Posts Tagged: 'taken+pb+list'

Feb. 15th, 2011



Taken PB List Update

OK, with only like, two exceptions now, I have all the used PBs in the community added to the PB list here. PLEASE do me a favor and check it to make sure that there aren't any extras on there or anything like that. Thanks muchly.


Nov. 24th, 2010



Taken PB List

I updated the Taken PB list with the last few new characters, but I have a request. Could you guys check it for me and make sure it's correct? I've been known to miss one or two, before. Plus, I know a couple of you have dropped characters/moved them to other games, so if you could tell me those, I'd appreciate it.

Taken PB List

Note: Anyone that simply got moved to Viva Vamp Vegas doesn't need to be removed, since the games are connected. Anyone else not played here anymore, though, I'd love to know about it.

Oct. 28th, 2010



Taken PB List

Dear Everyone,

The Taken PB List here has been updated as far as I know it, which means I went by this list to update it by. So, if you have any new characters, please add them to it so I can get their PB.

Also, Lucky dear, I'm sure no one told you to add your characters to that second list. I know I forgot. Among other things, it's how we keep up with who uses what PB. If you added your two girls to it, you'd be a doll.

EDIT: Now that I'm thinking about it, I need to set up a new rule, and it's something that I've been guilty of, too, and I need to fix it. If you create a character to play, once you play them, you need to make a journal for them and join the communities, at LEAST the IC comm. This is mainly so that we can see the PB you picked out, so announcing them on the OOC comm would be a good idea as well. Like I said, I'm guilty of it, too, so I can't even be 'high and mighty' on this one.