Posts Tagged: 'pairing+game'

Nov. 8th, 2010


Possible Couples 4

Most of you know this game by now. Give me (or anyone who volunteers to join) a few random couples of someone's character and I (or they) will come up with how they met, their wedding song, their first born, plus at least 5 facts about said first born. Don't be shy, join in!

Here are a few that I didn't do last time )

Aug. 13th, 2010



Possible Couples, Pt. 3

You guys know this game by now. Give a few random couples of someone's character and they'll come up with how they met, their wedding song, and their first born, plus some facts about said first born. It's fun, so join in!

I owe some old ones first )

Also, these entries now have their own tag 'pairing game' so that they can be tracked down easier. Either throw up a tag saying you want to play or give me a few pairings to do. Have fun!

Mar. 15th, 2010


What Kir does while you're sleeping...

I love this game. Participate, people!

Choose any one (or two, or more) of my characters, and pair them off with ANY character in the game. In return, I'll tell you how the couple met and/or fell in love, "their" song, and I'll give you a name, PB, and five (or so) facts about their firstborn child.

If you wanna participate, just comment on the thread, and I (or anyone) will give you a challenge. Be creative, people!

Here are a few I forgot from last time!:
Yes, I did a few cheats. Shh... )

Dec. 10th, 2009



More Silly Stuff

And another thing I stole. This is NOT - I repeat, NOT - just for me. If you want to participate, just comment back to that effect. Once a person has agreed to play, just submit the request in a response to their comment!

Alright, so here's the deal. I want you to choose any of my characters (past, present, future) and pair them off with ANY character in the same state of play (past, present, future).

In return, I will come up with the following information for the pairings: How the couple met and/or fell "in love" and the song that played for their first dance at their wedding (or just 'their song' in general). I will also give you a name, PB, and five facts for their firstborn child.

I'd say pick two each maybe and you can add more later.