Cirque Nocturne: Messages

Le Cirque Nocturne

a haven for the dark

The circus arrives without warning.
No announcements precede it.
It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.

February 2018



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November 7th, 2017




I got to go out shopping in London! Elia and some of the other girls took me along with them on their trip to the posh underwear shops. Elia even insisted on buying me one of the things! She's so nice :)

[She posts a selfie of herself wearing just the new piece, bolstered with a new sense of shamelessness and confidence brought on by her day with her amazing new supernatural co-workers. She regrets it thirty seconds later and deletes the photo, her cheeks burning. She hopes no one actually saw it, but some may have.]

I've started to feel settled in, at least a little. There's still so much to learn about and I feel like I'll never meet everyone who works here.

My tea shop is amazing. I can't believe I've gone from a little food van to... this incredible wonder that I've been gifted. In my downtime I can climb up on top of it through the window and suddenly I'm so high, and I can just put my earphones in and drink a cup of vanilla tea and everything feels wonderful. I've never felt more like I belong somewhere, especially somewhere that (I suppose by all rights when I'm only human) I shouldn't belong.

I'm so lucky, it's crazy.



October 24th, 3 a.m.

[Kennet + Security]
I've found our missing dancer. As I feared. She was murdered.

Come with me to bring Bianca home? She deserves a better resting place than a filthy alley.



October 25th, Evening.

[Posts a digital sketch of a dark figure looming by the Wishing Tree]

Has anyone lost their shadow? I'm only half-joking because I've seen it twice now. This strange silhouette just...lurking.



October 25th; 7 pm

Somethin with its energy. Stop you making poor Jonas blush.



October 24th, early evening

It's so strange, being home. I sort of miss Michigan. It was pretty cool, and the Aquarium was so lovely, and there was so much green. Not like London. I love it, but at the same time, it feels dreary in comparison.

The Tower is cool, but the spirits here are... sad. The little boy ghosts don't seem to understand why they're still here, when everyone else is gone. Hopefully we can help them move on before we leave. Ghede?