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November 10th, 2008

Getting All Medieval on Your Ass

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Who: Murphy MacManus and Abby Sciuto.
Where: The Archery Range of Here.
When: Afternoon..
What: Robin Hood teaches Maid Marion how to use a bow and arrow. No, really...
Warnings: If you get too close, you might be shot.

At the appointed time and place, Abby arrived for lessons with Murphy. He'd said he'd teach her how to use a bow and arrow. Perhaps he was bored or just wanted to make sure that if she ever did take it up as a hobby, she didn't end up killing anyone - including herself. She didn't mind, either way. She already had experience with guns and knives - though not necessary in a fight - and she was good with tasers, but the bow and arrow? That was a whole different matter.

That was history, going way back, and she wanted to learn.

Dressed in black jeans, a black T-shirt and a black, leather jacket and boots, her hair up in ponytails and her spiky collar on, she probably looked like a stereotypical interpretation of a Goth chick at a biker's convention. The soft, black leather gloves just added top the look.

Abby had her bow and arrow chosen and ready. She started to do some stretches while she waited.

October 9th, 2008

Murphy OTA

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Other then Dawn keeping him company, Murphy really didn't have much going on. He was waiting for that Abby chic to come find him so he could teach her the bow, Lucas was a good kid, wasn't like a lot of the guys he knew. Didn't like to fuck around and he was so caught up in his wife, which was nice, but he missed his brother a lot. Lucas rarely came to find him and when he tried to let off some steam by horsing around, Lucas didn't seem game. Murphy felt a little disconnected, he missed his Ma and his Da and Connor. He sat outside, throwing rocks into the pond and smoking some of the last of his cigarettes.

October 7th, 2008

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Buffy was wandering the grounds of Here. She had Mr. Pointy in her pocket, just in case. She was used to patrolling and though there may not be a need for it Here, she still felt the urge. She walked through the woods and by the lake. She stopped and closed her eyes, just feeling the warm air on her skin.

June 7th, 2008

Dawn and Murphy spend some time together

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Who: Dawn Summers and Murphy MacManus (Plotlocked-closed)
When: Saturday afternoon
Why: Because they need some 'me time'
Status: Incomplete

Murphy found he liked swimming outside in the lake more then in the pool, must be all the chlorine. Plus, it reminded him a lot of being back home. He left a note for Dawn under her door an padded down to the lake. HE waited for her, he brought some sports drinks and towels. At the moment he was on the platform in the middle of the lake, sunning himself. In a basket with the towels and drink, he also brought sunscreen and bug spray.

May 19th, 2008

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Buffy felt like going for a swim, and it was a beautiful day outside. She walked outside to the lake. She had a bikini on under the clothes. She reached the edge of the lake and started to strip down until she had just the bikini on.

April 27th, 2008


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Who: Murphy MacManus and OTA
When: Sunday afternoon after the chapel
Where: Wandering the grounds
Status: Incomplete.

*Murph was in a good mood. He missed his brother and Da like fucking crazy, but at least he had Dawn Here. He was wandering about, really going nowhere. He missed shooting. So, when he found himself at the archery range, he took off his pea-coat and found a bow and some arrows, a spare arm guard and began taking shots. Come talk to him.*

April 5th, 2008

Layla Williams-Scott and Lucas Scott Reception- Saturday night. (OOC Ready for posting.)

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What: Lucas and Layla's reception, night, Saturday.
Who: Invitations were given out to many residents of Here, mainly OTA (OOC notes-No Tags from The Bunny AKA Mister Bunny, please and thank you kindly.)
Where:: Set on the golf course of Here, Wedding and reception. Under an arch of 13 cherry blossom trees. Reception held under a tent set up by Ms. Ginny Weasley.
Why:: Lucas and Layla want to finally set in stone their wedding nuptials with their friends and family like members of Here.
Summary: Wedding and Reception of Lucas Scott and Layla Williams-Scott, R for language tops.
Status: Incomplete.

(OOC notes: OK, I fretted on how to do this, so what I plan to do is to create a photo-album for the dress, an idea of what the wedding and then the reception is to look like. I will explain in as much detail as possible what everything will look like. The albums, I hope, will cut down on image overload. I will lay everything out as far as who is doing what, with who and where. I will do my best to separate the post into the bride and groom with wedding party and pastor. Then the next section can be set up as the guests reactions to the event. A separate post will be made for the reception. It will be more free for all, I will try an assimilate some type of order to it. What I think might work best is to have the wedding party separate, then each member invited to the wedding gets to post a blurb as a reaction to the wedding. Then I will make another post for them walking down the aisle to the end and people then can each post another reactionary blurb. the reception will be more thread like. This way things don't get clogged. I will add a string from each person Lucas gave out an invite too, then a blank section for those coming with a guest as a date or who didn't get an invite handed to them, but picked them up from the lobby. You can add your own names, also please add your own tags as you join, so we get an actual account of who showed and not a wrong account based on misinformation. Below I will list all the people involved in the wedding and reception events, their song, who is giving speeches, special dances, etc. Each will have their own string at the top. The free for all type threads can happen after all those threads happen. I figure we can attack each section as people join, but there will be a placeholder there for that specific thread to happen. IF anyone has a question, email me or google talk me at The pictures I will be posting will not be exact renditions of how the areas will look, just a general idea.)

(See PICS provided with descriptions for reception, description of reception is included in wedding post: )

Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always.  )

Lucas and Layla's wedding, set at dusk, Saturday. (OOC Ready for posting.)

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What: Lucas and Layla's wedding, set at dusk, Saturday.
Who: Invitations were given out to many residents of Here, mainly OTA (OOC notes-No Tags from The Bunny AKA Mister Bunny, please and thank you kindly.)
Where:: Set on the golf course of Here, Wedding and reception. Under an arch of 13 cherry blossom trees. Reception held under a tent set up by Ms. Ginny Weasley.
Why:: Lucas and Layla want to finally set in stone their wedding nuptials with their friends and family like members of Here.
Summary: Wedding and Reception of Lucas Scott and Layla Williams-Scott, R for language tops.
Status: Incomplete.

(OOC notes: OK, I fretted on how to do this, so what I plan to do is to create a photo-album for the dress, an idea of what the wedding and then the reception is to look like. I will explain in as much detail as possible what everything will look like. The albums, I hope, will cut down on image overload. I will lay everything out as far as who is doing what, with who and where. I will do my best to separate the post into the bride and groom with wedding party and pastor. Then the next section can be set up as the guests reactions to the event. A separate post will be made for the reception. It will be more free for all, I will try an assimilate some type of order to it. What I think might work best is to have the wedding party separate, then each member invited to the wedding gets to post a blurb as a reaction to the wedding. Then I will make another post for them walking down the aisle to the end and people then can each post another reactionary blurb. the reception will be more thread like. This way things don't get clogged. I will add a string from each person Lucas gave out an invite too, then a blank section for those coming with a guest as a date or who didn't get an invite handed to them, but picked them up from the lobby. You can add your own names, also please add your own tags as you join, so we get an actual account of who showed and not a wrong account based on misinformation. Below I will list all the people involved in the wedding and reception events, their song, who is giving speeches, special dances, etc. Each will have their own string at the top. The free for all type threads can happen after all those threads happen. I figure we can attack each section as people join, but there will be a placeholder there for that specific thread to happen. IF anyone has a question, email me or google talk me at The pictures I will be posting will not be exact renditions of how the areas will look, just a general idea.)

The Wedding of Mr. Lucas Eugene Scott and Ms. Layla Sophie Williams. Please come and celebrate with them on this wonderful and special day. )

March 27th, 2008

Stag and Doe - OTA [[OOC: No tags from Mr. Bunny, please]]

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Who: Damn near everyone (except for Mr. Bunny).
Where: The Ballroom (where you dance, not where you play with balls).
When: Right now, actually... ;)
Rating: Jack swears sometimes, some maybe PG-13. Will alter if required.
Summary: Stag and Doe for Lucas and Layla.

The sign on the Ballroom door read:

Stag and Doe: Lucas and Layla (respectively). 
Come on in and help them celebrate 
their love for one another (that means you)

Jack checked to make sure everything was in place. The sound system was ready to take requests. He had arranged for a microphone to be set up on a small, raised platform, for announcements, speeches and the like. There were streamers and balloons, two tables of food and a table of beverages for all tastes. He had two crowns set aside for the special couple to wear later on and party favours scattered around the room.

Right now, he set the music for some soft rock 'n' roll, so people could dance if they wanted, but could converse comfortably. He figured 'simple but fun' was the way to go. He'd thought about the whole 'girl popping out of the cake' scenario, and even considered twisting it so that he popped out of the cake instead, but this was a 'family show', not one of those parties.

Jack, dressed simply in a blue t-shirt, jeans and sneakers, checked his watch and waited for people to arrive, hoping that Layla and Lucas would like what he'd done. He hadn't really met Layla yet, so he was a little nervous.

I'm a Best Man who doesn't really know the Bride-to-Be. How weird is that?

[[ OOC: Ahem, sorry. Posting order? What is this strange thing you speak of? ;) I didn't set it up that way at all, at all. Just have fun, tag who you like, and dance when the spirit moves you. :D ]]

March 21st, 2008

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Who: Dawn, OTA
Where: Out on the grounds
What: Enjoying the event.

Dawn had seen the notice ahead of time and was therefore none too surprised to find that she couldn't cast any sort of spell whatsoever when the meteor show began. It didn't bother her though; she rarely used what magic ability she had (mostly because Buffy and Willow insisted on it), so it wasn't a necessary part of her life.

That left her one option, if she couldn't be angry and disgruntled and feel out of place. She could just enjoy the show. And enjoying it she was, as she stood out on the grounds, staring up at the sky with the tiniest hint of a smile on her face. It was gorgeous.

March 9th, 2008

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Sarah was outside, just pacing out across the grounds, a thermal mug of cocoa in one hand and a book in the other, reading aloud occasionally, but mostly just pacing while she read to herself. It was a nice enough day to be outside, and she'd been starting to feel cooped up inside.

In any case she certainly wouldn't mind an interruption.

February 6th, 2008

A few hours later

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Who: Murphy MacManus and Dawn Summers
When: A few hours after her note
Why: To answer her question.
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD

*Murphy walked with a purpose to Dawn's room, he had been down in the work out room taking care of his shoulder. Stretches, weightlifting, and finally he climbed the rock wall. He got some food and some water, then went to his room, found her note, smiled and headed for the shower. He got dressed in a clean black,faded tee shirt and a pair of faded denim jeans, his combat boots. He made his way to her room and knocked on the door, biting his thumb and rubbing his thumb over his chin while he waited.*

February 5th, 2008

Note left on Murphy's door.

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I've been trying to guess for like the past couple of days but I really can't tell one way or the other because we've never actually said it so I've decided that I'm going to come right out and ask. Okay, so, yeah, I'm totally leaving you a note on your door instead of talking to you in person, but I think the point still stands.

Are you my boyfriend?

Are we dating?

Are you my boyfriend?

- Dawn

February 3rd, 2008

Out Drinking, cause something normal needed to happen.

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Murphy and Lucas and OTA who wants to drink with them.
What: Drinking
When: Two weeks after the explosion.
Why: He promised him.

*Murphy left a note on Lucas' door letting him know he'd be at the bar and to meet him there. He was already drinking Guinness, Smoking one of the many packs of cigarettes he still had on him, which were running low. He waited to see if the lad showed, if not he wouldn't mind any company.*

January 16th, 2008

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Who: Dawn (hopefully Buffy and/or Faith, maybe Murphy later?)
What: Explosion aftermath - Dawn gets hurt.

Maybe Dawn was just trying to be incredibly forward, but she'd decided that once, this once, she'd be the one that went to visit Murphy for a change, instead of waiting for him to show up with a gown and plans for dinner again.

She grinned as she reached the second floor and made her way down the hall, only having the barest second for the tell-tale BOOM sound to reach her ears and she looked up as rubble fell, hitting her on the head before she could stop it magically or otherwise.

Everything went dark.

January 15th, 2008

Time for a fall

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Hop, hop, hop.

The Bunny eyes the empty lobby again, just to make sure it is still empty. If anyone sees him doing this, he's in big trouble. But sometimes, well, all the time really, he just has to follow his programming.

Which is telling him, someone has to pay.

So it is that he's carrying a small object, just about the size of an easter egg. Actually, it's painted to look like one too. But with some advanced knowledge, and future technology, the Bunny has created something quite powerful.

"Happy Birthday, buddy." With a quick two hops, he slams the egg into the delivery shoot and hits the button with both feet. After a smooth landing, his beady red eyes stare upwards, waiting for a rush of fire down the tube to tell him he's the new Manager of this place.


As pieces of the residence begin to fall down around his head, he can say but one thing.


((OOC:This is it boys and girls, the big badda boom! Enjoy yourselves.))
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