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March 27th, 2008

Stag and Doe - OTA [[OOC: No tags from Mr. Bunny, please]]

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Who: Damn near everyone (except for Mr. Bunny).
Where: The Ballroom (where you dance, not where you play with balls).
When: Right now, actually... ;)
Rating: Jack swears sometimes, some maybe PG-13. Will alter if required.
Summary: Stag and Doe for Lucas and Layla.

The sign on the Ballroom door read:

Stag and Doe: Lucas and Layla (respectively). 
Come on in and help them celebrate 
their love for one another (that means you)

Jack checked to make sure everything was in place. The sound system was ready to take requests. He had arranged for a microphone to be set up on a small, raised platform, for announcements, speeches and the like. There were streamers and balloons, two tables of food and a table of beverages for all tastes. He had two crowns set aside for the special couple to wear later on and party favours scattered around the room.

Right now, he set the music for some soft rock 'n' roll, so people could dance if they wanted, but could converse comfortably. He figured 'simple but fun' was the way to go. He'd thought about the whole 'girl popping out of the cake' scenario, and even considered twisting it so that he popped out of the cake instead, but this was a 'family show', not one of those parties.

Jack, dressed simply in a blue t-shirt, jeans and sneakers, checked his watch and waited for people to arrive, hoping that Layla and Lucas would like what he'd done. He hadn't really met Layla yet, so he was a little nervous.

I'm a Best Man who doesn't really know the Bride-to-Be. How weird is that?

[[ OOC: Ahem, sorry. Posting order? What is this strange thing you speak of? ;) I didn't set it up that way at all, at all. Just have fun, tag who you like, and dance when the spirit moves you. :D ]]
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