Posts Tagged: 'scene+seeking'

Mar. 2nd, 2011



Scene Request(s)


Hellooooo everyone!

I've got one or two (possibly more) scene requests for my character, Vincent Moreau ([info]locupletative). A note should be made; Vincent hasn't been officially introduced, yet, so any of these scenes (if they get started) might possibly be delayed in posting until his initial introduction is made. Without further ado, onto the requests...

Scene Requests for Vincent Moreau )

Anyone who is interested in the above scenarios can leave a comment. If you want to discuss details, you can drop me a note at my CDJ ([info]ehazcharacters) or in Vincent's drop box at [info]locupletative.

Jul. 26th, 2010



Seeking Charlotte

Hey Kir, you still up for Vikki meeting Charlotte? And saw your recent Charlie post wb! :-)

Jul. 14th, 2010



Seeking Charlotte

Hey Kir, was wondering if you're still up for Lilah meeting? If you are we can talk scene ideas over email or aim. :-)

Jun. 6th, 2010



Scene Wish List

These are scenes I'd like to try and get in with my characters.

Grant(with Brenna)


Brayden and Mere
Any of the high schoolers



Grant(with Bronte)
Ash M

If anyone wants scenes with any of my girls feel free to comment here or catch me on AIM at heatrook

Apr. 12th, 2010



OK...It's Gotten too Big

My infamous list of scenes I think of on a whim, that is. (Dirty minded people, you.) Frankly, I've got scenes that I want to do with everyone at the moment. While I will be on AIM tomorrow night and probably Wednesday night, my aim time has become somewhat limited because of school and the fact that I do my homework at night, because I'm a night owl by nature (I force myself to go to bed at a decent hour, for those curious) I concentrate better at night.

So, with my list too long, I want to get some out of the way. I have ideas with EVERYONE here, btw. If you want to do something with me and my forty odd characters (I wish I was making that up), holler at me here or in email. Your best bet for me at this point is either email or tags for scenes, although we can work out aim times the next two days, if you'll be on.

For future notice, I'll probably only be on AIM 2-3 nights a week from now on. Such is the way of a grad student, and don't I hate it. There WILL be about six weeks in the summer where I won't be doing anything, though, so look forward to that as well.

Also, where do you guys want to hold Prom? In Avarice like last year, or actually at the school?

Apr. 1st, 2010




All of my characters listed in my profile are available to play, except Irene. If anyone is interested, hit my IM box, email me, or start a scene at the IC comm. (Then email me and let me know you started a scene at the comm cuz I don't check it every day)

♥ Erin

Feb. 3rd, 2010



My kids are screaming for attention again, so I'm pimping them out.

Samson - half-demon, half-human from Pylea. He needs friends like whoa. Any sporty types out there for him?
Isabella - More Meegs, Stuart, and oi! Ethan, at the very least. And Bethany. <3
Kayla - She's graaadually getting weird vibes. A scene with Mac wouldn't be out of the question, more Deanna, and potentially Skylar, Mere and Ben. And future Watcher man!
Neely - Well, now there's a long list of wants. Ahem.

If anyone if you want at them, gimme a buzz. XD

Jan. 30th, 2010



Scene Wants

Below are some scenes I'd like to do.







If anyone wants to scene with any of my girls, which I'll list the lot of below, give me a poke or leave a comment here.

Bronte Bale - Werewolf
Jaide Travers - Human/Hunter turned Watcher
Marlowe Evans - Fire Elemental
Claudia Burrows - Human/Doctor
Mackenzie "Mac" King - Dreamwalker
Ivy Davenport - Human
Meeghan Gregory - Human
Clementine Reynolds - Slayer
Shiloh Stonestreet - Psychic Vampire

Jan. 12th, 2010



Scene Seekage

Hey guys, I'm looking for some unconventional pairings for a few of my chars. Not like, romantic, but sometimes I worry that I play with the same characters over and over again. Anyone got any ideas?

Here's my list of chars. Really take a crack at any of them.

Baily Bale (baily_bale)
Meredith Delany (band_chicka)
Buffy Summers (buffy_da_slayer)
Delilah Zamora (electricdelilah)
Charles Gunn (g_charles)
Hope Davenport (have_hope)
Jack Delany (hot_guitarist)
Lindsey McDonald (oklahomalawyer)
Catherine Baclanova (russian_slayer)
Faith Lehane (slayer_faith)
Skylar James Morrison (socialiterocker)
Iris Dickinson (telekeneticspaz)
Welsey Wyndam-Pryce (wes_the_watcher)
Lilly Maymin (lilly_maymin)
Thanatos 'Death' (there_was_death)
Anya 'Anyanka' Jenkins (leporiphobic)
Ally Hanely (Only_4_100)
Anthony Hayworth (jesschars)
Maxine Tora (Littlemax)
Andrew Wells (flymonkeysfly)
Camille Blake (popularbitch)
Fransisco Ortiz (jesschars)
Jamie Thompson (jesschars)
Lorne (jesschars)
Lena Jacobs 'Magdalena' (jesschars)
Darlene Southland (fcked_up_gal)
Michele (jess_badkids)
Sarah Varone (jesschars)
Gabriel Burgess (no journal yet)

**The names beside them are journal names.**

Jan. 2nd, 2010




My kiddies are running amuck! They're very bored and desperate for attention. ^^;

Just in case you forgot, I have, Neely (the werewolf), Isabella (the Watcher), Samson (the half-demon) and Kayla (the Slayer, although she doesn't know that little detail yet).

Actually! Lin! Did you mention something about a dreamwalker in a Slayer's dream? >.o

Dec. 22nd, 2009


Happy Holidays!

Okay. Soooooo. If I'm not crying myself to sleep tomorrow night, I'd love to get some scenes started. In IMs, e-mail, or in threads. Yes, to those who know me, I said e-mail. Don't freak out.

If I AM crying myself to sleep tomorrow then I'll most likely definitely be up for throwing some scenes up in threads on Thursday. I won't expect tags back immediately, don't worry.

Some of the things that I know should probably be done (and backdated): Bella/Janie/Chloe in the future. Pat/Patience Christmas. Ash/Lucy Christmas. If you wanna do a group Christmas scene guys, that's fine. Pat and Patience would have invited Gwen, Marlow, Ash, Lucy, and Damon over for Christmas dinner.

Uhhh. I know there's other stuff. Just not coming to mind now. Frazzled. Sorry! Whatever I missed, just comment back and I'll put it on my to-do list!


♥ Amy

Dec. 10th, 2009



Hey guys,Nicole here Just wanted to say that if anyone wants scenes with me, I currently have Daniel and Lucie free :-)

Dec. 2nd, 2009



Hey guys,

Just wanted to post up my schedule issues for the next several weeks. There are some scenes I'd really love to get done (because there's a time limit on them), and other than those, I'd love to fit in anything anyone else might like to play.

Scheduling Issue: I will mostly be locked in the library this weekend. Next week is technically my last week of classes, BUT I have three final papers due by December 21st, all of them 25 pages each, and they haven't been started yet. So a LOT of my upcoming time will be devoted to those.

Scenes *I* Want: Scenes with Bella in the future (Bella/Pat/Patience, Bella/Skylar/Ben, Bella/Damon, Bella/Gwen, Bella/Lucy/Ash, whatever). Patience/anyone. Luke/Jamie. Luke/Lena. Luke/anyone. Luke/Damon/Lilah (explained by an upcoming scene post.) Lucy's birthday.

Scenes *YOU* Want: ????????

Just let me know if there's anything you need played with any of my characters in the next few weeks and I'll do my best!

Dec. 1st, 2009



Thinning Out the Herd

I'm planning on killing a couple of characters here. Don't worry, they were all minor ones that I either wrote out or haven't used in so long that I might as well have. If any of you have an evil character that wants to kill someone, hit me up. I've got several, and, well, morbidly enough, I occasionally get in the mood to write out death scenes.

Nov. 19th, 2009



New character and random stufffffs

Hey everyone.

Kellie here. Hey, remember back when I said I was done making new charcters for a while? Yeah, lasted a lonnnnng time, huh.

Anywayzzzz... with Jess' help, I made Bethany here. She's Baily's long-lost sister, who was actually sent off to a foriegn school when they realized that (to their embarrassment) she didn't possess the ability to shapeshift. The parents let the whole family think Bethany was dead, with the girl having no knowledge of this... until the day she started gaining OTHER abilities. Yep, she might be the only Bale to not be able to change form, but she's also the first Bale ever to be (drum roll!) a Vampire Slayer! So after contacting her parents about it and realizing what they'd told the family, she quickly flew back to the States from France, and tracked her older sister down.

I kinda luff this girl already, so be good to her.

ALSO! Off-topic. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe.

My availability for the next month or so might be sketchy. You all know I'm doing the full time work-and-school thing, which eats up a LOT of my time as is, but ALSO, I'm now studying for tests, finishing a paper, and having phone issues. Yeah, my mom's been paying for the BlackBerrys, but she isn't sure she wants to keep 'em. MEANING, I might not have it much longer. So if I stop answering emails at allll hours of the day, like when I'm at school and work, you'll know why.

Why am I rambling so freakin' bad today? AHHHHH!

Another thing! YES! ANOTHER THING!

I have some scene requests, if you guys will take me up on them. I reallllly am dying to play the following scenes:



Cassie/Jason (Gonna start that one up this evening!)



Paige/Lucy (cuz it'd be FUN)


Liz/Anyone from the Med Team

Lotsa others too. But I'm spazzy right now. AHHHH!

Nov. 10th, 2009


Calling all RPers

::sighs heavily::

Okay. I know I've been largely MIA or absent minded lately. I apologize. School is kicking my ass way more than I thought it'd be and when I'm not swamped in stuff I should be doing, I've mostly been feeling blah. That being said...I do want to get some play in and I thought it might be helpful to me (and maybe anyone out there who wants to play with me) for me to at least toss up a tentative list of ideas of characters I'd like to play together. Do I have scene ideas? Psh. Who needs those!?!?

Knox & Max
Knox & Sammy
Knox & Ivy

Eve & Neely

Sofia & Ben
Sofia & Bronte
(Yeah, I dropped the ball last time, sorry! I'll be better next time? Uhhh...performance anxiety??? Sure, we'll say that.)
Sofia & Sammy

Louise & Jack
Louise & Mere
(although you've soooo tempted me with that idea of awkwardness at Thanksgiving, Jess...)
Louise & Damon

Luke & Lena
Luke & Lilah
Luke & Louise
(Yeah, I know, she's mine. I'm just lettin' y'all know I'm gonna be playing with myself...)
Luke & Anyone who wants to get bitten??? (I promise, it only hurts a little in the beginning...then it feels so good.... Wait, what?)

Lucy & Camille
Lucy & Cassie
Lucy & Buffy
Lucy & Kevin
Lucy & Chloe
Lucy & Janie
Lucy & Nica
(just seems like it could be funny? I dunno....)
Lucy & Rachelle
Lucy & David
Lucy & ...?

Bella & Ben
Bella & Skylar
Bella & Pat
Bella & Gwen
Bella & Janie
Bella & Ash
Bella & Chloe
Bella & Patience
(Never said I didn't play with myself often....)
Bella & Damien
Bella & Giles
Bella & Brandon

Patience & Gwen
Patience & Ben
Patience & CJ
Patience & Damon
Patience & Bretton
Patience & Anyone outside of her usual circle

Jason & Camille
Jason & Ash
Jason & Other high school students

Priscilla & Anyone who wants to die or get sick
Priscilla & Any of the other Horsemen

Kat & Stephanie
Kat & Harrison
Kat & Any Regan High student
Kat & Any Slayers

Of course, this list isn't the end-all/be-all, so if you wanna play, just hit me up. I have a limited imagination until people give me ideas. And of course it doesn't include my usuals like Patience/Pat, Lucy/Ash, Bella/Damon, etc. Those are just givens.

♥ Amy

Nov. 5th, 2009



I've been too busy whoring Neely out, I've completely forgotten who wanted scenes with her and when, so slap a little reminder for me here, and for the love of god, insult me for not writing these things down. ^_^;

Nov. 1st, 2009



A Sort of Request....

No one has anyone they want to kill off, huh? Just...a random question. I'm in the mood to kill something. *sigh*

Oct. 29th, 2009



Scene Needed

Hey, Skylar needs to meet up with her watcher, Quinn. Erin, you want to do something on the board or by email or even AIM?


Oct. 28th, 2009



Up for grabs

Lilah, Lucie, and Ava are free if anyone wants to do a scene with any of my girls,just hit me up! :-D I'm open to having them interact with whoever :-)