Posts Tagged: 'character+businesses'

Apr. 3rd, 2011



Character Businesses Listing

Hey guys! I also updated the Character Business post that lists all of the workers at different character frequented and owned businesses. Please let me know if I left a person or business off. I know that Quinn Hanson works at some comic book store who's name I cannot remember. If anyone would like to tell it to me so I can add it to the list, feel free. If you're looking for a place to put a scene, this is also a good list to go to.

List here.

Feb. 19th, 2011



Workers at Character Businesses

Someone asked me at some point how many bartenders there were at Avarice so I put together this list.

*Note: Any of the busier bars (Avarice, Eden, The Vault) all have up to four bartenders on at a time during the weekend, so there can be up to ten people who work there. So, there's still plenty of room on these lists. For the less busy bars, I'd say that there are only two bartenders on at a time.

Bartenders at Avarice:
Owned by Ben, Bretton, and Bronte Bale
Camille Blake (during weeknights)
Caroline ‘CJ’ Swinton
Karl Lafleur
Kayla Barnes
Martin Anderson

DJs at Avarice: :

Waitresses at Avarice: :

Bartenders at Eden:
Owned by Spike and Grace Freeman
Raven Becker

DJs at Eden:

Waitresses at Eden:

Bartenders at The Rocket Club: (LA)
Owned by Magdalena Sharp
Managed by Callum Vaughn

DJs at The Rocket Club:

Waitresses at The Rocket Club:

Bartenders at The Vault:
Owned by Louise Thompson

DJs at The Vault: :

Waitresses at The Vault: :

Bartenders at The End Zone:
Owned by Rachelle Martin-Bale
Charles Gunn
Kenny Palmer
Bex McKenzie

Waitresses at The End Zone: :

Bartenders at Silky’s:

DJs at Silky’s: :

Waitresses at Silky’s: :

Bartenders at Delizia:
Owned by Margharita Castiglione

DJs at Delizia:
RJ Steele

Waitresses at Delizia:

Waitresses at Chloe’s Sugar Shack: :
Marley Van Warren

Waitresses at Jolt!Coffee:

Waitresses at Delongi’s:
Owned by Jenelle de la Vega

Hostesses at Delongi’s:

Cooks at Delongi’s:

Strippers at Saints & Sinners: :
Owned by Ben Bale and Mere Delany
Deirdre Callwell

DJs at Saints & Sinners: :

Bartenders at Saints & Sinners: :

Waitresses at Saints & Sinners: :

Workers at Shooting Star Comics:
Owned by Andrew Wells
Miranda Carlson
Chastity Green

Employees at Gamehaven:
Karolina Martinez - Manager

Employees at Shattered Records: (Record Store)
Owned by Bastian & Meeghan Gregory, and Anya Jenkins
Anya Jenkins - Manager
Emmy Gale
Payton Martinez
Dexter Harris
Juliet McCalley

Clerks at Ashes to Ashes:
Owned by Delilah Zamora
Bastian Martin-Bale
Tameka Hogans
Tamara Hogans
Tara Maclay

Clerks at Mystic Rain Books:
Owned by Hannah Callen

Employees at The Sun Theater:
Link O’Connor – Manager
Jensen Davies

Rare Artifacts and Antiques:
Owned by Elle Van Etten

Lockley Antiques:
Owned by Kate Lockely

Bartenders at The Rocket Club: (NYC)
Owned by Maggie Sharp
Managed by Charlize Sharp

DJs at The Rocket Club:
Hannah Shaw

Waitresses at The Rocket Club:

Jan. 7th, 2010



New Area for Fun

Delilah Zamora, Watcher and resident eletro-girl, has opened up a magic shop in LA for you guys to come and buy stuff from. Here's a picture of it. (Note: ignore the stuff in the windows. It would have taken me far too long to edit it all out, and photobucket is being a bitch.)


Business Name: Ashes to Ashes
Owner: Delilah Zamora
Description: Ashes to Ashes is a magic shop, filled with all of the regular magic supplies, both mundane and real, that you would expect. However, there are also collections of magical items in there that people aren't allowed to touch and some even hidden off from public view. She has actually collected magical items that are cursed in some way or another to keep them from hurting people.

Also, in the back of the shop, there is a training area for Slayers set up like in the show Buffy.

Come and have a blast!

Dec. 5th, 2009


The Vault

I really hate that even though I'm supposed to be 150% focused on school right now, my brain can't stop thinking about more creative pursuits.

Anyway, I ran this idea by Jess and she thought it wasn't half bad. Which is good enough for me! My character Louise (or "Elle" as she's known in the vampire community) deals in the information trade. She's a smart cookie, observant, and knows when to keep her mouth shut and let other people talk. She's also got a cool head for business and a firm grasp on her self interests.

Thus, she's going to be opening a new club soon called The Vault. It will be an upscale club with a trendy atmosphere, built inside a renovated bank, and rumored to be quite elite. Only the best of the best get in. So to speak.

Who're the "best"? Supernatural beings...and those who represent supernatural beings/entities. (Read: Wolfram & Hart attorneys.) Demons, angels, witches, warlocks, Slayers, hunters, werewolves, vampires, trolls, elves, Watchers, gremlins, leprechauns, interdimensional get the picture. The only people not allowed in the club? Well, people. If your character is human and without a vested interest or part to play in the supernatural world, sorry Charlie, you're S.O.L. (No, dating a supernatural being does NOT count as a "vested interest"! For example, Lucy would not be able to get in, despite being attached to Ash's hip.)

What's the point? Well, the club serves as neutral ground - a meeting place for discussions, good drinks, information exchanges, inter-species romances, whatever business dealings that might otherwise be put on hold because of drama going on between factions, things like that. The ground floor will serve as the main club for socializing purposes, the second floor as the VIP area for more private dealings, and the underground area - that actual renovated vault - will be reserved for negotiations of more...sensitive...matters.

Is it all-ages? No. Not on the surface. But in supernatural speak, age ain't nothin' but a number. So all would be admitted. Even those teeny-bopper Slayers.

If your character needs or wants a job (host/hostess, bartenders, bouncers, security, etc.), just let me know. They just can't be regular humans. (Although any front door bouncers would have to at least appear human.)

I encourage you all, once it's open in-game, to make use of it. It is, of course, just another setting for scenes, but it may be helpful in expanding character interactions a bit.

♥ Amy, who's now going back to her research papers

ETA: The inspiration. NO, I'm not saying it's a good movie. (Or that there would be eating of people...unless a human managed to sneak past security....) But I did always like the concept. Elle...way hotter than Papa Midnite, however.

And mmmmm...Gavin Rossdale.

Sep. 13th, 2009



Character Businesses

If your character works somewhere that you made up, please post about it here. This can either be a business that your character owns, or one that they are just employed at. I want all of them, even ones that are familiar to all, like Avarice or Chloe's Sugar Shack.

Follow this format:

Business Name:

When I get the full list, I'll make a post with all of them on it.