Posts Tagged: 'icons'

Mar. 30th, 2010



Character Icon Layouts For IJ Profiles

Hello everyone!

Just thought I'd remind you all that I will be happy to tweak the HTML code from this site for you so you can have an easy, "Here are my characters" link for your IJ profile. Well, that is if you have an account that you play multiple characters from or not. All you need to do is copy & paste the URLs of the icons you've uploaded to a host like Photobucket or ImageShack and follow the instructions. Copy & paste the code into Notepad and save the file as a .txt and attach it to an email to me. I'll do the other half of the work and tweak the code and send it back to you so all you'd have to do is then copy & paste it into the Bio section of Manage Profile.

♥ Erin

Jan. 22nd, 2010



Icons Wanted

Is there anyone who'd be willing to make me some icons of Orianthi? She's the PB I chose to use for Shiloh.

Oct. 24th, 2009


When I Get Bored...

Just thought I'd share. Not claiming it's GOOD. Or HEALTHY. But this is what I do when I get bored. (Sometimes).

By the way, Erin? If you want to use those as bases and FIX them, feel free.

And like I said, not saying it's good, but if anyone out there wants to help me occupy my time every now and then, I'm more than happy to make something for you, if you provide the pics.

Ohhhh lawd! Thanks for waking me up, Dan!

ETA: I have no idea what tag to use for this. Feel free to change at will!

Oct. 21st, 2009



Vampires Are The New Pink!

Amy totally encouraged me to make some icons based on this image. If you'd like to use one, please:

  • Comment which one you're taking
  • Give credit to [info]ehazcharacters or Erin
  • Do not hotlink! Please save to your computer and upload them.


Oct. 20th, 2009




I think it was...last month (maybe longer?) that someone mentioned being more accurate regarding dates that scenes actually took place and I thought this link about moon phases might be of some help. Not only does it have archives of past phases of the moon for Were-characters, players can also be more specific with their days.

For example, today's date is Tuesday, October 20th, 2009. However, in 2000 this same date technically falls on a Friday. If a scene were to take place today, the When option could read: Friday, October 20th, 2000 if a player so desired.

Just thought this might be a helpful and more accurate suggestion.

-- Erin