Posts Tagged: 'random+fun'

Mar. 9th, 2011



Funny Stuff

As something of a gag, I decided to see just how many IJ journals I had. What you do to find out is press the 'Forgot your login?' option next to the Username and Password. Follow the prompts and enter your email to retrieve user name lists. You will receive a list.

Oh my GOD I have too many journals.

Too Many Journals )

Sad part is, I took out all my comms and this list is STILL huge! Wanna embarrass yourself along with me? Do what I did and post it to this entry.

Dec. 27th, 2010



Drabble Challenge?

I've noticed a couple of people have started this on their own already, but I thought it might be fun and great way for us to develop our characters further by doing a monthly drabble challenge. A word from this table* could be chosen and five characters could be picked from a lottery (or five players can volunteer one character each) and write a 100 to 300+ word drabble. The best drabble could be picked or something. --shrugs--

*Yes, the table is incomplete. I've broken mine up into parts, otherwise the table itself would be ginormous. XD

Nov. 8th, 2010


Possible Couples 4

Most of you know this game by now. Give me (or anyone who volunteers to join) a few random couples of someone's character and I (or they) will come up with how they met, their wedding song, their first born, plus at least 5 facts about said first born. Don't be shy, join in!

Here are a few that I didn't do last time )

Oct. 24th, 2010



30 Days of RP

I snagged this from a fellow player in another game. Thought it would be fun to do either on an OOC journal, or like myself since I don't have one of those, an IC journal.

List of questions per day )

Aug. 13th, 2010



Possible Couples, Pt. 3

You guys know this game by now. Give a few random couples of someone's character and they'll come up with how they met, their wedding song, and their first born, plus some facts about said first born. It's fun, so join in!

I owe some old ones first )

Also, these entries now have their own tag 'pairing game' so that they can be tracked down easier. Either throw up a tag saying you want to play or give me a few pairings to do. Have fun!

Aug. 5th, 2010



I love you, Interwebs...

Celebrity Pictures - Star Trek - Firefly

Apr. 4th, 2010



Repo Men


Mar. 20th, 2010


birthday stuffies!

My birthday is in less than 2 weeks.
Which means that Nathan's isn't far behind.
His is April 4th. He should be turning 35 in the game.
So... Might we be thinking party? And something goes amiss?
Since there's quite a bit of time between his last post and now
I'm not above backdating. We could have him meet peoples and they can
show up at his party to make him feel special.

Yes? Yes.

Mar. 17th, 2010


Muuuusic time!

So I started thinkin'...
I'm making a playlist for Lee and I've got a few songs, but I wanted to add more. Here's what I've got:
Run This Town - Rihanna
Evacuate the Dancefloor - Cascada
Wolves - Shawn K. Clement and Sean W. Murray
Don't Stop the Music - Rihanna
Bad Boy - Cascada
She - Louie Says
Sugar Water - Cibo Matto
Goodbye to You - Michelle Branch
How Long - Jessy
Kryptonite - 3 doors down
Down - Jay Sean Feat. Li'l Wayne

Ok, I'm looking for suggestions. Lee loves music with power, a good beat.

I'm also starting on Freya's:
Rihanna - Disturbia
Cascada - Every time we touch
The Sundays - Wild Horses
Four Star Mary - Pain
Cibo Matto - We Belong
Velvet Chain - Strong
Michelle Branch - Goodbye To You (yes they love the same song)
One Republic Feat. Timbaland - Apologize
Adele - Hometown Glory
Celtic Woman - The Voice
D.H.T - Listen to your heart

I'm also open to suggestions. Freya likes songs that tweak the emotions, that have strong lyrics and music that flows.

I'm also open to suggestions for a playlist for Tara. I'm thinking she'd also like the Michelle Branch song. Sad though, that's the same song she leaves in in the show!

Edit: Thanks to Kir (*wink*) I'm starting a list for Tara as well. I'm thinking she'd fit definite women's empowerment, so I'll start her off with some classics:

Pat Benatar - Invincible
Imogen Heap - Goodnight and Go
Frou Frou - Let Go
Pat Benatar - Love is a Battlefield
Imogen Heap - Just for Now
Frou Frou - Holding out for a Hero
Pat Benatar - We Belong
Saving Jane - What I Didn't Say
Aselin Debison - The Dance You Choose
Celtic Woman - The Voice
D.H.T - Listen to your heart

Mar. 15th, 2010


What Kir does while you're sleeping...

I love this game. Participate, people!

Choose any one (or two, or more) of my characters, and pair them off with ANY character in the game. In return, I'll tell you how the couple met and/or fell in love, "their" song, and I'll give you a name, PB, and five (or so) facts about their firstborn child.

If you wanna participate, just comment on the thread, and I (or anyone) will give you a challenge. Be creative, people!

Here are a few I forgot from last time!:
Yes, I did a few cheats. Shh... )

Mar. 14th, 2010


I wanted to share!


Mar. 6th, 2010



Picture Fun!!

This is one that you should post pictures of your character, and, IN CHARACTER, tell why they are our favorite. Have fun, guys!!

Feb. 19th, 2010


LOL Tweak!

I saw the "Tweak Says:" thing when I logged on.. "I aim to misbehave."
Tweak has done Joss proud. :)

OKAY people, I realized that Talia is busy with Courtney, so she's probably out.

So.. who wants to help get Lee started? The best thing to get her started, I think, is seeing someone after school or off school grounds.

Any takers? Doesn't matter the sex. She uses 'em and tosses 'em aside, generally.

Feb. 12th, 2010


I'm in a silly mood...

I figure it's been a while since we did this one, and I really enjoyed it the first time around (I'm still toying with the idea of introducing Alexis, lol), so let's see how we go this time. It's fairly simple.

So: choose any one (or two) of my characters, and pair them off with ANY character in the game. In return, I'll tell you how the couple met and/or fell in love, "their" song, and I'll give you a name, PB, and five (or so) facts about their firstborn child.

If you wanna participate, just comment on the thread, and I (or anyone) will give you a challenge. Be creative, people!

Jan. 30th, 2010




I snagged this from somewhere else that I play. Pick one, and I'll write a 100 word story featuring whatever you choose. (This is appropriate, right? If not, I'll delete)

1. Playful!Janie
2. Murderous!Janie
3. Flailing!Janie
4. Incarcerated!Janie
5. Deviant!Janie
6. Hurt!Janie
7. Intoxicated!Janie
8. Wildly Inappropriate!Janie
9. Comforting!Janie
10. Cooking!Janie
11. Over-protective!Janie
12. Ranting!Janie
13. Silly!Janie
14. Romantic!Janie
15. Silent-Treatment!Janie
16. Bedtime!Janie
17. Jealous!Janie
18. Inquisitive!Janie
19. Confused!Janie
20. Sexy!Janie
21. Angry!Janie
22. Dorky!Janie
23. Working!Janie
24. Needs-a-Hug!Janie
25. Choose-your-own!Janie

Jan. 14th, 2010


I'm all pouty!

This song puts me in mind of Neely and 'Chelle. Am I the only one?

Dec. 17th, 2009



The Man Who Walked Around The World


Dec. 15th, 2009



I'm going to become the crazy chick who always posts random crap. 'Cause this has nothing whatsoever to do with the game. It's just a song I'm stuck on right now and I love the video. It's so cute and pretty and...yeah. So thought it might bring a smile to peoples' faces for a sec. I'm in a sappy mood today. STFU. ♥ ♥ ♥

Dec. 12th, 2009



Obsessed? Why...yes! XD

Okay. So I recently figured out I have the software to do stuff like this. It's the first one EVER that I's rough BUT! I don't care. =oP

Click here for proof that I've gone off the deep end. )

Currently working on one for Pat and Patience. Okay, Dan!?!? Hopefully, it'll come out better. ROFL

Dec. 10th, 2009



More Silly Stuff

And another thing I stole. This is NOT - I repeat, NOT - just for me. If you want to participate, just comment back to that effect. Once a person has agreed to play, just submit the request in a response to their comment!

Alright, so here's the deal. I want you to choose any of my characters (past, present, future) and pair them off with ANY character in the same state of play (past, present, future).

In return, I will come up with the following information for the pairings: How the couple met and/or fell "in love" and the song that played for their first dance at their wedding (or just 'their song' in general). I will also give you a name, PB, and five facts for their firstborn child.

I'd say pick two each maybe and you can add more later.