Posts Tagged: 'player+information'

Apr. 3rd, 2011



Friendly Modly Reminder

Hey guys! Just a friendly reminder that, if you add characters to the game, please remember to update your character listing here when you do so.

Also, if you have drastically changed your character listing, feel free to delete your entry and redo it to show your new character list. Remember, this is the list that I go by to update the Taken PB list, and I believe that Luckee uses it to update the character listing as well. So, go and do updates already.

Might as well throw this in as well, but, if you create characters, remember to both intro them on the OOC board and make a journal with a few icons in it for them so that we have a journal listing for them as well!


Mar. 16th, 2011


Kir: Update

Just letting you all know that my availability is going to suck balls for the next two months (at the least - hopefully). I've recently accepted a six days a week position, which means I will only be available on AIM one day a week. I'm happy to e-mail scenes (which I do with some of you already, so it shouldn't be too difficult for those of you), to the others: Don't forget me. E-mail me often. I'm not going anywhere. It's just gonna be harder to get a hold of me for a while.

Wish me luck.

Mar. 8th, 2011


[No Subject]

Hello everyone!

I'm new here. I'm Ronnie, and this is Amber. She's a vampire, sired in the late 70s. She has a degree in business administration, but she usually just runs odd jobs.

I really hope that I like it here, and that my awkward newness wears off soon.

Mar. 2nd, 2011



Say 'Crack' Again...

So, I've gone through my character listing for here and VVV and it's occurred to me that I don't play certain characters often enough. So, unless I'm given a reason to play them, they'll either get dropped or put up for adoption.

The characters on the chopping block so far are...
From AL: Anita, Harper, Raph, Rhys, Samson and Sophia
From VVV: Avasa, Emilie, Hannah, Joey and Miranda

Any questions, feel free to comment here or get a hold of me on AIM. Cheers.

Mar. 1st, 2011



Kir here

With Jodi's sister, Quinn, PB'd by Rachael Leigh Cook. Any questions, feel free t'ask.

Feb. 23rd, 2011



Player Questions

Also, in my fun, demented honkey fashion, I'm posting MORE questions for you guys to answer. However, these have more to do with YOU and all your characters, so just post your bloody answers on this entry.

Player Questions )

Feb. 21st, 2011



[No Subject]

After I finish my take home final (easy peasy, btw), I'll be free for basically about two weeks.

You know what this means?



You know, when I'm not drunk or asleep. Or running a Vampire the Masquerade or playing in a DnD campaign. But other than those, PLEASE hit me up. I've been craving some roleplay that I can devote 100% of my time to for a WHILE.

Feb. 18th, 2011


Kir again

While not the best time for me personally, I figured I'd intro some new characters while I was able to. Also, by 'some' I mean 'four', because I'm fucking awesome like that.

Firstly, there's Chelsea Valarie Duquette, (PB'd by the oh-so-lovely Stana Katic). She's a Dreamwalker/Actress who has recently released a very 'Underworld'-like movie. She's also Aunt to my already established Clark Duquette. She's not as well known as her older sister, but with her new movie, that's about to change.

Then there's Logan Pendergast (PB'd by Darren Criss), who's also a friend of Clark's. He's a senior at Regan High. He's in the drama club and plays multiple instruments. He's not quite as flamboyant as Clark, but he's still theatrical and finds the positive side of things.

I've also picked up two canon characters. Melaka Fray (PB'd by Carrina Suicide), a future Slayer that fell through a time-rift as her world was being destroyed (lovely, eh?). As well as, Allen Francis Doyle (PB'd by Glenn Quinn, respectively). While I hope to keep the original characters alive, I also hope to bring my own personal spin to them.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave 'em here. I'm willing to play all but Doyle at this point, as I'm not confident enough to play him yet.

Feb. 15th, 2011



Announcement & the Friend Button


The Friend Button

I'm cleaning up the Friend Button today, which basically means I'm going through the members list of the userinfo and removing any characters that are no longer played. That means if a character is listed in the userinfo, but not in the Character Listing, then that character is getting the "remove" code rather than the "add" code because I'm going to assume that character is no longer played. Of course, if I'm informed otherwise, then you're golden (with a kick in the pants by me to get that character added to your listing, which you can do right here).

Dropping More Characters

I will be dropping the following characters for various reasons:

August Ridley
Wentworth Miller

Helen Holt
Rachel McAdams

Jacob Mitchell
Michael Shanks

Jacob Teague
Ben Foster

Yoshiro Minekura
Takeshi Kaneshiro

Feb. 13th, 2011



Friend Button

Just An FYI...
Henry Bennett's profile is finally up if anyone wants to read it. Before heading over to [info]thewitchyduo you'll need to click the friend button below to friend Henry and Gregory so you can see their journal entries.

Also, please don't forget to update your character listing. There are quite a few of you who haven't updated your list in ages and I know you've had additions since then. --pointedly stares at Dan.--

How To Use The Friend All Button
1. Log into the appropriate account. This will need to be done for each account you need to update/use the button for.
2. Click the Updated: February 13th button below.
3. Voila! You've either added everyone in the community or updated your friends list! Wasn't that easy?

Additional Instructions
1. Please let me know if I've forgotten anyone or someone needs to be removed from the list.
2. If you need to add a character to the list, simply update your character listing here.
3. I really, REALLY need people to put the date they update their character listing in the subject line of the comment. It is easier for me to read the subject lines rather than the italicized dates next to the "no subject" subject lines. Please, please, please put "Updated: date" in the subject lines of comments from now on.

Questions? Email me at anytime or send me an IM at That Other Erin if I'm not AFK.

Feb. 11th, 2011


Kir here

Sorry to spam the OOC. After talking to Dan, I've decided to go off of hiatus. My only real condition for the next... however long it takes, is that if you should request a scene please keep in mind that I'd prefer it to be light and fun. I'm not sure how long that condition will be for but I'll certainly let you all know when that changes.


Feb. 9th, 2011



Kir here. Just letting you all know that I'm going on hiatus. I'm not sure how long. If you happen to see me on AIM, feel free to say 'hi'.


Feb. 7th, 2011



[No Subject]

If you have the time, please try to add your characters to the Character List so that I can make an accurate Taken PB list? I can only update it as much as I know the characters in the game. Thanks.

Jan. 17th, 2011



Character Updates

Just letting everyone know that I'm dropping [info]claritymyles and [info]dear__john, leaving Candice Accola and Joseph Gordon Levitt available to grab for PBs.

Dec. 30th, 2010



Updated Information

I updated a couple of our lists.

Reserved PBs
Wanted Character Types
Adoptable Characters

Also, if someone could give me a hand with the layout on the info pages, because I need to change one of the links and don't know how, please let me know. Also let me know if anything on these pages needs updating...or any of our other info pages, please.

Dec. 13th, 2010



net issues

Hey guys, no net at home,on train to campus now. hoping to have net back by Christmas miss you all like crazy! Will try to get as much posting as possible done today and tomorrow while I have wifi on my way to school, classes end tomorrow though and I'm not sure when I'll have net again.

Nov. 22nd, 2010



[No Subject]

Hey, sorry to drop off the face of the earth on anyone last night. My phone screen froze. I wasn't aware that iPhone screens could do that, but apparently they can.

Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to do anything internet wise until at least Wednesday night. My parents do not have internet at their house right now, and my phone was just cut off because my mother hasn't paid the bill and won't be able to do so until Wednesday. Right now I'm sitting in a McDonald's just so that I can communicate with the outside world.

Obviously, I'm very unhappy right now.

Sincerely, your angry and pissed off co-mod

Oct. 27th, 2010



[No Subject]

Hi everyone! I'm Luckee. I am new here. Obviously. lol. I'm bringing in 2 characters to start out with. I am reachable at desireunmasked on AIM or on either of their contact posts.

In this journal [info]faeriecircle is Solana Tarish. She's 1/2 water fairy & 1/2 Unseelie Sidhe. She's a sweet girl with a heart of gold. She is one of the most patient people that you'll ever meet. Mostly because she's a water nymph... water doesn't force changes, it just wears it down over time. She can be rather odd because she's a fairy. She likes rock music and likes to dance on the beach late at night. She works at a pet store that specializes in salt water fish.

In my other journal [info]guidedbystars is Helena Stafford. She's a witch. She works for Ben & Skylar as their Nanny/Live in Maid. She's very good at following orders. She tends to be honest and straight forward. She is very obedient to the Bales and a devoted Nanny that would do anything to protect the children that she watches.

Sep. 15th, 2010



Wow... All I can say is that I'm sorry I've been away so long (life has decided to really kick my butt the last few months) and that I'm ready to come back if anyone has interest in playing.

Aug. 13th, 2010


Three Words...

I'm back, baby!

I cracked it and bought myself a netbook. *blushes* I hope to talk to you all soon!