana trees down by the river before we leave to leave some silks. Wanna come with? It looks like this.

Dec. 19th, 2017


Nov 13th - late late night

One little two little three little rituals... five little six little seven little witchy-witches.

[WAZUPWITCHES (Marlow + Maddy can also read)]

Elia is helping me with a fun ritual exercise that is of nothing to worry about but will turn Dream Girl into my little nightmare samurai.
A little bird told me that I need Chandra and Greyson for the ritual as well.

Everyone is free to bring some popcorn and step into my dizzying world of wonderland dreams.



November 13th; 3pm

private )

Which is your favoruite character? )

November 13, 12:15pm

Anyone who is experiencing undue pain, discomfort, or anxiety as a result of the bruising is welcome to come see me in the clinic for healing.



November 13th, early afternoon

All this talk of nightmares and attacks... it makes me appreciate not having to fall asleep. Are there any others unaffected by this?



[No Subject]

I'm starting to get really worried about all my new friends and their nightmares. I really, really wish there was something I could do to help!

Private to Marlow )