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April 3rd, 2008

Lucas, Mark and Roger (Closed)

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Lucas had left Layla with Mimi, Faith was meant to be joining them later.

He walked to Mark and Rogers room, his tux in hand. He knocked on the door.

He was so looking forward to the next morning. He had a wide smile on his face. He was going to miss Layla this night but it was bad luck to see the bride the night before the wedding.

March 27th, 2008

Stag and Doe - OTA [[OOC: No tags from Mr. Bunny, please]]

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Who: Damn near everyone (except for Mr. Bunny).
Where: The Ballroom (where you dance, not where you play with balls).
When: Right now, actually... ;)
Rating: Jack swears sometimes, some maybe PG-13. Will alter if required.
Summary: Stag and Doe for Lucas and Layla.

The sign on the Ballroom door read:

Stag and Doe: Lucas and Layla (respectively). 
Come on in and help them celebrate 
their love for one another (that means you)

Jack checked to make sure everything was in place. The sound system was ready to take requests. He had arranged for a microphone to be set up on a small, raised platform, for announcements, speeches and the like. There were streamers and balloons, two tables of food and a table of beverages for all tastes. He had two crowns set aside for the special couple to wear later on and party favours scattered around the room.

Right now, he set the music for some soft rock 'n' roll, so people could dance if they wanted, but could converse comfortably. He figured 'simple but fun' was the way to go. He'd thought about the whole 'girl popping out of the cake' scenario, and even considered twisting it so that he popped out of the cake instead, but this was a 'family show', not one of those parties.

Jack, dressed simply in a blue t-shirt, jeans and sneakers, checked his watch and waited for people to arrive, hoping that Layla and Lucas would like what he'd done. He hadn't really met Layla yet, so he was a little nervous.

I'm a Best Man who doesn't really know the Bride-to-Be. How weird is that?

[[ OOC: Ahem, sorry. Posting order? What is this strange thing you speak of? ;) I didn't set it up that way at all, at all. Just have fun, tag who you like, and dance when the spirit moves you. :D ]]

March 19th, 2008

The power blows...

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Who: RENT pups, anyone else who fancies coming along.
What: A party of sorts, or get-together, in room 330. Threaded like a party thread, so feel free to set up individual threads as you wish. :D The door is open, folks are welcome to wander in if they want.
When: For the length of the meteor shower.


Room 330 has been stocked up with different types of alcohol, snacks, and candles are lit all around the room. There's a fire going, but in the fireplace this time.

Feel free to wander in, and mingle as you wish.

March 17th, 2008

And its beginning to snow...

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Who: Mimi and OTA
Where: the grounds
What: Building a snowman!


Mimi stepped out of the Residence and breathed in the crisp air. Was damn weird, the silence and the stillness, she'd lived in the city for so long that it felt almost eerie.

And the snow... So clean, and so much of it, almost dazzling her as it reflected back the light from the sun. She spotted the army of ice men, and spent a few minutes examining them, wondering who had the kind of powers that could make something like that.

She looked around, and bit her lip. She'd never really built a snowman for real. Any time not spent in New York had been back in Puerto Rico. She'd never make anything as impressive as these, but she wanted to at least try to make one.

She grinned, and bent down to start packing together some snow, eventually shaping it into a ball and rolling it along the grass, watching it get bigger and bigger.

This was fun.

March 12th, 2008

To being an 'us' for once...

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Who: Mimi, Roger, Mark, Angel (locked)
When: Backdated liek whoa - the morning after Mimi and Roger met.


Mark slid his key in the lock as Angel headed into their room.

"Roger," he called as he stepped into the room. "Roger, there's something I have to tell you-"

He stopped when he saw Roger, sitting calmly in the living area. With Mimi. And he was smirking.

"Oh," he said. "You... you two found out by yourselves," he said. "Okay..."

He looked at Mimi. She looked good. Healthy, far better than the last time he saw the Mimi he knew.

"Er, hi," he said. She smiled back, and it was freaky, it was so familiar, and he had to remind himself he didn't know this girl.

"Hey," she replied.

"So ... you're okay?" he asked, looking between them.

February 28th, 2008

You look familiar...

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Who: Mimi and Roger (locked)
When: Mimi's third night Here.
What: Meeting alt!versions of their dead girlfriend/boyfriend.
Warnings: Well, angst. Probably swearing. :D


Mimi woke with a start.

She was sure she heard it, she'd dreamed about it the last two nights. That song Roger always played, the same melody...

She sighed, and lay back down. She could have been sure she heard his voice once or twice, but no, she was imagining it. It couldn't be him. She glanced over at the guitar sitting in the corner, and sighed.

Here wasn't so bad. She adored the Boutique, the food was good, she'd met some really nice people, and it had everything she could ask for. But she couldn't help thinking of Mark, Joanne and Maureen. They must think something horrible had happened to them...

She sighed again, and rolled over. And then she heard it again.

She sat up, listened intently. It was definitely it. She slipped out of bed, pulled on the skirt she'd discarded earlier, and opened her bedroom door.

Where was it coming from? She moved into the living area, and to the side where it was loudest. She pressed her ear to the wall and listened, incredulous. It was so like it, sounded just the same, but it couldn't be.

Whoever was playing dropped a cord, and she stepped back, gasping.

She hurried to the door, stepping out into the hallway. Her heart was racing, and she'd no idea what to expect but she had to know who was in the room next door. Had to know if she was really hearing this, or if she was going crazy.

She knocked on the door, three sharp knocks, and waited.

February 24th, 2008

I'm not much company you'll find.....

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Roger sat in Blix, his fourth beer having just appeared and stared into nowhere, He'd been overly harsh with the nurse that had come to visit him, she'd just been trying to help but thats what had gotten to him.

He'd needed the help back in New York and he'd walked away from it. From Maureen and Joanne, from Collins. This was the pattern though.

Roger's running out the door
No more, Oh no, I gotta go

Nor could he talk to Mark, He was finally happy, finally found a woman that loved him, even if he'd had to come to an alternate dimension and find an alien to do it.

He should apologize to him though.

The film of Mimi, the things she'd said...

He took a swig of the beer.

He wasn't coping.

February 12th, 2008

Turn the projector on...

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Who: Mark and Roger (locked)
Where: Film screening room
What: Oh, angst, dead girlfriends, and guilt trips. Not pretty.


MArk had left a note, asking Roger to meet him here.

He really didn't want to do this, but he had no choice. This was for Roger's own good. It wouldn't be easy for him to watch, but he needed to hear it. And from someone he'd listen to.

He'd set up the projector, it was ready to go as soon as Roger got here.

January 29th, 2008

Gotta get my Sickness off - Roger (Looking for Manny)

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He wondered was it still the same room, wondered if he even still had anything resembling what he needed.

AZT and...

He shouldn't. He knew he shouldn't he'd been doing so well. But he'd been so dammed useless the day of the explosion, a few scratches on his hands and face and he'd been unable to help anyone. People had come to him for help and he'd had to tell them to stay back, stay away.

Your own blood cells betray

He knocked on the door he hoped was Manny's and took a deep breath. If he could use once. Just once.

It would be better. He'd be focused and he could quit properly. He just needed....

He just wanted one hit.

January 15th, 2008

Time for a fall

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Hop, hop, hop.

The Bunny eyes the empty lobby again, just to make sure it is still empty. If anyone sees him doing this, he's in big trouble. But sometimes, well, all the time really, he just has to follow his programming.

Which is telling him, someone has to pay.

So it is that he's carrying a small object, just about the size of an easter egg. Actually, it's painted to look like one too. But with some advanced knowledge, and future technology, the Bunny has created something quite powerful.

"Happy Birthday, buddy." With a quick two hops, he slams the egg into the delivery shoot and hits the button with both feet. After a smooth landing, his beady red eyes stare upwards, waiting for a rush of fire down the tube to tell him he's the new Manager of this place.


As pieces of the residence begin to fall down around his head, he can say but one thing.


((OOC:This is it boys and girls, the big badda boom! Enjoy yourselves.))
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