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November 10th, 2008

Getting All Medieval on Your Ass

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Who: Murphy MacManus and Abby Sciuto.
Where: The Archery Range of Here.
When: Afternoon..
What: Robin Hood teaches Maid Marion how to use a bow and arrow. No, really...
Warnings: If you get too close, you might be shot.

At the appointed time and place, Abby arrived for lessons with Murphy. He'd said he'd teach her how to use a bow and arrow. Perhaps he was bored or just wanted to make sure that if she ever did take it up as a hobby, she didn't end up killing anyone - including herself. She didn't mind, either way. She already had experience with guns and knives - though not necessary in a fight - and she was good with tasers, but the bow and arrow? That was a whole different matter.

That was history, going way back, and she wanted to learn.

Dressed in black jeans, a black T-shirt and a black, leather jacket and boots, her hair up in ponytails and her spiky collar on, she probably looked like a stereotypical interpretation of a Goth chick at a biker's convention. The soft, black leather gloves just added top the look.

Abby had her bow and arrow chosen and ready. She started to do some stretches while she waited.
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