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January 13th, 2009

Leaving for the TARDIS

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Where: The Doctor and Jack's room.
Who: The Doctor, Jack, Martha and Lizzie (locked, plzkthnx)

The Doctor pulls on his coat, the blue suit he came Here in, and looks around the room. He didn't need to bring anything back with him, he had everything he needed.

He was quite eager to get out of Here. Too long in one place, surrounded by memories he'd rather try to escape from.

"Right. All set," he says.

January 5th, 2009

Martha wakes up and is confused. [Jack?]

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Martha doesn't wake up peacefully. She wakes up with a gasp, bolting upright and looking about her in shock, surprise, and confusion as she tries to remember just where the fuck she is and how she ended up here. In the next instant, she remembers being attacked and that was it, and she wonders in alarm just how long she's been sleeping. Not wanting to think on that for long, however, she decides that it's not important, and climbs off of the table she was laid out on, grateful to find that she was still clothed as she hadn't any time to waste.

Crossing the room, she went for the door, opening it and peeking outside. Looking to her left and right, she sees no one, and decides it's her best chance, sprinting forth. She doesn't know where she is, as it's not the Residence, and she has no bleeding clue where she's running to, but she'll be damned if she stays in one place for too long, having learned enough from That Year.

It isn't long before she can hear whoever had her captive yelling of an escaped prisoner, and she decidedly doesn't let it get to her, reminding herself that if she just keeps running, they won't catch her. She just has to keep running. She trips a bit, but she doesn't fall, thankfully, and she realises with shock that the Residence is actually up ahead. If she wasn't running in fear, she'd be amazed at the fact that they are no longer closed off.

Eventually the ones pursuing her give up, for which she's grateful, and she slows down to a jog, and then to a walk, breathing heavily as she runs out of adrenaline, curious as to just what is going on as she gets closer to the Residence, until finally, she's sure she's reached the point where it used to start. She doesn't stop however, until she gets to the lobby, and even then, she feels like collapsing. And she does, sitting on the floor as soon as she gets inside the door.

"What the hell is going on?" She's asking herself, but she really wishes that someone cold give her an answer.

December 28th, 2008

Damn and Damn

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Who: Jack and Anyone.
Where: The Residence - his and the Doctor's room, first floor.
When: As the Announcement is made.

To say that the alarm was alarming would've been redundant, so he didn't say anything.

Jack rolled out of bed, pulled his revolver from under the mattress and stood in the dark, listening. Thunder was still rolling in the distance and the alarm wasn't really an alarm, so much as an announcement. He pulled on his jeans, wondering where the Doctor was and what the hell was going on now. He didn't want to go naked into the hallway and give anyone a scare.

He opened the door and stepped outside, gun at the ready.

October 14th, 2008

Tennis, anyone?

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Who: Jack Harkness and OTA.
Where: The Tennis Courts of Here.
When: Daylight. That leaves it nice and open.
What: Tennis, anyone?

[[ OOC: And Slow-Time, folks, life being the way it is these days...]]

The seasons are changing, but Jack decided that wasn't going to stop him from dressing in tennis whites, reminiscent of the 1920's - isn't the Boutique amazing? - grabbing some tennis gear and setting up the ball machine on the far side of the court. Using the remote, he activates the unit and it starts lobbing balls toward him at a steady pace. He paces himself and pursues the balls, bouncing on his feet, white teeth gleaming in a smile of joy.

He's been looking for puzzle pieces for the last week. It was time to let out some of that frustration.

September 11th, 2008


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For a dorky teen aged kid, Bobby has managed to set up quite an interesting array of stuff for the party (with the help of Residence staff members).

Let's get this party started! )

[[ooc: Regular party etiquette, all are welcome, thread hop, post in in several places to get the max amount of tags and fun out of it all!]]

August 5th, 2008

Into the Woods - Mixer

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Who: Isabelle Tyler & Jack Harkness - Mixer
Where: Outside, in the Woods
When: During the daytime, I would imagine...
Summary: Mixer! Jack is wandering about, because he can, and meets up with Isa, who is around... At least they've met before, so it won't be completely random... ;)
Rating: We'll say PG until further notice.

Jack hasn't gone on 'walk-about' for a while now. He keeps meeting people and getting... distracted from pursuing the great outdoors.

Today, however, will be different. Today, he's going for a walk in the woods, just the clothes on his back - t-shirt, jeans, socks and sneakers - and ear buds around his neck. He has a selection of music on his cell 'phone - charged by the Doctor, thank you - and he plans to just stroll, observe nature on this beautiful day, and listen to something soothing and relaxing.

Ah, nothing like the music of the Fifties...

July 31st, 2008

Lucas and Layla bringing Ianto to the Clinic, Jack is visiting Gwen.

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Layla, Lucas and Ianto had made it to the clinic, this is the second or third new member they have brought to the clinic for a small medical and paper work. Little did they know that Ianto and Jack had a major history with one another. Gwen was there too, but she was pretty much under quarantine, Jack could go see her at will, he never got sick. Although, Ana speculated he must be tired with getting the proverbial "Hose Down" everytime he came to the clinic for a visit. Once Jack and Ianto meet, they can talk from there and Lucas and Layla will melt into the background until later on.

(OOC Con't from this thread: (Ianto arrives) and this thread: is visiting Gwen)

July 20th, 2008

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Who:Martha & Jack [plotlocked].
Where: Starts at Martha's room (104).
When: Late at night.
Rating: Let's say PG-13 to start.
Why: Martha told Jack that all he had to do was knock on her door one night and she'd go skinny dipping with him.

Martha had just settled into bed and was dreaming. It was looking to be a very good dream, actually. She was sitting on a towel on a nice sandy beach in the middle of the night, far far away from Cardiff, watching as a very not dressed Jack approached her, a slow grin spreading across her face as she enjoyed both the view he was providing and the night air –

And then there was knocking at her door, jerking from sleep and forcing her to sit up on her bed. She sat for a moment, rubbing her eyes as there was more knocking, and then climbed out of bed as she pushed away the idea of Derek making an appearance later on in the now lost dream. She made her way to the door, not ever caring that she wasn't properly dressed to answer it.

"Whatever it is," she said, even as she pulled the door open, "it had better be good."

July 4th, 2008

Clinic (Plotlocked)

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Gwen meekly was following orders and sat inside the clinic. She had finally gotten over the worst of whatever had knocked her and Owen flat but was trying to tell herself this was just being on the safe side. "Hello boring weekend of doom" she tried to joke to make herself feel better about this. She had the sheet with all the info and was hoping Jack would be willing to play notetaker since her handwriting was not all that great to start with. She had bagged the gloves from when she arrived since all she had then was jeans, a couple of t-shirts and her winter coat.

She also felt for the notebook which had been acting as a bit of unoffical info in case Jack needed to get this back to the Hub. Outside of not having slept so great due to worry Gwen looked like she was herself again.

June 15th, 2008

Entrance Post: Maureen Johnson - La Diva est arrivee

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The delay had broken on her system again and she was meant to be doing a testimonial performance for Mark this evening. She sighed heavily. She's lost a lot of her friends one way or another recently. Mark's disappearence was odd though something didn't ring right. Roger had taken it hard and had gone to ground.

But the apartment, Mark had a spare delay set up that she knew would work, he wouldn't have minded, hell it was fitting. Maureen hot footed it over to the building but couldn't get in.

"What on earth are you doing here?" asked a low voice.

Maureen spun around unsure whether to hit the person or run. But as he stepped out of the shadows she recognised at once who it was, Benny.

"Benny?" she checked. "Christ you scared the shit out of me there. I was trying ot get into the apartment, there's something in there I need."

Benny shook his head. "Cant let you in Maureen, Roger's disappeared too I can't just let you in."

"But Benny tonight's gig, for Mark, will be ruined if I don't get the delay fixed." She wheedled, if anyone was Benny's weak spot Mark might just be it, they had been best friends a while back.

"Please pookie?"

Benny rolled his eyes. "You will be the death of me Maureen, seriously. You got five minutes."

Maureen leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, "I owe you one."

"Yes, you do."

She smiled widely and skipped in through the door and into the familiar loft apartment. It had been deserted now for nearly two weeks since Roger vanished too. She went to Mark's room, their room once upon a very long time ago and rifled through some of his electonic gubbins until she found the piece that would make the delay work.

"Miss you pookie." She said out loud to the room at large before heading back out. On the way though something caught her eye, a puzzle. She hadn't seen one quite like it before and pocketed it for later.

"Thanks Benny" she called on her way out and blew him a kiss.

Maureen made her way to the performance space but her mind was distracted, the puzzle she just had to have a go at it and now.

She dipped into a coffee shop ordered a skinny latte and started to work on the puzzle.

Damned it was infuruating, the latte going cold beside her as she tried to fit the pieces in slowly but surely coming together, this was cool. The last few pieces going in and when she looked up... she wasn't in the East Village anymore.

May 31st, 2008

Lucas and Layla have Jack over for dinner (Plotlocked closed)

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Lucas was setting the table for the dinner he and Layla would be having with Jack. Layla was in the kitchen area making dinner. He finished setting the table and walked into the kitchen area.

"Smells good," he said walking up behind her and kissing her neck. "Food smells good too," he said smiling.

May 20th, 2008

"Eight ball in the side pocket..." - Jack Harkness & OTA

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Who: Jack Harkness & Anyone Looking For Some Fun
When: What are you doing right now? ;) (Warning: I may be a bit slow tagging...)
Where: The Games Room, Here
Rating: Oh, hell... Let's go with NC-17, 'cause Buffy wants the pool table and who is Jack to say 'no'? Snogging, swearing and shagging. Very Torchwood, actually...
Summary: Jack Harkness is trying to unwind, kill some time, and think...

He was alone in the Games Room, but that was fine. With any luck, he'd be able to shake the blues or whatever it was that had descended upon him. A feeling of 'meh', as he thought of it. After being stuck Here for a while, he was catching himself getting up at odd hours, wandering the grounds in the pouring rain, walking the roof without shoes on. He was getting used to it all, and as he couldn't die, he was having his life Here drag before his eyes as one, mindless, frustrating, numb day after the other.


Captain Jack Harkness poured more Scotch into the crystal tumbler he'd been using for the last three hours and took a deep sip as he studied the pool table. He was playing against himself, which was interesting and boring, simultaneously. He wasn't drunk, but was slightly buzzed, though he had to maintain a steady pace of consumption to even keep the buzz.

Billie Holiday sang the blues on the radio over by the window. How fitting, but then, he'd requested it.

He sighed, lined up a shot and called it to the empty room.

"Eight ball in the side pocket..."

May 17th, 2008

In the tea room [open to all]

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Elaine was taking a little time with a cup of tea that she didn't make herself. She was writing a little, with a pencil and paper. Everything is strange here, and the pencil is the least strange of the items she has to write with.

Elaine is ambidextrous, so sometimes she switches which hand has the tea and which the pencil. There is no noticeable difference in the quality of writing. And every so often, she looks up to a nearby window, lost in memory.

May 15th, 2008

Backdated to while Layla was away (before he got her story)

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Lucas was laying in bed. He was tossing and turning finding it hard to sleep. He missed Layla a lot and wasn't able to sleep as well without her next to him.

He sighed and gave it up as a lost cause. He got out to the bed and got a glass of water. He put on some clothes, grabbed his key and left the room.

He wandered down the hall, wondering if he should knock on Peyton's door. He decided against it since she would probably be asleep. He went downstairs and to the library. He picked up a copy of The lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the ring and walked to the bar.

He sat at a table and ordered a beer and started to read some of the book, taking an occasional sip of his beer.

(Rated R)

May 7th, 2008

Layla's OTA

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Who: Layla Williams-Scott and OTA
When: Tuesday afternoon, out on the grounds near their balcony, researching and studying/ May be some writing too. ;0)
Where: Outside in the sun, the grounds by her balcony
Status: Incomplete.

*Layla was frustrated with a few things, no matter how many times she told him she wanted a 'specific' thing to occur. It was promised and never happened. Not that everything else wasn't satisfactory, heck things were amazing. He was her best friend, lover and confidant. She was also a little frustrated by her friends situation and her inability to get out too much on her own. Darn it though, she was trying. This was proof. It wasn't far, but it was outside. She was typing away on the computer deep in through. Hanging out in a pair of shorts and a tank top with a sports bra underneath, plus some homemade sunblock she concocted with herbs and oils. Iggy was frolicking around nearby, off and on coming to her, nipping and barking an playing. She'd scratch his head, rub his bloaty belly, get him snoring on his back for a little while before he'd awaken and begin it all over again. *

May 4th, 2008

Drunk and disorderly - OTA (backdated to the night/morning of the fight)

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Kara has been sitting on the rock near the lake for a few hours when the sun starts to rise. It seemed as good a place as any to sit, and the alcohol is warming her up nicely despite the early morning chill.

She doesn't want to go back into the Residence - she really doesn't want to see Lee any time soon. He probably just said that thing about Zak to hurt her, but he'd been right.

She killed him.

She throws her head back and gulps down some more ambrosia, the liquid burning its way down her throat. It's almost empty, and she's managed to drink a sizeable amount of the whiskey, too. The pain is starting to dull, and she leans back on her hands, looking out over the lake.

She's barefoot and scruffy looking, and is definitely drunk, should anyone be brave enough to approach her.

(OOC: Rated R for Unexpected Naked Jack!

ETA: Aaaand Unexpected Naked Kara! Though, these two could never be entirely unexpected...)

April 13th, 2008

Doctors and Nurses meeting (Boathouse)

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Who: Jack Harkness, Ana Clark, Martha Jones, Peter Petrelli, Derek Shepherd. (Plot Locked, closed, no tags from outsiders, please. If I forgot a person from the previous meeting post, that was tagged and locked to said post, please PM me here or email me at

When: The Friday before the meteor shower, right after meeting in the lobby.

Why: They had business to discuss about the clinic for Here and some patients.

Status: Incomplete.

*Ana escorted everyone into the boathouse, closed the door and waited a moment then she got right down to business.*

Did anyone notice if we were followed? I've had some minor spells put on this place to keep out any unwanted or unwarranted guests.

*She waited for people to pipe up and then she dove into business.*

Jack, I invited you here today because I so cannot decipher Gwen's notes and knowing what you do outside, in the real world. Well, I need to know if we are dealing with an enemy viral threat of some kind? She has exhibited her illness for weeks now, far longer then most normal viral encounters. Unless, she has an immunity disorder she doesn't know of at the moment? We have patients here with extremely case sensitive conditions. HCM, a medical mutation of the heart wall, patient subject: Lucas Scott. Who you Jack and you Martha have helped in a very grand capacity, previously. The other, and this is where I need your complete and utter diligence in keeping a secret just between us medical types and well, sorry Jack, but because of Gwen and her condition, you as well. I already have been contacted by an anon sicko who insisted that I was being a bitch for trying to keep some type of patient/practitioner privilege in place, especially in a scenario like this, it seems even more important that we do keep some modicum of real world ethics in place. So, I need everyone here, in this room to re-take your oaths so to speak, for the sake of ethics and the lives, the very delicate lives of some of the people who have wound up Here. Anyone opposed to re-stating their oaths can get up and leave this room, now. I've re-opened the clinic to this place and have been put in complete control of the medical facility. Meaning anything goes wrong and it is on my head, figuratively and theoretically speaking.

April 5th, 2008

Layla Williams-Scott and Lucas Scott Reception- Saturday night. (OOC Ready for posting.)

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What: Lucas and Layla's reception, night, Saturday.
Who: Invitations were given out to many residents of Here, mainly OTA (OOC notes-No Tags from The Bunny AKA Mister Bunny, please and thank you kindly.)
Where:: Set on the golf course of Here, Wedding and reception. Under an arch of 13 cherry blossom trees. Reception held under a tent set up by Ms. Ginny Weasley.
Why:: Lucas and Layla want to finally set in stone their wedding nuptials with their friends and family like members of Here.
Summary: Wedding and Reception of Lucas Scott and Layla Williams-Scott, R for language tops.
Status: Incomplete.

(OOC notes: OK, I fretted on how to do this, so what I plan to do is to create a photo-album for the dress, an idea of what the wedding and then the reception is to look like. I will explain in as much detail as possible what everything will look like. The albums, I hope, will cut down on image overload. I will lay everything out as far as who is doing what, with who and where. I will do my best to separate the post into the bride and groom with wedding party and pastor. Then the next section can be set up as the guests reactions to the event. A separate post will be made for the reception. It will be more free for all, I will try an assimilate some type of order to it. What I think might work best is to have the wedding party separate, then each member invited to the wedding gets to post a blurb as a reaction to the wedding. Then I will make another post for them walking down the aisle to the end and people then can each post another reactionary blurb. the reception will be more thread like. This way things don't get clogged. I will add a string from each person Lucas gave out an invite too, then a blank section for those coming with a guest as a date or who didn't get an invite handed to them, but picked them up from the lobby. You can add your own names, also please add your own tags as you join, so we get an actual account of who showed and not a wrong account based on misinformation. Below I will list all the people involved in the wedding and reception events, their song, who is giving speeches, special dances, etc. Each will have their own string at the top. The free for all type threads can happen after all those threads happen. I figure we can attack each section as people join, but there will be a placeholder there for that specific thread to happen. IF anyone has a question, email me or google talk me at The pictures I will be posting will not be exact renditions of how the areas will look, just a general idea.)

(See PICS provided with descriptions for reception, description of reception is included in wedding post: )

Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always.  )

Lucas and Layla's wedding, set at dusk, Saturday. (OOC Ready for posting.)

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What: Lucas and Layla's wedding, set at dusk, Saturday.
Who: Invitations were given out to many residents of Here, mainly OTA (OOC notes-No Tags from The Bunny AKA Mister Bunny, please and thank you kindly.)
Where:: Set on the golf course of Here, Wedding and reception. Under an arch of 13 cherry blossom trees. Reception held under a tent set up by Ms. Ginny Weasley.
Why:: Lucas and Layla want to finally set in stone their wedding nuptials with their friends and family like members of Here.
Summary: Wedding and Reception of Lucas Scott and Layla Williams-Scott, R for language tops.
Status: Incomplete.

(OOC notes: OK, I fretted on how to do this, so what I plan to do is to create a photo-album for the dress, an idea of what the wedding and then the reception is to look like. I will explain in as much detail as possible what everything will look like. The albums, I hope, will cut down on image overload. I will lay everything out as far as who is doing what, with who and where. I will do my best to separate the post into the bride and groom with wedding party and pastor. Then the next section can be set up as the guests reactions to the event. A separate post will be made for the reception. It will be more free for all, I will try an assimilate some type of order to it. What I think might work best is to have the wedding party separate, then each member invited to the wedding gets to post a blurb as a reaction to the wedding. Then I will make another post for them walking down the aisle to the end and people then can each post another reactionary blurb. the reception will be more thread like. This way things don't get clogged. I will add a string from each person Lucas gave out an invite too, then a blank section for those coming with a guest as a date or who didn't get an invite handed to them, but picked them up from the lobby. You can add your own names, also please add your own tags as you join, so we get an actual account of who showed and not a wrong account based on misinformation. Below I will list all the people involved in the wedding and reception events, their song, who is giving speeches, special dances, etc. Each will have their own string at the top. The free for all type threads can happen after all those threads happen. I figure we can attack each section as people join, but there will be a placeholder there for that specific thread to happen. IF anyone has a question, email me or google talk me at The pictures I will be posting will not be exact renditions of how the areas will look, just a general idea.)

The Wedding of Mr. Lucas Eugene Scott and Ms. Layla Sophie Williams. Please come and celebrate with them on this wonderful and special day. )

Lucas and Jack [(OOC: Plotlocked)]

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Lucas walked to Jack's door before the wedding. He had his tux on and was ready.

He felt so excited about the wedding and couldn't wait to see Layla again. He had missed her a lot the previous night. He was so looking forward to finally being able to call Layla his wife.

He knocked on Jack's door and fiddled when his tie as he waited for Jack to open up.
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