Posts Tagged: 'game+update'

Feb. 16th, 2010



Game Update

It's been a little while since I've done one of these, but, with all the new faces, I figured that, hey, it's time to start doing these once a month again. It's time for a game update, folks!

Anyways, everyone knows by now that we lost Amy, and it's sort of made a dent in some of our plot lines, for obvious reasons. In order to move of, we killed off Lucy Van Warren and Kir has taken on Patience McConnell. All of Amy's other characters except for one, Luke Jacobs, are technically up for adoption as well if any of you are interested in picking one up. The list of them are:

Amy's Characters )

So, that's all of them that haven't already been picked up in some fashion. If any of these guys catch anyone's eyes, contact me or Dan and we'll try to tell you even more about them and give you the journal with a password.

So, now onto plots.

I Can Haz Apocalypse Nao? Lin, are you still picking up Priscilla? For those that don't know, Lucie the Devil and one of her fallen Angels, Azrael, have been asked by someone to release the four horsemen and start the apocalypse. In January, all of the water in LA turned into blood. Crops have been failing around the world and it seems that a strange, well, not plague quite but heart disease has also struck LA. People who seem otherwise healthy are dying because their hearts are literally stopping on them. We have Death cast, and possibly Famine (Priscilla). War had also been released, but we lost that player as well. Anyone who wanted to play war would be appreciated. Erin and Nicole, are we still going ahead with this? I didn't want to start another plague without knowing.

Time Keeps on Slipping: So, Bella's still in the future and now some future children of our favorite characters are stuck in the past because two spells being performed at the same time by Chloe and Lindsey screwed with each other and brought different people forward. It actually appears that they are from an alternate dimension, since Courtney still exists even though her mother died before giving birth to her. Freaky stuff.

Ash Goes Crazy: Yeah, I can't come up with a good plot idea name for this one yet. Ash Kowalski went bonkers after Lucy was killed by Michele. Michele is now ashes in the wind (amusing pun on Ash's own name), and now he's feeling the need to retrieve a Lucy from an alternate dimension, or go stay with her. Obviously, this will probably not end well. Mere Delany is doing everything in her own power to prevent him from making such an obvious mistake.

Also, I would like to extend the official welcome to Dawnfire, Lindsey, Sheena, and James! We're glad to have you guys in the game! Hope you enjoy!

James and Lindsey were nice enough to make us a friend all button, located here ( If one of your characters are missing, let them know on the post.

Dec. 4th, 2009



Game Update - December

It seems that I'm doing these once a month, so we'll go with that I will do these once a month now. Seem reasonable.

OK, before I do anything, I want to address a trend that I don't like. If someone tags you in a post, please tag them back. Don't let the post basically disappear into the oblivion. There are a few ways to prevent this: one, actually tag the post you were tagged in, two, if you set up a post for another person to tag, email them about it, or, even better, talk it out before hand. Also, don't tag someone if you know that, for whatever reason, they aren't around right now. If someone's sick or working a lot or going through finals, let them be.

Giles or Bethany Needed Here
Giles or Ash needed Here

I HATE to be the bad guy, but this can't continue. We all have times that we can't tag or play very well due to different reasons. This is why you should probably email someone before throwing up a post, though. Or send them another email to let them know it's set up.

To keep the mod!bitch trend continuing, has anyone heard from Jules or the girl who plays [info]purityzstorms lately? Letting us know how you're doing is not hard (Jen, I REALLY appreciate that you do it, even when your muse isn't working for you, by the way). Throwing up an open post or sending us an email or doing an OOC post is not hard. If you can't think of anything to do with your character, TALK TO SOMEONE. Most of us are bursting with ideas that we can't use for some reason or another, or want one of our characters to interact with someone knew. Put up an open post saying that your characters are up for grabs to play with or say that you aren't feeling up to playing this month due to personal reasons. Whatever. Really, we're flexible! Frankly, I usually would just like to know that you're not dead.

Alright, I think my rage dump is done. Now, on to nicer matters.

New Players:

Everyone's interacted with her at this point, but I'll give the formal welcome to Lin. For those that *might* not know, she played with us in the original game that we spun off of, but quit for a while. In talking with her, she decided to join up with us, which I'm glad of. Welcome! She plays Bronte Bale, Marlowe Evans, Claudia Burrows, Mackenzie "Mac" King, Ivy Davenport, Meeghan "Meegs" Gregory, and Jaide Travers.

***EDIT*** I'm a stupid shit and forgot to welcome Kir as well. She plays Isabella and Neely Bale for those few who might not know, and she's awesome and I'm a dumbass for forgetting to list her. WELCOME KIR!!!


Time Keeps on Slippin': Bella has somehow or another been transported into the future. Everyone is freaking out. Anyone who wants to use their future selves to interact with Bella should contact Amy. People should also react to her being missing in the present.

I Can Haz Apocalypse Nao?: The horsemen are allowed to wreck havoc. People should start seeing traditional signs that, well, the world is fucked. Frogs falling from the sky, waters running red, that sort of thing, but not exactly the direct ten plagues in order since, well, we just don't need to go there. Really. Use your imagination. Also, Erin, please look at this post for me and tell me what you think. Evil doing good for evil reasons, maybe? A little twisted, but my sense of humor is such.

That's all for now. If I forgot something in my minor raging, let me know. I love playing with all of you guys. I don't WANT to be a bitch. I like things being relaxed around here. Disappearing for a few days or even a week isn't a huge deal, but it's the MONTHS thing that aggravates me, and I'm not the only one. I'm just the one saying it to you all.

I'm out. *drops mic*

Nov. 5th, 2009



Game Update!!

Ugh, I've been putting this off and off, and now I have a lot to do!!

First off, if anyone wants to take the scene summaries off my hands, feel free. I hate doing them. Right now I'm two weeks behind because I hate doing them so much. They aren't hard, just tedious as all hell. Please, someone, take them off my hands. I'll give you an internet cookie.

Another thing I want to mention is that NaNoWriMo starts up this month. It's basically this huge internet thing where you are supposed to write a 50,000 novel in a month. Obviously, it sucks up a lot of time. I'm doing it, and I believe Nikki is doing it as well. If anyone else is doing it, or wants to do it, let everyone know so that, if you disappear at the end of the month, we have a good assumption as to where you've gone.

OK, down to game business. Everyone's coming up with plots! I love that. No one's broken this rule or anything but, if you want to do your own plot, it's totally cool with us. Just make sure you run it by a mod by email or AIM or whatever first. Shouldn't ever be a problem, but, just in case it might hit upon a plot we've already got in mind, we need to know so that we can either try to work it out or let you know that it's not possible at this time. Like I said, NO ONE has broken this rule yet, but it's good to say it.

We have new player as well! Everyone cheer! I love new players.

New Players:
Kir - She's going to be playing Bennette Neely Baily, another cousin of the Bales. Yeah, there are a ton of them, seriously. Her AIM is Warm Whsprs and, if you haven't talked to her yet, you should.

Allie - Allie's not new, per say, but she's rejoining, so I'm throwing up a rewelcome for her. Actually, she's been back since the beginning of Oct., but I'm behind on updates as well. She's playing Willow and a Doctor named Jacob Taylor and his daughter Jane for now. Her AIM is awesomelymusical.

inquisitor1967 - This makes me sound like a bad mod, but it's true. I have no contact info for this person. I even helped approve the character! Someone help me, please.


I Can Haz Apocalypse Nao?: All findable at this time horsemen have been released. Erin has given us players of horsemen to wreck havoc among the populous. So, go wreck it! Apparently, the last seal is a person named Clarity Myles that must be found. Good luck finding her, or bad luck! HAVE BAD LUCK!! I DON'T WANT THE WORLD TO END!

Time Keeps on Slippin': This is what I'm calling the plot for Ami/Bella and the havoc accidentally caused by Gwen when she did the Time Goddess thing. Yeah, I'm a Futurama fan. Sue me. (Actually, don't, because I am the broke.) Obviously, because Ami told too many people what was going on and things changed too much, she disappeared, or, technically, she turned into Bella. Ami is good going to run a plot where Bella gets to see her future and what actually happens to her. So, that should be way interesting. Anyone intimately involved will obviously be contacted more with details as it comes to it. Ask Ami for more details.

Wolfram & Hart: Yeah, they don't get a fun name. Obviously, they are a little down. Lindsey's in a freaking wheelchair, for crying out loud. As I'm sure that you could have guessed if you had read posts with him in them, probably won't last. I'll go ahead and drop that info right now. Lilah has also sent the vengeance demon on the Slayers. She specified Buffy, since she was the one that, as far as Lilah knew, had recently had a break up. Of course, with the explosion that was Skylar and Gwen, that's changed. Kellie, you said something about her making a wish. Contact me? If anyone else wants to make a wish, also let me know. I think Ami said something about Patience making one, too. I think Anyanka might bend her rules a tad for her. She's still a pissed off woman, after all.

Janie's Got a Problem: Janie, Xander's girlfriend, is a girl who was pretending to be a student from Nigeria. She's actually a time traveler trying to escape her own time, or other times. She's never too clear or willing to give too much information. Catherine is currently working on her time traveling device, but she can't control her jumps without it, so who knows when she'll jump again, or who might come looking for her...DUN DUN DUN!!!!!

Doctors, Doctors Everywhere: ...yet never enough to go around. Dr. Liz is going around and recruiting doctors at LAGH that she thinks will be sympathetic to helping the Slayers and their fellow soldiers/friends/whatever you want to call yourselves with situations that they can't take to the emergency rooms. If you want to make a doctor, nurse, whatever, have at it and talk to Kel about joining the ranks!

So, I thought about trying to name all of the new characters that have been created, but there's too many. You want to list all of your knew ones, go right ahead.

So, I think that's it for now. Also, add you characters to the list here. It's also a good way to keep up with characters. Those of you who haven't finished doing it, DO IT!!

I also did a list of rules for the game. Yeah, it's five, but it's important stuff (to me, anyway). It's here for those that want to get on my good side and follow them. I'm going to start getting strict on the rule that says that you have to do something once a month. I don't care if it's just a post on the OOC board saying 'oh, I'm not dead but stuff's going on.' I'm not saying do stuff with every character that you have once a month or anything, because, as a person with about 26 characters knows, that ain't always happening. Basically, I just like knowing that you are still amongst the living, you know?


Sep. 13th, 2009



Game Update

Hey guys! I had completely meant to do this yesterday, but, after a fall down the stairs (again) last night, I wasn't really feeling up to much of anything. So, it's a day later than planned, but here we are with our Game Update!

First off, let's extend the official welcome to Jen, who will be playing Dawn for us. During the history of this game and the game it spun off from, Dawn has been played by...either five or six people. I've honestly lost track. Frankly, she's awesome at Dawn and I hope she sticks around. Go and work out some scenes with her people!

People have picked up some new characters again as well. Somehow, I managed to avoid picking up any in these two weeks. Amazing, ain't it?
1.) Amy - Lucy van Warren, Sister of Chloe and Kevin van Warren, dating Ash, all around sweet girl. Katrina 'Kat' Cole, Slayer and sophomore at Regan High. Jason Carter, senior at Regan High and football player. Louise Thompson, vampire, and mother of Mere and ex of Jack Delany. Bella Morrison McConnell, daughter of Pat and Skylar from the future, replaced Ami after she ceased to exist. Priscilla/Famine, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
2.) Jules - (War), one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Tangle, a data ghost.

Amy, are you trying to break my record of 23? *laughs* Feels like you've been around forever now, honestly.

If I missed any, let me know.


Well, we wrapped up the W&H plot quite nicely, didn't we? Ha! So you think, don't you? Well, W&H are down, but not out. However, they won't be bothering people as much for a little while. As I'm sure you read, Lindsey wasn't killed, but, for right now, is paralyzed from the waist down. I have the strangest feeling that won't last forever, though.

Unfortunately, we lost two people in the fight: Ami Morrison McConnell and Megan Baxter. Megan was Skylar's Watcher, so she'll need a new one. Ami seemed to have morphed into Bella, leaving a lot of heartbroken people behind.

The 'I Can Haz Apocalypse Nao?' plot seems to be moving again. All of the horsemen but one, Greed, seem to have been cast, so hopefully that can move forward. It may very well be our next big plot, or at least a larger than one 'episode' plot, if you know what I mean.

If anyone has any plot ideas, come forward and let us know! As long as they don't conflict with anything the mods have planned, then it will more than likely get approved. So, don't be shy!

In other news, we've brought on a part time mod. Dan and I decided that, just in case either of us aren't around, there should be someone that everyone can go to. Jason has been awesome with helping out with stuff so, when Dan broached the subject with him, he said yes! So, if Dan or I aren't around, and Jason is, go to him. He can give approval for stuff in our place.

So, we finally have our OOC board. If you haven't joined the community for it yet, please go and do so here. Also, Jen has been nice enough to set up an entry for everyone to post all of there characters at. Keep it updated. If you haven't posted at it yet, go here.

When we all chatted on Thursday night before doing the W&H scene, a couple of ideas were brought up. The first one was the list for the characters. We don't have any sort of character or activity rule, but it is nice to know which character belongs to who. It makes things a little less intimidating for some. Also, scene summaries were brought up. Starting today, I'll start writing down summaries from all the scenes for the week, and post them when I do an update. Also, we've been asked about doing a list of places in LA. While you can use some real ones if you want, I'll also be doing a list of the ones that are character owned businesses and such. Thus, if you're character owns a business, I need to know about it!

You can also thank Nikki for our new Wiki page! It's not complete yet, though. It's here if you want to look at it.

OK, I think that's everything. Be on the lookout for a post looking for character businesses and such, and also one for the first Character Questions that I'm working on. Both *should* be up tonight.