Below is information about the "BtVS:Alternate Lives OOC Posting" asylum on InsaneJournal. To join this asylum, click here. You may leave the asylum at any time.
That is the setting for BtVS: Alternate Lives, an RPG that takes characters brought from a few different Buffy RPGs, & brand new, created-for-this-game characters, tweaks them a little, and brings them together for a game that will focus more on the relationships between people involved with the supernatural than on action or adventure.
It will be a study of how people relate to one another when the shadow of darkness and evil lurks over each of their shoulders.
Because this is alternate-reality... if you are interested in a canon BtVS character that isn't being played, feel free to ask about putting a twist on their character. Perhaps in this world, Angel never got his soul restored. Or perhaps Giles had been turned into a vampire. Anything is possible!
To contact the mods with an idea, either email Dan at or Jess at
Disclaimer: The picture is edited off a wallpaper found on