Cirque Nocturne: Messages

Le Cirque Nocturne

a haven for the dark

The circus arrives without warning.
No announcements precede it.
It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.

February 2018



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September 11th, 2017



June 14th; afternoon


I'm so, so happy to be in Prague! It's one city that was on my bucket list because of all of its gothic architecture. I mean, I love Angkor Wat but, um, it made me uneasy a bit in the in. Oh, not because it was the start of the Monsoon season and I thought little me would get swept away because that'd be me, trip on something and, whoops!, taken away by Monsoon! So, no, it wasn't because of that but weirdly the Buddist monks. And I hate to say that because I ever thought if I'd become a religious person, I could see myself becoming Buddhist, you know? It just felt like the longer we were there and I'd visit to give time and aid, the more it seemed they wanted to tell me something and it was just confusing.

I didn't understand what they wanted from me or what they expected from me. It just was....

Ack! I meant this to just be short and sharing pictures of Prague that I've taken! I didn't mean to go on and on. Who wants to hear about weird/awkward interactions with monks, right? lol!

Just two of my favorites I took within the city! )