Cirque Nocturne: Messages

Le Cirque Nocturne

a haven for the dark

The circus arrives without warning.
No announcements precede it.
It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.

February 2018



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December 13th, 2017



November 10, midnight

Tonight, I had a guest over for the first time and he ask if I was robbed. Then I look at pictures of human homes and realize that maybe I need more things if I am to be entertaining guests. So! If anyone has any extra human things that will make my trailer feel more cozy and homey, I appreciate. I have my Cirque money to pay, or can catch you lagoon fish for dinner. Also give swimming lessons.

I still not like the heat but maybe it isn't so bad here overall.



November 10th, late morning

Fucking nope. Fucking heat and humidity, I will turn into a goddamn Fae-puddle. Talisman or no talisman, I'm hanging out in the Garden or my trailer until the sun goes down. I miss Moscow already.



[No Subject]

Hey guys! Iris here!
So, I learned about this place from a dream but I don't know anybody here! Weird right?

Just kidding! My awesome cousin and brother are here~
Can I just say how cool this place is? Also, Thailand is not bad looking either.





Google tells me that's how you say hello in Thai. Thai isn't a language I can speak even a little bit of, but maybe I'll try and pick some up. I should at least learn a few basic things in every country we visit from now on I think. Just sort of 'yes' 'no' 'hello' and maybe 'my hovercraft is full of eels'.


hoh wer-krâaf kŏng chăn dtem-bpai-dûay bplaa lăi

I'm worried about going out into the city even though I'd really like to, because I read that the law is you have to have your passport on you at all times and I don't even have a passport. Also illegal: stepping on Thai currency, throwing gum away on the ground. Don't get arrested! What happens if someone is in jail when the cirque moves on?



[No Subject]

Evening beautiful people. You can call me Chandra.

Now who can tell me the first things I need to see? I need to maximize my first day.