Posts Tagged: 'tags'

Feb. 18th, 2011



Tag Update

Hey everyone. I went through the tags for the comm and updated them, removing ones for dropped chars and added new ones for new chars. I leave the ones for the chars who transferred to VVV, in case they cross over from time to time. If you KNOW they'll never come to LA again, let me know and I'll move them.

If there's any that I missed, please let me know.


May. 27th, 2010



Tags Again

OK, so I've made the tags for the future plotline stuff (plot: future problems). Other than the 'I Can Have Apocalypse Nao?' what other specific plots are there? I hate to ask, since I'm a mod and all, but I'm not terribly sure about specific plots, since this IS more of a supernatural soap opera style game than a 'monster of the week' style game.

Well, there is the new nightmare monster Dan's got going.

Other than that...what do we have? I'm talking both now and past plots. Fill me in. My memory sucks hard.

May. 26th, 2010



Tag Question

I'm planning on making a tag for all of the future scenes, and that got me to thinking, would you guys like specific tags for things like plots and places? I'd be the one doing it, fixing all the tags (again), but you would have to remember to add MORE tags to each post. So, what do you all think?

May. 19th, 2010



Change to Tagging System

I did a minor change to the tags so that there would be less to go through. If a character has been dropped or killed, or if their player has quit, I added a ~ to the front of their name so that they would drop to the bottom of the list. I did this so that there would be less tags to go through. Many of these tags had only been used once, anyway. Also, I saw a lot of characters that had been used once and then, well, probably forgotten about. If you're curious and think you have one you forgot about, email me and I'll tell you if you do.

Also, a left a few tags alone because, while they haven't been used in a while, I don't know if you just haven't had an idea for the character for a while or what. If you want me to change it so that they drop to the bottom of the list, give me a heads up. If I MOVED a character to the bottom of the list and you still want to use them, alert me and I'll change it.

Feb. 15th, 2010




I *think* everyone now has tags, and I'm going through all tags and adding last names to all of them to avoid confusion to them, so, be on the lookout when tagging from now on. It'll be a slow process, though.

**EDIT: I finished going through and changing as many as I could. I couldn't get them all, though, b/c I don't know all characters' last names. If you see one of your characters without a last name and they have one, tell it to me by commenting on this post and I'll fix it.

Also, the PB List ( has been updated. It is also still not complete because I don't know all of the PBs everyone uses. If yours is missing, once again, comment here with it.
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