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May 17th, 2008

Note left on the board for Luna and Sam

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Hey, you two. When I get back from my Honeymoon and my camping trip, I was thinking Bow and arrow practice, then Lunch?

Let me know?

Put a note under my door, room 109

Layla Williams-Scott

April 5th, 2008

Layla Williams-Scott and Lucas Scott Reception- Saturday night. (OOC Ready for posting.)

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What: Lucas and Layla's reception, night, Saturday.
Who: Invitations were given out to many residents of Here, mainly OTA (OOC notes-No Tags from The Bunny AKA Mister Bunny, please and thank you kindly.)
Where:: Set on the golf course of Here, Wedding and reception. Under an arch of 13 cherry blossom trees. Reception held under a tent set up by Ms. Ginny Weasley.
Why:: Lucas and Layla want to finally set in stone their wedding nuptials with their friends and family like members of Here.
Summary: Wedding and Reception of Lucas Scott and Layla Williams-Scott, R for language tops.
Status: Incomplete.

(OOC notes: OK, I fretted on how to do this, so what I plan to do is to create a photo-album for the dress, an idea of what the wedding and then the reception is to look like. I will explain in as much detail as possible what everything will look like. The albums, I hope, will cut down on image overload. I will lay everything out as far as who is doing what, with who and where. I will do my best to separate the post into the bride and groom with wedding party and pastor. Then the next section can be set up as the guests reactions to the event. A separate post will be made for the reception. It will be more free for all, I will try an assimilate some type of order to it. What I think might work best is to have the wedding party separate, then each member invited to the wedding gets to post a blurb as a reaction to the wedding. Then I will make another post for them walking down the aisle to the end and people then can each post another reactionary blurb. the reception will be more thread like. This way things don't get clogged. I will add a string from each person Lucas gave out an invite too, then a blank section for those coming with a guest as a date or who didn't get an invite handed to them, but picked them up from the lobby. You can add your own names, also please add your own tags as you join, so we get an actual account of who showed and not a wrong account based on misinformation. Below I will list all the people involved in the wedding and reception events, their song, who is giving speeches, special dances, etc. Each will have their own string at the top. The free for all type threads can happen after all those threads happen. I figure we can attack each section as people join, but there will be a placeholder there for that specific thread to happen. IF anyone has a question, email me or google talk me at The pictures I will be posting will not be exact renditions of how the areas will look, just a general idea.)

(See PICS provided with descriptions for reception, description of reception is included in wedding post: )

Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always.  )

Lucas and Layla's wedding, set at dusk, Saturday. (OOC Ready for posting.)

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What: Lucas and Layla's wedding, set at dusk, Saturday.
Who: Invitations were given out to many residents of Here, mainly OTA (OOC notes-No Tags from The Bunny AKA Mister Bunny, please and thank you kindly.)
Where:: Set on the golf course of Here, Wedding and reception. Under an arch of 13 cherry blossom trees. Reception held under a tent set up by Ms. Ginny Weasley.
Why:: Lucas and Layla want to finally set in stone their wedding nuptials with their friends and family like members of Here.
Summary: Wedding and Reception of Lucas Scott and Layla Williams-Scott, R for language tops.
Status: Incomplete.

(OOC notes: OK, I fretted on how to do this, so what I plan to do is to create a photo-album for the dress, an idea of what the wedding and then the reception is to look like. I will explain in as much detail as possible what everything will look like. The albums, I hope, will cut down on image overload. I will lay everything out as far as who is doing what, with who and where. I will do my best to separate the post into the bride and groom with wedding party and pastor. Then the next section can be set up as the guests reactions to the event. A separate post will be made for the reception. It will be more free for all, I will try an assimilate some type of order to it. What I think might work best is to have the wedding party separate, then each member invited to the wedding gets to post a blurb as a reaction to the wedding. Then I will make another post for them walking down the aisle to the end and people then can each post another reactionary blurb. the reception will be more thread like. This way things don't get clogged. I will add a string from each person Lucas gave out an invite too, then a blank section for those coming with a guest as a date or who didn't get an invite handed to them, but picked them up from the lobby. You can add your own names, also please add your own tags as you join, so we get an actual account of who showed and not a wrong account based on misinformation. Below I will list all the people involved in the wedding and reception events, their song, who is giving speeches, special dances, etc. Each will have their own string at the top. The free for all type threads can happen after all those threads happen. I figure we can attack each section as people join, but there will be a placeholder there for that specific thread to happen. IF anyone has a question, email me or google talk me at The pictures I will be posting will not be exact renditions of how the areas will look, just a general idea.)

The Wedding of Mr. Lucas Eugene Scott and Ms. Layla Sophie Williams. Please come and celebrate with them on this wonderful and special day. )

March 27th, 2008

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Sam had finally gotten through to Bobby, and the man had believed him both about the vampires and about the alternate dimension.
He'd believed the first because John had already found the nest, and the weapon they'd been hiding.
He'd believed the second because... well, because, there really was no other explanation.

He'd also explained about the Colt, which was why Sam was perched on one of the chairs in the Lobby, laptop on the low table beside him, his father's journal open in his lap, cross-referencing and digging deep into the archives, taking notes as he did so.

He could probably use an interruption

March 9th, 2008

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Sam was finished in the chapel for the day, he'd gotten there later than usual, but it wasn't like there was any specific time he had to be there by.

He'd gone to get something to eat, and was currently in the library, perched on a windowseat, book propped against his knees, just reading and taking notes, almost making lists, really. It wasn't for anything in particular, except to keep himself busy, give himself something to do so he didn't drive Dean crazy, and so that maybe, just maybe, when they got out of here he'd have even more weird facts crammed into his encyclopedic brain.

February 22nd, 2008

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Who: Sam & Layla (and really whoever else wants to stop by)
Where: Rock climbing in the gym
When: Friday morning after Sam & Lucas' conversation

The usual Friday morning weapons check-and-cleaning went a whole lot faster with Dean around to help, so Sam found himself at loose ends as to what to do, though, remembering his conversation with Lucas about Layla's needing to get out more, and that she'd wanted to go rock climbing, so he headed to her room, knocking twice.

February 20th, 2008

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Who: Lucas and Sam (locked)

When: Day after Wyatt showed him what happened in the school shooting.

Where: Blix bar

Lucas sat in the bar, a cup of coffee in front of him. He had wanted to come down here and just get really drunk but he couldn't do that to Layla again. So he stuck to the coffee. He idly drummed his fingers on the table. He was completely lost in thought so he wouldn't notice anyone unless they spoke to him.

February 13th, 2008

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Where: the rock-climbing wall in the gym
Who: Sam Winchester & OTA
When: Wednesday before lunch

Wednesday was rock-climbing day, and usually Sam did so outside, but it was cold out, and he'd rather not slip on hidden ice again thankyouverymuch, so he was both mildly surprised, and actually glad when he'd discovered the wall in the gym.

In any case, youngest (smartest!) Winchester, just perched for the moment, surveying for his next hand-hold, feel free to interrupt, chances are good that he won't actually fall.

February 3rd, 2008

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Dean Winchester
When: Around the time Max is at the bar and Sammy's in the Chapel.

Dean was up in his room, doing inventory. Well, not so much inventory as making sure nothing actually got damaged too badly to work. He wasn't sure how to do that with certain supplies, i.e. the holy water (Which y'know, didn't seem broken. The flask was fine, the liquid inside it was still sanctified.) but the weapons and laptop were easier to figure out.
All the items and belongings were just fine, and that gave him cause for celebration. He needed a snack! But snacking required going out and acquiring food. He'd have to do some interesting covert operations.

If you saw a man sneaking down the hallway, humming the Mission Impossible theme to himself, it's not because he's gone crazy recently, he was always this froot loops.

After food acquisition, which just so happened to be a plate stacked high with sandwiches cut into triangles, he sat at the window of his room, looking out at the view.

February 2nd, 2008

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Who: Sam Winchester and OTA
Where: The Chapel
When: Saturday evening, before dinner.

Sam was sitting, quietly, near the back of the chapel, head down. He might have been praying, he might've just been sitting quietly, at any rate, he'd been there over an hour, hands clasped on the pew in front of him, gaze locked somewhere past his hands, he could probably use an interruption at this point, he doesn't bite, really.

January 15th, 2008

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Characters: Gwen Cooper, OPEN (DW/Torchwood pups if possible)
Where: Somewhere near the explosion
When: Explosion Aftermath
Rating: R(Gwen's a cop, decent chance she'll curse at some point)
Summary: Gwen arrives Here and hopefully finds old friends

Gwen was bored as she watched the scene around the SUV. It was her shift to sit by the car and watch for stray Weevils as she worked on the cube, borrowed from Tosh. She slung her backpack over one arm as she worked between sneezing fits, also coming down with a really nasty cold to boot. "Two more pieces and I finally beat Tosh at a simple puzzle" she could smile between fits of sneezing and coughing. As she dropped the last piece into the cube it happened, she was nowhere near the team SUV and found herself in the midst of madness.

"Owen? Tosh? Ianto? Martha? Jack?" she called, hoping someone would answer her. She on instict reached for the Weevil spray in her backpack(also with a change of clothes, cell phone and charger, 2 paperbacks, a electronic game,her IPod and a hidden handgun). But at that moment she was hit by another wave of hacking coughing and sneezing. To be honest she felt as lousy as she looked at this point,having to lean against a wall to let a wave of nausea pass.

"Not even Ianto's coffee will help now" as she tried to find anyone that knew what was going on or where she was. Looking as white as a sheet and ready to throw up was not exactly helping plus she was dazed from the crash landing

Time for a fall

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Hop, hop, hop.

The Bunny eyes the empty lobby again, just to make sure it is still empty. If anyone sees him doing this, he's in big trouble. But sometimes, well, all the time really, he just has to follow his programming.

Which is telling him, someone has to pay.

So it is that he's carrying a small object, just about the size of an easter egg. Actually, it's painted to look like one too. But with some advanced knowledge, and future technology, the Bunny has created something quite powerful.

"Happy Birthday, buddy." With a quick two hops, he slams the egg into the delivery shoot and hits the button with both feet. After a smooth landing, his beady red eyes stare upwards, waiting for a rush of fire down the tube to tell him he's the new Manager of this place.


As pieces of the residence begin to fall down around his head, he can say but one thing.


((OOC:This is it boys and girls, the big badda boom! Enjoy yourselves.))
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