Cirque Nocturne: Messages

Le Cirque Nocturne

a haven for the dark

The circus arrives without warning.
No announcements precede it.
It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.

February 2018



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December 29th, 2017



november 17th, evening

Hallo. Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale

I'm feeling over the worst of whatever it was I had. No more fever or almost hallucinating or general feeling like I'm dying. Thank you, Rose.

I've heard there's a ball happening here. I'm tempted to go but I feel like I'd stand out even if I managed to find the right kind of dress. What do people do at a ball??

The flowers are beautiful, really beautiful. Thank you. And thank you for taking me to the clinic. And... like... thank you for almost everything in the last month? It's been insane and you've been amazing. I never could have expected it from someone who I've known for so short a time but I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and how grateful I am.



november 18, mid-afternoon

Balls, galas, premieres. They used to be the bane of my existence when I was the heir to the family name and the family fortune. I was trotted out at every single one that could help our business interests, that could help our standing. And while they always had open bars, my father, being well-versed in my functional alcoholism, always made sure my dates were more handlers than dates.

However! I see no reason why I cannot reclaim the experience with my new friends here at the Cirque. So I am offering myself as a date for whomever would like to accompany me to one of these parties. I can promise good conversation, a talent for ballroom dancing that can only come from expensive lessons, and to sneak a flask inside in case we get tired of champagne and fine wine and want something harder.

And to highlight the fact that I am one hell of a snappy dresser, here's a photo of how well I clean up, courtesy of the Daily Mail's coverage of the 2017 National Portrait Gala. Yes, I spoke with Kate. She's very nice.

Any takers?



[No Subject]

Private message to Asher )