Cirque Nocturne: Messages

Le Cirque Nocturne

a haven for the dark

The circus arrives without warning.
No announcements precede it.
It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.

February 2018



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July 13th, 2017



May 25th, mid afternoon

A slip of printer paper covered in words and pictures James could accurately identify (mostly) had been cut from magazines, and left tacked to Tucker's trailer door. It reads;

Hey IM sorry. I cant explain. 5 MOVES FOR A SMOKIN' HOT BUTT! it’s not safe her. Meat me at at I will try to conversation. In advance, this sucks hairy so cut me some . Its not watts you think I swear.



[No Subject]

Oighear found where Zanna keeps the catnip. He's lying on the floor, blissed out of his mind and batting at the air. He is ridiculous and my favorite.

Still not sleeping very well. I'm not keen on more nighttime visitors.



May 25th, late evening


Find out what is causing this and deal with it.
We are not moving locations early, as so many are requesting, but I do not wish to move locations late like last time.



posted May 25, early afternoon

Soooo... it looks like a bunch of people here aren't doing so hot? Awkward time to join up. Hi, I'm Halle (that's HAL-EE, thanks) and if there's some way I can help out, just let me know? Otherwise, I think I'll just try and stay out of the way.



messages sent May 25th, late afternoon

Message to Freya )

Message to Conor )

Message to Clarent )

Message to Kennet )



posted May 25, afternoon

Hi. My name is Marco, I'm a nationally certified paramedic and I'm the new EMS medic on call at TBS. I think I read something about exploding pixies? I'm not too sure how to help with exploding pixies, but I'll do my best.



May 25th evening, shortly before opening

I'm seven bottles of whiskey in, and I'm not even drunk. Well kinda. Come drink with me you horny bag of tits.