Posts Tagged: 'character+listing'

Apr. 3rd, 2011



Friendly Modly Reminder

Hey guys! Just a friendly reminder that, if you add characters to the game, please remember to update your character listing here when you do so.

Also, if you have drastically changed your character listing, feel free to delete your entry and redo it to show your new character list. Remember, this is the list that I go by to update the Taken PB list, and I believe that Luckee uses it to update the character listing as well. So, go and do updates already.

Might as well throw this in as well, but, if you create characters, remember to both intro them on the OOC board and make a journal with a few icons in it for them so that we have a journal listing for them as well!


Feb. 7th, 2011



[No Subject]

If you have the time, please try to add your characters to the Character List so that I can make an accurate Taken PB list? I can only update it as much as I know the characters in the game. Thanks.

Jul. 19th, 2010



Existence of Future!Kids

No, not asking you to get rid of any. Hell, if a few of you want a few more to come out of the woodworks, it could probably be worked out. You know us and flexibility. *grins*

Anyways, what this is actually about is whether or not your want your kids to exist in THIS reality or not. As we have seen, Abbi McConnell doesn't, b/c Patience had a boy named Cash. I was kind of wondering if any of you knew whether or not you wanted your kids to exist, b/c many of them would have to be born in the next year or so. Since *I* plan on keeping this game going until either the zombie apocalypse arrives or I grow old and senile and can't tell Mere from Skylar anymore, I know I'm planning ahead.

Here's the ones who directly affect my chars and my opinions. Post yours here as well, so Dan and I know.

Josie Delallo-Gregory - Since her parents aren't together, obviously she wouldn't exist as she was. I'd be amused if either Meeghan or Isabella gave birth to her with a different father, though. I control neither character, though, so that would be up to their respective muns.

Kimberly (Baclanova) Bale- I don't know about you, Dan, but I have every intention of her being born, on time and in wedlock. So...*hint hint* to Brandon. *snickers*

Karissa Van Warren - While I don't play Karissa, I do play her mother. I'm cool with Buffy having Karissa on time and everything, if that's what you want, Kellie.

Courtney Kowalski - A joke that Dan and I said once was that, to make Courtney's time line a little different, she should be born a few years early. Yes, about eight different people would be gunning to castrate Ash afterward. I simply think it would be utterly hilarious. Plus, someone would be more hated than Ben, which means Dan would have to come up with something spectacular for him to do next.

Brayden and Brandie Bale - Skylar is pregnant with Brayden right now, and will be giving birth to him by early Sept. at the latest. She'll also be having Brandie on time as well.

Vikki Morgan McDonald - I'm cool with her being born on time if you are, Nicole.

OK, those are all the ones that I'm directly involved with in some way. If you guys would post on here saying what you wanted to happen, I'd appreciate that. Post a convo you have with me and Dan on here if you want, just so that I KNOW and have a record of it.

Also, SINCE I'm here, a few extra notices.

If you haven't already, or haven't updated it, PLEASE post your character list HERE for Erin. I also use it for the PB list, so, if you want the list to be correct, you need to post on there.

Also, for a family tree of all the characters, I need you to email me a list of your chars immediate relatives, or the relatives that they know. I got Lin's, and I know Nicole's, but I need help with the rest. Include chars in game and relatives who aren't that you wouldn't mind showing up. ALSO, Ivan, I don't need one from you, for obvious reasons.

May. 31st, 2010



Character & Player Information (Updated)

Ok, this is a tiny revamp of the original player information post, which Jen kindly coded and posted. I'm updating the list with a new one because:
  • The list hasn't been updated in a while.
  • Not everyone remembers to update it (trust me, I am guilty of this as well as others).
  • I think the list can be better organized.
As the current list stands, it's a bit disorganized in the sense that information regarding characters is scattered across the comments instead of grouped together by player. A player has to do a bit of scrolling and clicking in order to find out all the characters a certain player uses and I think the list could stand to use a slight revamp so that current and future players can access that information more quickly.

Click Here For Character & Player Information )

I'll add my own characters as the example. :) If you have questions, don't hesitate to IM me at That Other Erin.

♥ Erin